Doug fucking blows

106  2016-05-31 by Phantas_Magorical

Doug Benson, that is. His weed shtick is absolutely lame. Dare I say, horrendous?



Doug is a fake stoner. Watch his appearance on Legion of Skanks, he looked perfectly sober until the subject of pot came up. From there, he spent the rest of the episode doing his best Breuer impression.

Maybe that's it. He's just faking it. I smoke a massive amount of pot and I can't for the life of me figure out what this dude's fucking deal is. Every time he smokes it's like the first fucking time? He's passing out and getting philosophical? It's this fucking charicature of a stoner that someone who has never smoked weed before would come up with. I think you nailed it.

According to xxmikekxx, he really does smoke pot. Maybe Doug just doesn't know how to be high... like a cigarette smoker who awkwardly hold the ciggy and doesn't inhale? I don't know. Whatever his deal is, I don't like him.

Of course he smokes pot. There is no way a guy with a podcast that invites people on to smoke pot and who has countless stories and has basically maybe a career around it is faking it. Do people also think the moon landing was staged?

You can't land on a hologram.

Speaking of, what happened to the flat earth theory? Seemed it was all over youtube for a while. Maybe it was just on my end though.

Every once in a while these new wackjob theories pop up to discredit any actual conspiracies.

Math. Math happened.

Do you think those people give a fuck about math? They just decide "this is reality" and then set up a mental filter that only lets through the data (no matter how ridiculous) that supports their view.

I know a guy like that and he unironically eats up every single fucking thing the conspiracy movement puts in front of him. "It's the government maahhhhhn". Trying to reason with him is like talking to a wall.

"Yeah, dude, Michelle totally has a dick, can you shut the fuck up now?"

Wholeheartedly agree. The math is never wrong though. They (the conspiracy nuts) can never overcome the math. They twist themselves in knots trying to disprove the numbers with bullshit like "vanishing points". I love to hear these tards talk about it though, very entertaining. Conspiracy Dave from DITRH is fucking hilarious.

Flat earth is the single greatest conspiracy/wack job theory of all time

My theory is that he doesn't do it all the time except when he smokes around other people so his tolerance is very low. Combine that with him trying to be funny by acting like a stereotypical pot head just to get laughs and displaying unrealistic behavior while high

He could be hamming it up too. Fulfilling that stoner caricature.

have you seen him inhale? im not kidding he doesn't do it right. he sucks it in his cheeks then blows it out his mouth. His smoke is always way thicker then anyone elses. ive seen people smoke pot like him. they're people who are just trying to fit in at a party.

There's video of him on some podcasts smoking but not inhaling

Litterally every guest on GettingDoug takes better hits than Old Mouth Hittin Benson. He even addressed people saying this, then took a big puff in his mouth and was like "see guys". It's just odd... When Joey Diaz was on that show taking man hits, Doug actually got annoyed.

It really is. Unless he has alveoli on the inside of his cheeks, I don't know what the fuck he thinks he's accomplishing.

I'm one of the cunts that harps on about Doug and guests not inhaling. Particularly Greg Proops.

So that motherfucker's not a surfer or a stoner!!!!

It's infuriating because 95% of the comments on those vids are "Proops is a professional weedsman!" and "He is the Yoda of weed". But it's so obvious that he inhales fuck all most of the time if any, and that he thinks it's really cool to be a stoner mahhhn. I don't wanna hate him either, but it's ridiculous in every sense of the word.

It's like lil Jimmy's drinking problem

I will say, I have smoked with him. He hung out at the bar next door in between the podcast taping & his stand-up and smoked weed with people non-stop. And I did like, 4 hits from the joint & was high as fuck.

It's just that I don't think I could get as high as he seems no matter how hard I try. Whether he just has access to this ridiculously high quality pot that you can't get with a prescription, or he has never developed a tolerance for some reason, I just can't understand what happens to this guy if he isn't playing a character.

If this is a Breuer situation (like another poster suggested), fine. But the dude literally turns into a Korean mongoloid on every podcast and standup special he has and I just don't see how that's possible if he smokes as much as everyone says. Is he just fried?

I've smoked weed since I was 16 and never got a tolerance. Then again, I don't smoke like a chimney. A gram of dro usually lasts me 5 days.

That's some monk-like patience man.

I usually just smoke a small bowl at night after a few beers. Most of the time it's not even a full bowl, just a few hits until I feel it. I took a hit at one of my weedman's house that was kinda like a gravity bong, you pull this empty bag with a lit bowl on top and the bag fills with smoke, then you take the bowl off and inhale. That was the last time I got EXTREMELY high. The car ride home felt like I was in a video game, it was like a minor acid trip or some shit.

A gram last 5 min for me

They shit on him forever as the worst guest, and alluded to his being a fake stoner as well.

Do you know which episode?

I wasn't aware of that, and I'm glad to hear it.


The Weed and Black Show, starring Doug Benson and Sherrod Small

Benson is absolutely awful. He's legitimately so stoned for most of these shows that he contributes nothing, and I'm not so sure he's even funny to begin with.

The only thing shittier than Doug Benson as a comedian, is the horrible legion of fans that follow him. He's the Dave Matthews of comedy. Fuck him.

I think he is trying to smoke his gay away

I've said it before, but the dude reads motherfucking Tweets off of his phone both on stage and on standup specials. He's an absolute hack. He's in his fifties and he acts like he just discovered weed yesterday.

Here's his disqus account. He used to (like 2-3 years ago?) frequently get into bitchy arguments with posters at the AV Club. He's as thin-skinned as apparently every comedian is these days.

Listen to his podcast it's usually "ok" when there's a good guest on but if the audience dares speaks when not spoken too he freaks out

I've seen a few episodes of Getting Doug (good guests) and I've noticed that, too. He gets really snippy or bitchy if things don't go exactly how he wants them. He seems like an odious person to be around.

Same thing with his Doug loves movies one.

He stinks. And he is super sensitive. And he is ghey.

He stinks. At first I liked the idea of his podcast "Getting Doug with High", then I listened to some more comedians' podcasts and realized that they're all getting high without making it the central point of their existence. And he's had great and interesting guests on, and they'll start riffing, but then he'll interject with something like "it's time for Pot topics" or "let's discuss indica vs saliva" and he kills the mood. He damned near gave Jack Black a heart attack by killing the vibe.

Jack Black had to use his safe word.

Sativa not saliva (I don't know how to edit a comment on my phone, sorry)

" He damned near gave Jack Black a heart attack by killing the vibe"

Can you elaborate?

Yeah, if you only watch one EP of his show, watch that one. Jack Black gets super high really quickly. Doug is supremely annoying throughout the episode, but Jack Black is pretty funny to watch, and I say that as someone who doesn't really like Jack Black comedically.

That's a Getting Doug with High that may be worth watching. Jack smoked a bit too much and was incapable of social interaction.

Dude lost me here

Happened to hear this live and haven't looked back since.


Yuck. What an asshole. I would have said just fucking leave then you big fucking baby.

Wow, what an obnoxious asshole. Can't believe one of those guys didn't tell him to get fucked.

What a fat headed, lazy eyed prick. I thought weed was supposed to make you a more relaxed and "chilllll" human being mannnnn.

he has down syndrome eyes that make him look relaxed and cool and laid back, but it was just a quirk in his genes. His whole life he got told "hey dude are you stoned?" and he had to play along. He gradually internalized the idea of being a 'stoner' after decades of elbow-jabbing from strangers and 'the cool crowd' about him being 'high' due to the freak genetic quirk of his ugly, dumb face with the epicanthic folds in his eyes. PS if Sam Roberts gets throat cancer and dies before 35 I would smile and breathe easier for the rest of the day then not think of him ever again.

This is the best post in the history of reddit.

I knew he was a phony since way back when me and my little stoner highschool buddies saw "Super High Me" and were like... I thought this dude was supposed to be getting blazed all the time? He putters around taking tiny micro tokes and acts like Breuer in Half Baked

He was shitty on trailer park boys

Just awful

Oh phew. I thought you were talking about Stanhope.

Man! 10/10 thrill! Looking forward to the next, bruv!

TIL Doug Benson is 51 years old.

Holy fuck I just learned he is 51 and the majority of his jokes are about weed. What a fucking pathetic loser.

One of the worst.

He stinks and I don't like him.

I saw Doug suck another man's cock once.

Nothing is less interesting to me than weed or weed-related talk.

Hang on you talking about sativa or indica?

You fucking cunts crack me up. Well played sir

I think he can be a funny dude and he can be a great addition to a group of conversing comedians but jesus christ does he makes me wanna shoot myself for smoking weed regularly.

I think he is smart he found his audience stoners and stoners that watch movies and exclusively plays to them. He has to be making a nice living doing it.

For sure, and for a guy in his early 50's to find a steady income in a show biz niche, and to be doing it as weed is becoming more legit and legal across the country, good for him. From a business point of view, he's certainly smart. But, from an open minded non-fan perspective, who's given Benson many listens and views, he's not for me and it's not because I'm not into weed. Maybe it has more to do with that Gen X nihilistic irony, maybe it's the lame weed talk. To each his own.

I've very much been in to weed for the last few years, not a big fan of that guy though

So you think it's a character?

No not a character he just found a way to make money smoking weed and gearing shows towards stoners.

Like Mr Imus?

He's unfunny and his podcast stinks as well.

Getting Doug or the movie one?

He has a career because nobody wants to say weed is boring now.

Except it's never been more acceptable, legal, widely used or boring.

Dougs a faggot alt comic and that's his problem. Telling bert I like when comedians speak when spoken to (something along those lines) made me furious.

What happened?

Is there a timestamp for that or is the whole thing a trackwreck? I notice he wrote 'we're still friends', so I'm imagining the whole thing sucks.

The entire episode is just them crying to each other about a misunderstanding on an episode on Doug Loves Movies. Benson is so butt hurt that he didnt get his way and opines that fact for 2 hours.

What a cunt.

I'll occassionally listen to doug loves movies if a comic I like is on. Doug tries to make it a bit, but is clearly really annoyed anytime someone like bert or pete holmes comes on and kills. He'd rather ramble and stick to the same horrible formula as every show rather than have some organic comedic moments. It's like he knows how unfunny he seems in comparison so he's constantly trying to reign them in. It's annoying as shit. Everybody gives bert and pete shit for being obnoxious, but doug is legitimately trying to stifle the funny.



never got the hype behind this dude.

he reminds me of highschool kids who need an identity so they wear hemp cloths and talk like tommy chong.

only difference is some of those kids made me laugh

clickbaiting fuckstick. well played fagit.

You would have clicked it eventually anyway.

Tip our fedors to mlady


how about "Doug KILLS HIMSELF with Car Exhaust in his Garage".......fucking GIMMICKY HACK FAGGOT

is it true HE SELLS TICKETS to shows where he sits stage OTHER COMICS do their act......FOR he interrupts/critiques the performance???

(WOW, do I wish a PAINFUL DEATH on him if this is true)

I don't want to blow up his spot, but he smokes a lot of weed backstage at shows.

Dude weed, lol

I read this thread title and thought it was the name of Doug's new Poscast where he just sits in a room and does cocaine.


His face transitions just like towelie on south park. He also has a similar queefy superior attitude as Jay Oakerson for some reason. They're both boring people, but they feel the need to dominate the room.

He has a reputation as a good joke writer apparently

I usually have Doug Loves Movies in my podcast rotation. I share Doug's cinematic affinity (no surprise to learn his stand-up isn't great but I at least think his riffs on movies are okay). Mark Normand has been pisser in all of his appearances. Didn't go so swell for The Opester.

Opie couldnt name a single Michael Cain movie without cheating.

"Over 15 and still bragging about smoking weed" is one of the best shows ever

His appeal is limited to teenagers and people who think Half Baked was a good movie.

Oh, you motherfucker, you.

Hey dude, weed, LMFAO!"

We know

I agree

ME: Doug don't play!

He played a busboy on Yes Dear.

I never got Doug Benson.

The only time I ever liked him was when he was on I Was There Too podcast, because he was a child actor and an extra on Blade Runner and Captain EO. He had some great stories about both. (And some creepy Michael Jackson shit too)

As shitty and hacky as that is, it's 100x better than his stoner schtick.

If we're discussing that cunt, watch fat Bert Kreisher's podcasts' latest episode. Doug gets mad at Bert for the dumbest shit and can't stop complaining about how Bert kept breaking the rules of his movie "gameshow" to make the show more entertaining. Instead Benson walked off the stage like a child. I don't know how someone who's a "stoner" could be such a sour puss

Ugh yes, fuck that guy.

Can someone make a compilation of his least desirable moments?

Once weed is legal everywhere, that motherfucker is gonna be like Yakov Smirnoff after the Soviet Union collapsed.

Phew. I thought you were talking about Stanhope. Nearly gave a nigga a heart attack.

He looks like a retarded Johnny Knoxville

I did not realize Doug Benson is older than my parents

I just listened to the Bert Kreischer podcast with Doug Benson. Benson is an utter cunt. He's annoyed Kreischer brought out burgers on the show and didn't take the quiz seriously. He actually says "It meant a lot to me when you did leave, the show was over but we could still play the games a little bit."

It's not two people having an argument it's a battleaxe chastising a child for disturbing the lesson.

He was such a pompous and patronising cunt. That line grated with me too. Self important cock

Oh.fuck. I think I've been confusing Doug Stanhope with Doug Benson this whole time!!! Fuck me.

Doug fucking blows smoke or sumpthin' tss

Thought we were talking about Standhope, can't stand him.


Better than a drunk Bill Hicks schtick.

Doug Benson was funny 5 years ago

No he wasn't

My thoughts are: you have too much time on your hands.

You can't act cool here, sir. We're all autistic.

What happened?

Wholeheartedly agree. The math is never wrong though. They (the conspiracy nuts) can never overcome the math. They twist themselves in knots trying to disprove the numbers with bullshit like "vanishing points". I love to hear these tards talk about it though, very entertaining. Conspiracy Dave from DITRH is fucking hilarious.