I watched/listened to 36 hours of Doug Benson appearances on various shows and time stamped all the worst parts, and organized them by show, year and type of comedic affront.

0  2016-06-02 by OKDokeComputer

You fucking crackpots.


You fucking crackpots.

Haha "Pot". Pass the dooby brother. Good times.

ME: I've been thinking about getting back into pot. For about 10 to 11 years now I've been thinking about getting back into it. Maybe taking just a baby hit every now and then.

fffuuuck now you got me thinking I should start talking about how I want to get back into it but I'll never actually do it because I can already get wasted from 2 grapefruit spritzers

What's up doug benson. How do you get high all the FFFUCCKKIN time like that. I mean I take a baby hit but that's only once every 10 years. FUUUCCKKK.

They aren't related but they DO BE BROTHERS


Oh... I was looking forward to reading the list.

that's the bit!

Yeah, but still...

If someone brought someone like doug benson to smoke out with and he tried his schtick, I'd think he was a narc

"Oh geez, this is some great...MARIJUANA right guys? Where do you get your...MARIJUANA from?"
