Norton referred to the kid in the gorilla pit as a "hunk of shit" and the kid is black, ergo Norton made a racist comment.

0  2016-06-01 by Wolosocu

I hope SiriusXM suspends him over this insensitivity.


The kid was 4 years old. Just because he was in rehab at that age doesn't mean all 4 year olds are hunks of shit.

Lying will get you nowhere young man.

He was 3.

Don't do it again.

Haha you improved the joke by making Jimmy 1 year younger! My sides!

Animal Activist Jim is my least favorite version of Norton.

Norton is just mad that he can't get a picture with the famous gorilla.

I bet $4 if Norton got a call from the Cincinnati Zoo offering him a photo op with the corpse, he'd fly out there that night. If they offered to have an 8x10 developed in site so he could get a pawprint on the photo, he'd probably leave during the show too

He would do the kirk sinnamon face in the pic.

He was a hunter until 17 and was totally addicted, and now he has to spend the rest of his life going to PETA meetings because he's a totally well-adjusted adult.

Jim is a single, possibly gay, 50 year old creep who has more dildos than loved ones, his judgement and opinion is slightly askew when it comes to most things.

I agree with everything you said except for the word "possibly"

what is up with all the redundant joke tags that take it just a liiiiiiitle bit further?

I don't see why you have to disparage dildos, sir.

chip joke:

suspends him? what is he going to hold up some pants or somethin

You didn't need to preface it with "chip joke"

We knew.

You're adorable.

Unlike certain other users I can think of..



Just kidding good buddy. Unlike other people I wouldn't do that to you.


Oh, get a public restroom you two.




What a hunk of shit child for doing something he shouldn't have been like a typical kid. He should've been killed by the gorilla.

That gorilla was a fuckin sjw cuck

Jim is horrible at managing his own life he doesn't get to judge a parent yet.

Did this sudden caring about animals shit begin when Ricky Gervais started coming in? I can't remember but Jimmy could not give less of a shit about animals and then one day he became a PETA warrior.

Agreed. The rants about stupid fish, birds, chickens, trees, Romanian circus bears on tricycles with their paws nailed to the pedals...they were a hoot. Until the suckling Ricky balls vortex sucked all the fun out of the topic.

Come on, the little pavement ape saw the gorilla and thought it was its daddy and went in. Theres no one to blame here, the kid made a mistake.

Actually, it appears the gorilla saw the young basketball-american as a rival gorilla's offspring that must be eliminated in order to initiate ovulation in the mother.


Norton is a fucking pussy.

He should get a job at Jezebel, when the UFC realizes he knows jack shit about the sport, and barely waches it.

But it was on air, ergo no one heard or gives a shit

Can we cool it on the "ergo"? Have seen it about 3 times in the past 24 hours. Since when did everyone start saying ergo?

Say Ergo again... I dare you! I double-dare you, motherfucker!

People are just mad that the little kid lost the closest thing he ever had to a father when that gorilla was shot.

It's a child, they are inquisitive in nature. How was that child suppose to comprehend the consequences of any situation or action? Ricky must be reading Jim Norton's tweets.

no one gives a shit but where did "ergo" come from? ive seen it like 5 times in the past 2 days

ergo (หˆษœหษกษ™สŠ) sentence connector therefore; hence

[C14: from Latin: therefore]

since when? wtf?

I just commented pretty much the exact same thing to someone in this thread and then saw this. Ergo, that's weird.

I dont know if people have always adopted the slang of teenagers and I just havent noticed, or it just started happening recently for some reason.

Ergo ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in Ergo ?

ergoes the neighborhood

This whole situation is fucking stupid.

No one gives a shit when some savage poaches one of these things in the wild and hacks up the parts to sell at market or when some international conglomerate deforests their natural habitats but when a gorilla who has lived in absolute security and safety for much (all?) of its life is humanely put down to save a kid's life it's all of a sudden a huge crisis. Fuck the kid, right? These people never did anything stupid when they were fucking toddlers. Everyone turns into a parenting expert and zoological authority.

The outrage about this is even more retarded than Cecil the Lion.

No one gives a shit when some savage poaches one of these things in the wild and hacks up the parts to sell

The fuck are you going on about?

Lots of people give a shit and have been protesting this stuff for decades.

SJW or Nah?

Okay, culture warrior.

Norton is just mad that he can't get a picture with the famous gorilla.

I bet $4 if Norton got a call from the Cincinnati Zoo offering him a photo op with the corpse, he'd fly out there that night. If they offered to have an 8x10 developed in site so he could get a pawprint on the photo, he'd probably leave during the show too

He was a hunter until 17 and was totally addicted, and now he has to spend the rest of his life going to PETA meetings because he's a totally well-adjusted adult.