Bill Burr Story About a M.A.A.D Meeting

2  2016-06-01 by iWhereSchortSchorts


Good Bill M.A.A.D. City

Fucking hilarious, even alongside that Christ killer-killer.

It's M.A.D.D. you retarded fuck.





Maybe I was satirizing the organization by calling it Mothers Against All Drunks you autistic dipshit. Instead of critiquing the acronym in my title just listen to the funny clip or jump off a bridge.

Take the hit, brother man.

I wish things were still like this. O&A still on regular radio and XM. Louis CK and Bill Burr on the show for the entire 4-5 hours. Think of the fact that Louie did a Saturday Night Virus show. They're lucky enough to have him on like for 45 minutes once every 6-9 months now.

God, why couldn't have Opie died in 2006. Like if he had died, I'd atleast probably still have hundreds of hours of programming to listen to.

Maybe I was satirizing the organization by calling it Mothers Against All Drunks you autistic dipshit. Instead of critiquing the acronym in my title just listen to the funny clip or jump off a bridge.