I found Chips Mudda

0  2016-05-31 by GangstaFag


She's everything Chip describes and more. Voluptuous.


But is she a saint on ert?

Please send that grotesque wench a link to this thread.

No fucking way she's 29


No, but I'd put her in the almost comically larger pool of "would accept a blow job from"

that's pretty much anyone except JAWS from the movie James Bond or JAWS from the movie JAWS

Tesco? Tsss tesco faaaawkk

Oop that's a downsie.


saint on ert

I wonder how many Lamar's have responded to her and offered to help her fix the floor?

Palmers College what are they puttin their palms on her or sumtin tss tss

Did u fuck her ?

She has an unnecessary confidence about her.
