Opie calling out Tucker Max

9  2016-06-01 by Lilcumia


They could play good cop bad cop so fucking well.

I could barely watch 30 seconds of this lying faggot.

What an insult to them that he believed that they'd believe his horseshit.

lol remember theres another beach shitting, french diver fighting alpha male in the studio

It's like if Doug Benson told a story where he banged two porn stars and they had so many orgasms they barfed and he roasted them during it and it was so funny they gave him his money back.

The "God damn liar" South Park drop is the best.

Alright, a rare moment where I like Opie. Ya got me.

I looked up tucker max recently. He write fuckin self-help books or something now.

oh is that what he do

He do. Fa reel doe.

In November 2014, Tucker Max published his experience of working with Melissa Gonzalez, CEO of the Lionesque Group for her book The Pop-Up Paradigm [49] - the first project of his new start-up, Book In A Box. Book In A Box writes and publishes books for entrepreneurs who wish to have their own book but don't have the time, ability, or patience to do it the conventional way

Ever want to be an author without writing a book? Well good news shitface...

The second you hear his gay voice you know his stories of being a quick-witted alpha male are bullshit.

He should have thrown that book at him while he was in the studio. Pussy.

Opie only acts tough and edgy when he knows its safe.


Opie know a phony, lying douche when he sees one. Takes one to know one.

I'm just going to leave this here.


Opie and Tucker Max are one in the same.


This clip sucks.

The best part of the whole exchange with Tucker Max was after Opie threw the book they sent Erock out live on the phone to try to get him back on the air. Tucker refused and flipped Erock off as the elevator doors closed.

I've listen to that clip multiple times. Tucker sounded like he was crying when Erock was trying to get him back to studio.

edit: https://youtu.be/DMSwLGt-uX0?t=2240

The shitting on the dick story isn't THAT unbelievable. It happened to be when I was fucking a girl in the ass but I didn't vomit like a little bitch.

Didn't ya?

Explain to me why that is so unbelievable.

No No I'm sure it did happen. You should write a book about your crazy exploits.

No, I'd rather argue about the validity of my degenerate stories with autists on the internet.

Would ya?