Doug sits awkwardly in silence with a bunch of 20-25 year olds while smoking weed, interrupts the rant of nonsense with a break.

13  2016-06-01 by pabbenoy


They were a boring bunch of hipster faggots, can't blame him for tuning out.

A bunch of morons talking over each other but having nothing to say.

I've never wanted another Operation Valkyrie this badly.

The perfect fit for boring faggot Doug Benson...

Yeah ofcourse.

The hipsters were boring and awful, but that was still hilarious and awkward. He wants so badly to be seen as cool. Unfortunately for Doug, no matter how much weed he smokes, he'll still look like Lloyd Christmas.

Come on :/ Do you always have to go bashing shit.

He wants so badly to be seen as cool.

If you watch through the footage he doesnt try to be cool at all, reading from his bodylanguage and specially facial expressions of disgust and just, "what the fuck is this garbage" before literally saying "well its not gonna get any better than this, lets take a break". During those 10 minutes or whatever they were on, he sat in the back almost and let the 4 kids talk it out.

Its just guests that popped by on his open door podcast pretty much. Hes not trying badly to be cool.

Hes not trying badly to be cool.

His entire weed persona and constant name-dropping says otherwise.

Yea lets take this /u/SHITLORD_CUNTDICK kid seriously. Well he makes his living basically smoking weed, a big majority of the sponsors are weed related aswell. I'd trade my life shitty work for just smoking weed all the time and talk about it.

But also the thing is its not always bragging just cause you say something. Joey Diaz however is someone who truly feels happy about his weed persona and edibles, look at Rogans podcast with him and dice. The start is almost cringe inducing.

Shut your fucking fat mouth.


Stop trying to manipulate the hate.

Shut up faggot



Ayylmao you got me :P brb /r/funny cus im always there

What a humiliating schtick.

He's 51 years young

The only way 51 is young is if you die at 51.

Age is nothing but a number! Oh and a countdown to inevitable death!

Age is nothing but a number sounds like Ants mantra while he's cruising the High Schools looking for chicks to bang.

"Age is nothing but a number, baby, and so is my net worth which I just happen to have written down on this cocktail napkin."

Enough sunglasses in that room?

They have bright spotlights which you can see if you "scan" the view. Also mentions that 5 minutes earlier I think, something with the chick to the left commented about not needing glasses but the others said its pretty bright. She was sitting on the edge/to the side of the spotlights.

but yea first reaction were it was kinda douchy


You have to begin by asking what kind of person travels to Palm Springs for a "festival" based around a YouTube channel that features material curated in part by Michael cera.

Nobody worth saving from a fire

Absolutely woeful. What an embarrassing man.

He didn't inhale the joint at the end.

He always does the old "Take a puff and blow it out without inhaling because I have to speak immediately" thing and wastes it. It's so transparent.

Such an interesting conversation, I wonder why he cut it short. I was just starting to discern one voice from the other.

It starts with the douche on the left defiantly stating, "adhesives suck!". Then, instead of anyone questioning what he's talking about, one of the idiot girls chimes in with "THE STICKER INDUSTRY..."

Why does Doug even want to be around people like this? What a sad, and rumored to be virulently racist, man.

I've never met a person in my life that had an opinion on adhesives, let alone 4 or 5 of them in the same room

Thats Nick Rutherford on the right. He was in GoodNeighborStuff.

I hope everyone at that table, including Doug, burn alive in a weed fire while trying to pull the door handle in that locked trailer. Except, the door won't be locked: it will have just supposed to be pushed.




Please tell me you watched this for the 3 hours before that moment.

Those hipsters were the worst people I've ever seen.

I want to kill everyone in this video.

Looks how he shakes his head after a minute of the timestamp.

Breuer would have been better off trying this out instead middle aged spinal tap.

Wow Doug is a fucking loser.

Come on :/ Do you always have to go bashing shit.

He wants so badly to be seen as cool.

If you watch through the footage he doesnt try to be cool at all, reading from his bodylanguage and specially facial expressions of disgust and just, "what the fuck is this garbage" before literally saying "well its not gonna get any better than this, lets take a break". During those 10 minutes or whatever they were on, he sat in the back almost and let the 4 kids talk it out.

Its just guests that popped by on his open door podcast pretty much. Hes not trying badly to be cool.

I've never met a person in my life that had an opinion on adhesives, let alone 4 or 5 of them in the same room

"Age is nothing but a number, baby, and so is my net worth which I just happen to have written down on this cocktail napkin."