Opie has a unique and insightful take on the gorilla situation

21  2016-05-30 by Jackthejew


Socrates. Kirkegaard. Hughes.

Me - I go deep with the thinking.... sniff

This man became a millionaire, just think about that.

From his job which involves talking for a living.

Wow. I have completely lost respect for SiriusXM. Anthony gets fired for calling black people animals, but Opie can get away with tweeting something as controversial as this? How is this not a double standard?

Its because opie is white i bet

Really makes you think

Das da best doe just chill and fawkin

das da bit!

As soon as he finished tweeting this he made plans for the family vacation to the Cincinnati zoo.


Didn't Opie Lose his kid in the Elevator once?

Doesn't this retard have a bit where he makes fun of people for tweeting the same thing?


He's right, when you think about it. The gorilla was only doing its thing, but so were the zoo staff. They had to shoot it, which is unfortunate. So the blame really is on the parent who hadn't kept a close eye on her child.

Oh good point I didn't see it from that angle

Yup, the parents are complete morons

You're really breaking new ground here

Thank you. I was voted "most insightful student" in high school.

"most likely to become a modern day Plato"

You mean the #gorilla situation.

"Yep, the dead gorilla was just a warning shot for bad parents." - Gregg "Opie" Hughes, May 30, 2016.

Tweet it. Own it. Now.

Way to take a stand Opie. That's a statement a politician would make to stay as neutral as possible. If he had any sense he'd realize it's not the gorillas fault, it's not the zoos fault it's the parents fault & not because they weren't watching the kid but for not teaching their kid that life isn't a fucking Disney movie & that wild animals with eat your face & mutilate your genitals but I'm sure Opie doesn't be real with his kids because he doesn't want to scare them or give them nightmares, I'm sure he's all in on participation trophies & helicopter parenting & then when his kids are entitled monsters who live at home at 25 after several stints in rehab he'll finally get it or maybe not.


He really put the whole thing together there.

They just haven't figured this shit out yet.

I thought ant was usually the one commenting on the gorilla situation?

this couldnt be a more bland stating of the obvious. I challenge anyone to find a soccer mom that doesnt have a sharper take on this.

Finally one of Anthony's most used hashtags is trending


2016-05-30 19:25:28 UTC

Sadly they had no choice and had to kill the #gorilla Parents might want to watch their kid a little closer next time tho.

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My take on the gorilla thing is sadness because now I know there won't be a Precious 2.


I miss Patrice..