Louis CK and Bernie Sanders on POVERTY

0  2016-06-02 by JimmysLostFat



Says a multimillionaire Jew politician thats never worked a day in his life…and somehow his comments aren't racist by generalising an entire race….oh the double standards.

New York Jews have this weird delusion that they're just like black people.

Enraging racist, marxist shit

I hate all these Socialists loving hollywood idiots thinking there fighting for the common downtrodden man, nothing more than champagne socialists that feed there own ego by pretending to be noble, yet not one of these multi millionaires would give a penny of there money away unless it was for positive exposure.

Is anyone else sick of these celebrities and there skewed limited knowledge of politics and there raging hard-on for socialism along with the liberals that the tried method under Obama has been a disaster. NO they just keep there mouth fucking shut and refuse to acknowledge what a joke his administration has been…Illegal wars, spying on citizens,violation of amendment rights, civil unrest, 11 trillion added to the national debt,mass unemployment…and where is the Liberals and there outrage?….at a presidential candidate.

Socialism is nothing more than a parasitic ideology people keep on babbling on about how it works in Switzerland yet do little to no fact checking on the statistics,'crippling taxes, huge unemployment,, just look at of Brazil and the failure of Socialism, no they'll just keep on ignoring it and parroting the same old rhetoric, the last Socialist President was a disaster…what makes Americans think this old fuck will be any different?

The trouble with Liberals is they automatically believe they are right and others will agree with them.

I think you walk around with that already in the chamber.

Is anyone else sick of these celebrities and there skewed limited knowledge of politics

Almost as much as I am of random posters using an O&A sub as their personal soapbox for a "Let me tell you what's really going on in this world!" rant.

Now reply with something about socialism libtard etc etc

Random?? you dumb cunt, sorry what should i talk about exactly? the same old shite posted a million fucking times on a daily basis about a radio show that has come and gone.

I can just tell your one of those wannabe self described intellectual socialists who has the whole world figured out…vapid cunt.

Type more angry things.

Try to be an even more sarcastic twat more, if possible.

Was that your knock out blow, Kid Politics?

Conservatives are as gay as Christmas.


He means "im a retarded commie child"

We need to treat poverty like the illness it is and fix the root cause. The cycle needs to be broken.

I hate this cuck

Which one?

Everyone here bashing Bernie is wrong. That is all.

Of course they are commie lover.

Everyone here bashing Louie? Also wrong.







See that shit?? He put conservative down, because "bernie isnt like those fat cats man" Liberals hate communism too you know Grow up you little shit. Socialism is for people who have a problem with personal responsibility

Calm down, kid. I don't make political posts. You, on the other hand, managed to start raging about socialism and Bernie out of nowhere. Weird motherfucker.

Ive seen what shit youve said before

Give an example, politifag.

Type more angry things.