Ant must be FUMING at the injustice of this. SiriusXM suspend Glenn Beck for only a week after he encouraged an assassination attempt on Trump

84  2016-05-31 by Ant_Sucks


I doubt Beck was coming to work drunk, constantly calling out sick (hungover), making everyone uncomfortable with his child predator behavior, and disrespecting his bosses by refusing to attend mandatory staff meetings for years.

"So I'm on tour promoting my latest biography of Jesus, and my girlfriend starts having an asthma I take her to the hospital and we get stuck in the pediatrics ward!

Hang on, we're getting a call on the hotline - I think it's our intern who's standing in line at the Apple Store to pick up my new iPhone..."

Also he didn't have his partner sell him out.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ;_;

give me a break lol.

Opie stood up for Ant.... FACT


From his wikipedia:

While working at WPGC, Beck met his first wife, Claire. In 1983, the couple married and had two daughters, Mary and Hannah. Mary developed cerebral palsy as a result of a series of strokes at birth in 1988. The couple divorced in 1994 amid Beck's struggles with substance abuse. He is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, has said he has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)."

By 1994, Beck was suicidal, and imagined shooting himself to the music of Kurt Cobain. He credits Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) with helping him achieve sobriety. He said he stopped drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis in November 1994, the same month he attended his first AA meeting. Beck later said that he had gotten high every day for the previous 15 years, since the age of 16.

So back when he was a "shock jock" in the 80s and eary 90s he was probably more similar to Ant than you would think.

He also didn't have a multi-million dollar contract to protect.

Beck imagined shooting himself to the music of Kurt Cobain? I never heard the 'would have stayed employed if I was Arseface' Rule before.

Ant may have done all that shit but was more entertaining in 1 day than opie has been the entire time it's been opieradio...

Anthony ruined the show by holding a grudge with his partner over Lobster Girl, surrounding himself with sycophants, drinking himself stupid, and getting himself fired.

That literally sounds like every radio career I've ever heard of. The type that they mocked.

In that context, he did nothing wrong haha

Anthony ruined the show by holding a grudge with his partner over Lobster Girl

But Opie seemed so reasonable and easy to work with besides that!

Nobody said that.

That's the difference between a popular show and some one who thinks they have a popular show.

But management told me that they don't have access to listener ratings. Maybe they are just happier with the direction of his show.

That's all it comes down to. Beck would get canned if they thought it wouldn't hurt the bottom line.

O&A was a popular show you idiot. They simply hated Anthonys disgusting racist rants. How can you be so stupid about a show that you can't break your obsession from? LOL

Popular in terms of radio, yeah. In terms of popular culture, they barely scratched the surface compared to Stern and even Beck


It wasn't any where near as popular as you think.

How popular do I think it was?

See how dumb you are?


Beck wasn't fired because he didn't say it, his guest did. So this is closer to the Homeless Charlie incident than Anthony's tweets.

Guest: "Someone should kill Trump"

Beck: "I agree"

They were both far more vague than that. It's what they meant, but they weren't dumb enough to say something to get them a Secret Service visit or for Beck to lose his syndicated stations instantly.

Beck must be trying to get in good with facebook

Wasn't there a point in time in their early days where Ant was actually drinking on air?

Shock jocks making dick jokes and DRINKING BEER on air? What has the world come to?

Frankly, I'm appalled.

If I remember hearing correctly, they used to have Jager on tap in the studio.

The used to get free cases of Coors as well.

I think that was for like one day and then they nearly got fired and took it out.

Was that the Travis/intern incident ??

No I think that was Travis kicking an intern in the balls.

The Jagermeister incident involved some skank drinking way too much and collapsing outside the building and needing to be taken to the hospital or something.

Underage skanks if I recall correctly.

You do

He openly said he used to be hammered on most wnew shows which is what freaked him out a bit switching to mornings, they used to have fridges full of beer and liquor. i think they still get booze for guests if they ask for it, didn't Jim Jeffries basically say "I need a beer" a few times?

Yes, and they also got beer for Iron Sheik. And Stern let Henry Hill drink on his show.

Guy Fieri tricked that homo Sam into drinking vodka. Kinda reminds me of a time I drank a full 12 oz cup full of shitty Taaka vodka. I was 16 or 17 and my friend and I were sort of wrestling around in my friends garage, then he pretty much body slammed me and knocked the wind out of me. There was a big cup full of vodka in the kitchen that we were giving to somebody that was coming by and wanted some booze to go, but I was so out of it that it went inside and just chugged it before I realized it wasn't water. My friend was like "don't!" as soon as I started but it was too late. Then I think I blacked out 20 minutes later. I'm so surprised I never choked on my vomit in my sleep and died, I passed out multiple times as a teen from booze and threw up in my sleep.

Long story short, Sam is a bitch.

Soooooo no rehab like Lil Yimmy?

No. I'm not a quitter.


One time I drank a beer and the next thing I knew I woke up in the park 3 days later covered in semen and feces. I still dont remember who I am.

I was already drunk, and I realized it was vodka AFTER. Nice reading comprehension, faggot. And what reason would I have to lie? I don't look cool in the story at all. You sound like a liar yourself if you think people just lie about stories for literally no reason. You were like "I could totally lie better than that."

You don't "chug" vodka without realizing it's not water. The first contact it would make with your taste buds and sinuses would cause you to spit it out. If the vodka was mixed with a very sugary mixer then your story would sound believable.

It depends on how cold it was. Room temp? No way.

Well that's how it happened. Of course, I could be lying about drinking a glass of vodka one time when I was 16. Next time, on Unspectacular Mysteries....

Omg youre tucker max

Because my story was as good as his, right? Think what you want, it doesn't affect me. Does it affect you?

You didn't drink an entire glass of straight vodka thinking it was water before you'd blacked out. Change your story next time by adding Hawaiian Punch and saying your friend lied about it being spiked with vodka.

Think what you want, I got apple butter that needs making.

In your ass you sad liar

Actually, I make it in a crockpot, then it goes into jars.

Guy Fieri tricked that homo Sam into drinking vodka.

This also tells you everything you need to know about Guy Fieri. What a douche.

I'm not a Sam hater but his anger over that is far more irritating than any of Jimmy's proselytizing. What is the little faggot so worried about? Even if he had a family member who drank himself to death or did the old Norton cliche of smashing a car full of kids to smithereens, it's just a few drops ya fuckin qweeb.

Or if it was part of his religion I could maaaybe see someone being moderately upset. Like the jew broad eating Costanza's eggs with lobster in them.

I think the little cunt just likes the perception that it makes him special. It'd be like a virgin in his 30s being angry that a crazy hot chick touched his dick.

It'd be like a virgin in his 30s being angry that a crazy hot chick touched his dick.

I'd be pretty peeved about that. All those years of effort gone to waste.

I'm pretty sure you've been gangraped more then once

and I'm pretty sure you figured it out the first time and went back anyways


Your nick is a suppressed memory of the multiple incidents in question

My nick? Is that a terrible, short way of saying "nickname?"

Old mirc shit

Ya lost me.

You young cunt

What a truly awful story.

It wasn't great, it's gotta be a lie tho.

Were there also rocks in the cup, Mr. Smookerdooker?

What's this mean?

He was!?!?!? smh

p.s. mean people suck ;)

Yep. He drank budweiser like a real long Island dego.

Didn't they also say that Opie was indulging as well during their peak?

The two of them drunk was the chemistry

Ant only should have gotten fired if he shot her 12 times.


Beck's a syndicated host. He doesn't work for SiriusXM. Why is this news?

Shhh. They all think he's a SXM employee 🙄.

Beck works for the Blaze.. A network he started after Fox tried to silence him so he could say 😄🖕🏻 to companies like SXM (similar to Ants situation ironically enough). He's probably loving the free pubicity.

Yeah Ant definitely does not hate niggers, he should be paid millions...


Believe it or not most "shock jocks" put in a ton of work behind the scenes. Do you think Howard got where he is by showing up and shooting his mouth off for three hours and then skipping meetings with management? I doubt it. And I bet since the breakup that Opie is trying his best to show SXM he has actual value by playing ball and coming up with ideas for programming for the station.

Believe it or not most "shock jocks" put in a ton of work behind the scenes.

Yeah. But not Opie and Anthony.

Yep. And that's why Ant is gone and Opie will be too unless he has stepped it up behind the scenes

Opie is trying his best to show SXM he has actual value by playing ball and coming up with ideas for programming for the station.

"You know that black guy who won't shut the fuck up? Let's give him a show with a cokehead plagiarist. Then for another show, let's get that sex addict who quit drinking wine coolers at 9 or whatever his own call in advice show for truckers."

I agree, some of these choices are not good

"You know that black guy who won't shut the fuck up? Let's give him a show with a cokehead plagiarist.

Which show is this?


Seems so obvious now. I got hung up on "cokehead". I didn't realize that. I don't know that much about Metzger.

People speculate Metzger is doing coke because of the multi-hour long twitter rants he goes on against this sub and some SJWs

And other.comedians reference his habit.

That explains the Ketchup Challenge.

this is just good business ... so was firing Ant

Didn't hear it but if that is indeed what he did then he should be charged and put in prison.

I'm guessing most everyone here is reacting without actually having heard the offending clip.

What upsets me about this is that it wasn't Glenn Beck making the assertion and yet he's being punished for it. There's SO MANY THINGS GLENN BECK HAS SAID THAT HE NEEDS TO BE SUSPENDED FOR! That and the guest was right in implying Donald Trump should be assassinated: It'd be for the good of everyone across the world if that were to happen.

He said right after that he agreed with him

But it was vague enough that he had an out. So it was closer to Anthony going with the premise that Homeless Charlie had about Laura Bush than if he instigated the discussion.

Oh, good.

Then I agree with Glenn Beck for a single time in the history of reality.

I already told you why this is... Anthony's incident with that black hooker was a publicity stunt. Sirius wanted to save money and change the direction of the show.

Just stop. This is retarded even for this sub.

Yeah. Why would Anthony get himself fired to save SXM money?

He didn't. Sirius made it clear that they were not going to re-sign him. So Anthony knew he had go out with a bang so he could get publicity for his future podcast. If Sirius simply didn't re-sign him a couple months later, there would never have been the "Stand With Ant" shit and his podcast would probably have 1/5th the current subscribers. Sirius agreed to it because it also makes them not look like the bad guy. Because if Sirius doesn't re-sign Ant then people would be mad at Sirius. If they fire the big bad racist then only some people are mad at Sirius.

You being gay for Gavin makes sense now.

Because I'm highly intelligent and have amazing taste in entertainment?

Is this a character you're doing? What is this? Or, much like Gavin and the millenial culture that he detests but actually personifies, are you so wrapped up in tryhard irony that you can't tell what you actually are anymore?

No. I'm like 98.9% sure that I am right about Anthony's firing. There is just so much suspicious stuff about it. There is a small chance that I could be wrong. But I would bet a lot of money that I am right.

The ramblings of a highly intelligent mind...

My IQ > Rich Vos IQ

And your source is?

You being gay for Gavin makes sense now.

And your source is?

No. I'm not a quitter.
