UFC launches a new audio series: “UFC Unfiltered with Jim Norton and Matt Serra”

41  2016-05-31 by TrabantExpress


Look forward to Jimmy making a joke to the effect of "I'm not tough or good at fighting but...". Boy is that going to get old fast. I'm happy for Jimmy though; stuff like this will keep him from re-signing.

over/under on how many times will he call a fighter "A real Motherfucker" per episode?

But does he or does he not "fuckin play games"?


"If I looked like that, I would be a problem."

Funny every time!

Big Jim Norton would wreck shit in the UFC

Impossible to choke out.

There is a lot of neck on that guy though...




"most recently served as the co-host of the Opie with Jim Norton Show on Sirius XM Radio" is that a typo or did they just spill the beans...

Smells like a speculation run to me!

I noticed this

Well, if this is a long term show, then they might of spilled the beans. If Jim still has plans to leave O&J, this is his way of continuing his broadcasting career. He knows the show will be pretty much stress free since the UFC is going to take very good care of it's product, he'll be able to do everything else he wants to do while making good money. Plus, he gets to work for a company he actually loves. Time will tell if the wording means anything.


Prediction: at some point, Jimmy will have a fighter demonstrate a submission hold on him.

I'm convinced Jimmy faps to it later.

The fantasy he always talked about as a kid where KISS pushes him down the stairs then tenderly consoles him afterwards makes me wonder what sick fantasies he has about UFC fighters.

That's a gayer fantasy than fantasizing about men fucking your ass and mouth.

Where you at with spitting in the mouth though?

Probably that they fuck him balls deep in the ass and give him a sensual back massage afterwards. Nothing wrong with that.

just look at that whacky poster lol

"give me 10% of your rear naked chokehold"

Beyond embarrassing.

I already like it more than O&J

what u at with the advice show

Someone called in all their favors. And it wasn't Serra.

Jimmy's UFC knowledge is humiliating, he knows shit

That can't be true, he has so many UFC shirts though

Dont forget his retro PRIDE shirts he brings out every now & again.

Jim Norton's no bandwagon jumper - he goes way back with the M - M - A !

he knows as much as opie when they talked about it on onj, i dont think he can name more than 3 of the ufc champs

Enough ufc podcast Jesus Christ

These group of comedians are the only people I've ever heard of liking this garbage sport

The barometer of what makes something good isn't popularity because that would mean Titanic is a better movie than Godfather. Running around in shorts and kicking a ball like a bunch of nancy boys is a garbage sport. MMA is a much more complex, exciting and relatable sport than childhood "games".

You can give me all your soccer mom arguments about human cock fighting you want - just because you're too much of a womanish beta prude to want to understand it any further doesn't mean it isn't.

your autistic obsession with men fighting is very impressive to me and i respect you for it on this internet webzone

Mild fan, assuming tard that's obsessed with children's games (jk I wouldn't assume that, I don't have a social disorder too). Leave it to autists to see their own autism everywhere else. Cool Plinket parroting btw, very original.

i am a child so yeah i spend all my time on childrens video games, dunno who plinket is i presume you are dating yourself with that reference, kill yourself gramps


I am actually looking forward to this quite a bit. Unlike Jimmy's current raqio counterpart, Matt Serra doesn't mind being the butt of the joke. He also doesn't seem like someone who would steamroll Jim's material.

My only fear is that Jim will try to play his pretentious pseudo-expert-in-the-field character which he un-ironically slips into from time to time.

I like serra. Not sure how this will work out though since Jim is terrible at acting like he knows about sports

Umm Jim doesn't really know anything about martial arts though.

He knows nothing about having a happy well adjusted life but that didn't stop him from doing an advice show either.

it does, however, seriously impair his ability to do a good one


hes got a prideFC shirt, hes vintage mma fans bro

Jim Rogan's got this down. he's bald, does stand-up, and lifts kettlebells. everything checks out

Lol Jim Rogan. I really want a photoshop of this.

Right, that is why they paired him with a former champ stupid.

Like every Norton project this will bomb and lose money, nigga is a casual mma fan at best.

at least hes scamming a multi billion dollar organization this time, but stay tuned for the announcement of fight fighterson cartoon kickstarter

This is the correct answer.

UFC fans know their shit, and Jim Norton's lack of expertise won't cut it.

Looking forward to it, Serra is hilarious.

Yes, with Serra's comedic talent and Jim's vast knowledge of MMA this should be good.


you dont know how funny this is

tranny logs on a dudes chest bruh

Ripping off Luis J Gomez and Michael Bisping.

Do you think the fighters might get bored of being told how tough and manly they are?

I was thinking more Callen and Schaub.

that's exactly what he's going for, those two are surprisingly popular.

i guess this is the UFC attempting to do a version of The Fighter and The Kid? It's going to fail miserably.

at least bryan callen watch mma

Norton has a strange fascination with playing the stunt boy to alpha males.

--Norton, a comedian, radio personality, author and actor, most recently served as the co-host of the Opie with Jim Norton Show on Sirius XM Radio.

I find it interesting how they use the term SERVED, and not SERVES, which implies he is no longer there.

I mean, is he there anymore? I don't know because I don't listen.

even if its true its not by choice, opie prolly dropped for showing no loyalty

Yay good for Jimmy. Let's all be super positive; I'm sure it'll be a great show!


Looking at this lame move by this chronically failed careerist I can only repeat a line from another poster: His nickname 'the worm' is truly well earned.

he been aiming for that ufc paycheck by wearing those mma t shirts for years

He actually does probably know as much as the average UFC "fan"

Serra is a good egg, he's a long time O&A fan and he's actually funny.

I hope every episode features a rant by Jimmy being indignant at not getting someone's autograph.

"Wormy Jock-Sniffers with Jim Norton"

Serra and Yimmy is a good combo, I'm actually looking forward to this.


So he can afford to refund our $50K now?

Looks like Matt Serra is ass raping little Jimmy.

Don't give away the intro to his next special.

Eww i always suspected he got into mma strategically. Getting choked and squeezed then making a goofy face at the camera. Showing up in pics like this. He has no interests, hes a cheese sandwich.

Doesn't Louis j Gomez already do a show like this?

Newest cool thing to do, UFC commentary show.

The worm jumps in line.

You know what this means, fellas....Jimmy's so gone in October.

The upside is that his will certainly be better than oqie raqio. I honestly hope they just replace opie with Serra.

Deep nasal inhalation for a new listener base

Brendan Schaub has had a very public disagreement with Dana and the UFC. To the point which there are rumours he is banned from future events. I'm thinking this is the UFC's way of trying to take away some of the audience from the Fighter and The Kid podcast.

Oh definitely. But that being said Matt is a funny dude so this could be good.

Good for Jimmy, i'm happy for him.. What a fag I have become


Norton isn't the least bit knowledgeable about MMA or the UFC though...

Oh cool. The interviews with UFC fighters are always the best.

Can't wait to hear jimmy constantly saying, "See I don't know how you you guys can take a punch like that! I'm such a wimp!"

How long until the UFC quits returning Jimmy's calls like Vice did?



Basically doing luis j. gomez and Michael bispings show.

groundbreaking. Original. Truly... wormy

Remember when Jimmy hated the UFC?


OHHHHHHHHH i hope he's leaving opie !

Did anybody ask for this? Jim knows slightly more than nothing about MMA. Yuk.

Norton's knowledge of MMA is laughable. He knows what Dana's twitter feed tells him to know

The Worm "likes" the UFC because he enjoys being around "Real Men". That's not a gay joke about him...he just sees himself as a worthless shitheap and he likes being a squirming submissive male looking up to big, strong "Manly Man" types. Remember him asking them to put him in holds, etc? Same thing as his Kiss dream where they throw him down the stairs then comfort him.