Are there any Ant supporters left?

0  2016-06-01 by Ant_Sucks

Just curious. And no, that show in 2008 where he and Jim had great chemistry doesn't count. I'm talking about now. I haven't heard a positive thing about Ant or his show in a long time. Are you still an Ant fan, and why?


I'm not a fan of anything anymore. You fucks ruined everything for me. I'm going to be pessimistic for the rest of my short life because of you assholes.

I'm gonna kiss you upside the head with an aluminum baseball bat. Cause your name is mud.

Mud is the one that kills the other guy

Not in this ballad, 69er.


Meet me out front of panera tough guy.

I like Primus too. Want a footjob?

Fuck Primus, Mud has nothing to do with them. Some cunt got Mudbutt before me so I had to shorten it.

I think he's a racist woman beating drunk but I can see myself enjoying him in the right set up. Tacn isn't it. Maybe something audio based with Jim Norton that he doesnt have full control of. Perhaps Opie steering the ship? I think I would enjoy that.

you Sir, hit the nail on the head

I'm a Jackie Chan fan, even though he hasn't made a good movie in years. His new bad movies don't erase his old good movies. Same with Ant, I'm my opinion. He made me laugh for years, and I only listen to TACS best of, so I don't hear the nuance that seems to infuriate all of you guys.

I don't think "nuance" really plays there. it's more like a "complete lack of anything funny or interesting"

Then don't watch it. Who's forcing you?

I don't, and no one. Subbed for a year after the firing just to support him but couldn't sit through his show once. I still want Ant to be funny and put out a good product, but I don't think anything he can do at this point would be more entertaining than continuing to let his life publicly unravel in humiliating fashion.

I dunno. Ant riffing with Jimmy has caused me to laugh more than the footage of him arguing with his girlfriend, or negative blogs written about him and his show. You're probably really into TMZ celebrity gossip and dishing the dirt. I'd rather just laugh at jokes, so I listen to old shows. It's a pretty solid solution to your favorite radio show being canceled.


I know. Any time somebody actually compliments the show, that's what it sounds like to everybody else

It depends on who's 2nd mic and where. I liked ant and Jim when they were at the compound. I don't listen to single broadcasters though, they're usually boring as shit. Except for some of burrs clips.

what about Zac Amico, the embodiment of this sub?

keep f-in that chicken, pal. I'm sure someone out there agrees with you. First, though, that someone would have to know who you're talking about.

"Supporter" would be a strong word but he basically died to me when he got fired. I am a huge fan of what he did before then and I cant find anyone listenable on their own, so I knew I wasnt going to like his new show, and O&A was over for me. Doesnt take away from the old shit. And I actually thought, on O&A at least, he was the one person who was honest about race in America, and that honest opinion has been pretty much phased out since losing him, despite everyone here thinking hes a racist.

Im still a fan. Why wouldnt I be? He cant run a show and he fucks up his own life by acting like a jackass but he still has more likable character than most people who put themselves out there. In fact I hope your family dies if it buys him one more second of life to vomit blood.

You put yaself out dere....agoooosh.

Too subtle. I don't think he got it.

He's doing some political show. Not a fan but I liked his earlier work.

Hear that, everyone? You can't be a fan of someone or something during hard times.

The thread starter was a big Oklahoma City Thunder fan until this week. Now he's ALL IN with the Warriors.

Basketball is for homosexuals.


I put an end to that a while ago. You're welcome kids :)

I used to be. Now Im a Kevin Brennan supporter.

He really jumped the shark early. Kevin hates comics who make specials or albums, yet he's begging for fan "donations." He's scared and clinging on to the same hour for ten years while his kids starve and his wife leaves him. I'd listen to Gavin before that idiot Brennan.

Kevin is fun cause he gets all mad and shit. Tss

If I had to choose Opie or Anthony, it would be Anthony. Tits isn't funny like he use to be many many years ago. Anthony now is just sad, very sad but funny tranthony sad.

Ant on his own is rambling because he does not seem to have any common sense regarding what a larger audience want to tune in to. It was all about the chemistry back in the O&A salad days. You had Ant and Jim, both clearly ready to come off the rails at any moment. You know, just like watching that train getting ready to crash. Ope was always like that guy at work that you hate, but he is a good organizer so you tolerate him. The show was at it most entertaining when it was Ant and Jim, with Ope quietly (for the most part) steering. I used to listen back in the terrestrial days, pre-Norton and it was just shock jock schlock. It was right for the time, but douchy none the less.

Anthony lost me when he hurt that nice young lady who he was hiding his gun from.

Why does an aborigine from the dust bowl desert of Australia care about the listening habits of a defunct satellite talk show?

Besides mocking you bottom basement dwellers why would anyone who is a fan of TACS or compound media post on this subreddit?

>implying fans of a Scorch show that looks to be broadcast from basements aren't the basement dwellers

Lol ballwashing faggot.

Hey everybody, look who raised his head up from his food trowel and put down the spork long enough to type? What buffet restaurant are you bankrupting today, fat bastard?


This word doesn't mean what you think it means.


Physical guesses to an anonymous stranger is the best you can do against ballwashing faggot? Lol a desperate hail mary means you've got nothing. Mine was based in displayed fact.

Go back to being told what opinions to have on your shit basement show lil fanboy Jim Varney cock holder.

Your keyboard crapped out, all your post says is FW: Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink

Your [blank] crapped out

Ballwashing parrots mad.

Well that shut everyone up.

Because TACN gets the majority of their news from here.

Hey there's one!

are there fans?

Your keyboard crapped out, all your post says is FW: Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink