The LZ Is Hot! I Say Again: LZ IS HOT!

0  2016-06-01 by MilliBotany

There we were ....

5 clicks outside the village of Dong Kee Kong.

That Sgt. Chipperson, man! He was one crazy motherfucker!

asks for a cigarette

Seen 'im one time zap a dink at-- ohh, musta been 75 yards?

Right in his slanted eye!

When we entered the village, it looked like Charlie had set up a welcomin' comittee for us.

Hadda torch the hootch 'n everythin' in it.

Poor bastards never stooda chance, but fuck 'em.

I'm 90 days short 'n Sgt. Chip' says war's gonna be over by Christmas!



Fawk yeah!

Talkin' bout shitposting?


Y'all experts?

Y'all know about shitpostin'?

Well I'd like to hear about it potheads.

You post here as so to escape from reality?

Me? I don't need this shit... I am reality.

Metzger!... Metzger!... You ain't a firing squad you piece of shit!

I'm blind! I'm blind!

Fawk yeah!