10 Jokes That Prove Andy Kindler Is One of The Best Stand-Ups Working Today

0  2016-06-01 by [deleted]



I actually do laugh at Andy's Twitter rantings about how far right media outlets like CNN & MSNBC are, and how they "hate" Obama & Hillary.

No you don't!

Holy shit. That was not good.

no. 2 was pretty funny.

10% ain't bad. Right?

Imagine telling your ten best jokes and the best one was mediocre. Now take that scenario and imagine you were paid money to come up with jokes. Andy Kindler sucks.

Kindler is such a creative genius that he plays the self hating jew character on a show created by a self hating jew character

10 bad lines that made me believe in Jewish conspiracy myths.

yuckaroo. Kindler is god awful, on top of being an sjw jizzbag.




I don't even care about what this fuck said about Anthony. Fuck Anthony.


yech, 9 was alright. The rest were horrible. And the guy talks like he's the arbiter of good comedy just because he works clean

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Whenever I hear someone pro-Kindler I just rewatch this clip of Zach Galifianakis singing a little ditty about Kindler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBZ4-DOL6C0

Ifc really loves trying for clickbait. I will admit I love Kindler's delivery. I mean, he's still no Vos.