Look alive boys, this is the moment we've been waiting for - #IStandWithHateSpeech is trending on twitter

10  2016-05-31 by [deleted]



What the fuck has happened to Germany? Twice in less than 30 years they stormed across Europe and took on all the allied armies of the world and nearly won. Now Angela Merkel has turned them into a nation of pussies. My god they need to clone Adolf Hitler and put him back in charge, shake some shit up before Germany is a muslim country.

That's what happens when you turn focus from military power to economic power. Your citizens end up getting comfortable which gives way to a progressive ideology. It's not necessarily bad, but people sometimes forget that not everyone shares those progressive ideas, and some will use those ideas against those who hold them.

You ever been to Germany or you just belive everything you read? Most of the world would fuck their mothers for Germany's low crime rate, strong economy and high level of education. It will remain so for a very long time. Read up a bit

I, for one, read everything I read

or you just read everything you read?

I bet he sees everything he sees and smells everything he smells too, like some kinda queer.

Keep your head in the sand and when Germany is a Caliphate and the remaining original German population has to convert to Islam or die just remember you should have paid attention to all the little things because as insignificant as they seem they all eventually add up to a big thing.

Yeah okay will do, I will sound the alarms when Germans starts shooting at eachother based on color of their cloths or have actual do not enter areas

Or maybe just grow some balls and go out and protect your women from being raped by the "poor refugees" you are allowing to flood your country.

okay, why dont you go into some of your ghettos and clean up aswell instead of bitching about it on the internet

The police want to clean it up but liberal jack offs scream that the police are being abusive to the people in the ghetto and violating their rights by preventing them from shooting each other and selling drugs.

But I'd live with all the crime in the ghetto before I'd let the women of my country be raped like yours are by refugees you are coddling and allowing to come in and take over. And your own government tries to cover up the amount of rape and sexual assaults. But people in Germany seem to be waking up to the real problem in their country so there is hope for the future yet.

That crime you are willing to live with includes mass rapings. Still you do nothing. There is a gangraping occurring every week on US soil, in the ghettos in shitty areas and so on. You don't care about white women in the US?

I am not willing to live with it, I want the police to be able to go in and do their job and have the courts actually prosecute the offenders and give them real jail time. But we have people here in the US like you who whine and cry and scream shit like black lives matter and police brutality and ignore the rampant crime in the inner cities, cover up what is really happening and do their best to hamstring the police from doing their jobs. Luckily we have some politicians with guts who are willing to stand up to the bullshit even when they get denounced and called bigots and racists.

I certainly care far more about American women, black or white or any color, than you or your weak willed, shaky kneed government does about German women. Your government tries to hide the facts from it's own citizens so as not to offend the muslim men who are invading you and starting to take your country over in the open and without firing a shot. Your chancellor berates people who spout so called hate speech because it may hurt the feelings of the refugees but she blindly ignores and hides what they are doing to her own people. And you and people like you go along with it and are "sensitive to their needs" and just want to make them feel welcome and not persecuted. Good luck with that. They laugh at you for being weak as they work the system and take full advantage of it.

I don't support BLM and I can't be behind the police force 100% either. It's not that simple. It's not a fucking sportsgame get your emotions out of it. I don't support religious matters controlling anything in our society. I don't think any religious institution should be above law. If Muslims cross the line they should be deported and not accepted anywhere again,I say the same about all people including Christians, Jews and whatever people label themselves as. The only thing you talk about is killing everyone who is Muslim frothing at the mouth like a child, yeah man its an issue but there are many who just work and live. As unbelievable as that is for you that's the case. I don't support mass immigration at all. Usually that happens when jobs are available which it was in the 60's and 70's. Now low education requirement jobs are all full so I don't see the reason to bring anyone in if they can't work. Reports of many who have left places like Sweden due to the goverment not being available to find jobs for them are going up. It's not a black and white matter. Get your head out of your ass

When the body takes in something that disagrees with it, it purges. Right now Germany has a belly full of bad hummus.

bad hummus lathered in foreign semen.

I guess they just take things to extremes. Right now theyre self hating pussies just like after WW1... then to get over that they slaughteted jews. I think they should stick to excellent engineering, fetish porn, beer and questionable senses of humor

Govt education system really does make people love their govt

Here's some German poster complaining about AFD but insisting he's proud of his country. His reasoning consists only of the policy achievements of the typical progressive political party. So things like gun control, the welfare system, health care system, and the education system make him a proud German.



Aaaaand, it's gone.

O&A died too soon, this would've been hilarious.

Finally a time when I would want them talk about Twitter.

Cant wait for the snooty progressive articles about we are so gauche, we only want free speech so we can insult them

IStUnDwitHhaTSpooCh. AhprEl fALls!

I couldn't care less about these "culture wars". This stuff has made zero impact in my personal life, outside of maybe this one time years back that a girl I'd been hitting on heard me call the guy from Blink-182 a fag and got angry and wouldn't have anything to do with me anymore. She ended up fat anyways.

It's getting annoying and pitting people against each other who wouldn't necessarily have problems otherwise. Tired of seeing all these twitter people basing their whole identities on it too.

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