What advice wold you give someone about to graduate high school?

0  2016-06-01 by redtheftauto

Slow day so here's a softball to you degenerates.


Stop posting on message boards for radio shows that have been dead for 2 years.

It's all downhill from there hoped ya fucked everything you could've

Don't be 30 years old posting on the internet about SJWs and PC culture. Shit's embarrassing. Look around this place.

Don't believe people when they tell you those playground bullying skills won't fly in the professional world. The workplace is the one place people think they are safe from being made fun of for their disability.

Get a college education or end up driving trucks across the country and listening to whatever Opie is doing in October.

Don't commit a sex offence and you'll be fine.


Only major in psychology if you are getting a doctorate.

If you have some aspirations about helping people, get a good job and donate some money.

a lot of kids ask me this so I say "don't give up, you can do it!" and also stay away from drugs because you need all your senses.

Look out for Anthony Cumia

kill yourself

Quit while you still can.

Join the military. Vets are getting some pretty sweet PTSD checks these days.

And even if you don't, you can claim PTSD and nobody will argue with you cuz "Support our Troops!"

Lifelong disability checks because you got scared that one time.

This is an actual epidemic.

We should fix it by making sure more servicemen get proper ptsd

Yeah, and recognizing that for the most part PTSD is not a permanent disability. You get counseling and move on. A cop who shoots someone doesn't get to go home and collect a check the rest of his life because it traumatized him. And most of these vets have never seen anyone get shot.

A credit card is not free money. Pay that shit, and on time. Also, if your plan on attending college, go to community college for 2 years then transfer to a real school. You'll save a shit ton of money and get a very comparable education as most Community College teachers also teach at universities / state colleges.

Suck my cock.

This song has all the best advice you would need.


chip joke:

high school, what did you bring a ladder to school or somethin. ;)

chip joke response: home run chipper ;)

ME: Noice

What sort of graduate school? What's your undergraduate in?

Haven't you listened to former Baltimore Opera star and college graduate, Mike Rowe? Fuck getting a degree! Get yourself into a trade school like Devry or ITT Tech and you'll be on track for a great future.

If you're not going to be a CPA or something in the medical industry you almost definitely shouldn't bother going to college. I'd include computers but there's no way SEM/SEO is going to work the same way in 4 or 5 years and you're just begging for free lance work and part time if you do that.

I'd include computers but there's no way SEM/SEO is going to work the same way in 4 or 5 years

Yeah because literally all the moneymaking you can do with IT skills is trying to trick search engines into displaying your Chechnyan Yodeling message board higher in search results.

Sure, go into IT, have fun waiting to be outsourced.

Kill yourself now or die later

The morons in this sub are 80% losers who can't keep a woman or a job.


Drink plenty of water.

it only gets worse

Yeah, and recognizing that for the most part PTSD is not a permanent disability. You get counseling and move on. A cop who shoots someone doesn't get to go home and collect a check the rest of his life because it traumatized him. And most of these vets have never seen anyone get shot.