Ant - assaulting a white bitch is only wrong if your brown

3  2016-06-03 by yakovsdinnertrays


Ant will regret supporting Trump when he is rightfully mistaken for an Afghan opium smuggler and deported.

Even afghans are whiter than him


his obsession over race is so embarrassing considering he embodies so many of the stereotypes he abhors in non-whites

His behavior doesn't nigate the facts.

~White people are so scared... of black people.~

You spelled nigger wrong



That was the joke.

The litany of nuthuggers just begging for Anthony's attention is disturbing.

I would've made a snide comment to him, but he blocked me and I'm too lazy to make multiple names.

Italians are the Mexicans of Europe

Nope that would be eastern Europeans, Italians are the Italians of Europe


He should have just thrown eggs at Dani, instead of his fists.

She would've just cleaned herself off and not learn anything from it.

C'mon now, we all know Dani doesn't clean herself.

1 month out of rehab and still with this shit

Anger is the strongest addiction, Alcoholism doesn't sprout out of well adjusted personalities

Awww shit, Ant just fired his maid, pool cleaner and gardener. Shit is getting real!

I thought his maid is Keith's wife?

No, it's Ant's sister.


What a waste of good food stamp eggs.

I'm kinda happy he's drinking again.

Interesting family them Cumias. One brother can't stop drinking, one can't stop eating.

If anyone has it, Anthony was very annoyed talking about about the Depp/Heard divorce stuff today. He was talking about how folks always take the woman's side, how Heard probably wasn't abused or wasn't abused badly. And how he was sick of the Heard's friends always talking about it.

He also mentioned how much time it takes, and how much money the lawyers cost.

It's a visual clip, as you can see him getting more steamed as he talks about it, it was in the last 1/2 hour of the first hour.

Ant keeps forgetting that the Italians were the original Mexicans.

Looks like she likes it, bitch was smiling. She probably into S&M.

I didn't know he had family over that night

His dumb bobble head looks nothing like him.


Those angry Mexicans have scared Anthony. He's missing his guns tonight.

Worry about defending the innocent brown hordes in your own country, faggot.