24  2016-05-30 by dopef123

When I signed up for Compound Media I didn't realize I was going to be listening to a half baked political talk show.

If there's one way to alienate your listeners it's to talk about politics and black people. Just say you don't like black people and don't want to pay taxes and let's move on.


When I signed up for Compound Media I thought I was going to be listening to a daily 60 minute excursion into the fascinating world of compound words and compound fractures.

into the fascinating world of compound words and compound fractures.

Well you got half your wish, I think.

I was expecting a financial show on compound interest.

I was thinking more chemistry or alchemy.

now that you bring it up, I'd rather have a subscription to the New England Compounding Center

edit: is it just a shitty joke or do people not get the reference

Well, pharmacies don't really have subscriptions so it's a shitty joke. Also people here are dummies so they didn't get it. So both.

I'll give you an upvote for goin' a l'il local today. sniff

I was expecting a financial show on compound interest.

I was expecting a financial show on compound interest.

i don't get it

drugs 4 me

I was hoping for wart remover discussion.

I assumed ol crater face Cumia had taken up archery and was going to educate me about compound bows

I'd like to give Anthony a compound fracture for becoming such a disappointing zero.

I was thinkin a show about different types of make-up and foundations..special host Sue Lightning

Why did you not realise this? Ant before he got the boot from Sirius was banging on about politics and black people for years.

I am an actual racist, and even I found it quite fucking boring and embarrassing at times.

When he did it on Sirius it was hilarious.

To everyone that agreed with him. That's why it's generally a bad idea to harp on politics and race incessantly. Half your audience is likely to disagree with you. I thought Ant stunk those last few years.

To everyone that agreed with him.

I can confirm that it was not hilarious to everyone that agreed with him. Only the most fanatical political faggot would not get tired of hearing his own opinions spewed back at him constantly.

Yeah, I don't agree with him, so I was just trying to be reasonable. Like, I'm probably more liberal than some folks here, but I don't sit around and listen to Bill Maher. All of that shit is excruciating to me. There's a dude I agree with more than Cumia but is no less insufferable. Yeah, so you're right.

him and opie think they were untouchable lol

I don't agree with Ant politically but I still found his ranting to be really funny.

It was. The first time. And the second time. Even the third time. But I think we've all lost count, and Ant wasn't even trying to be funny at some point. He was just ranting about his political views like every other pundit.

Only because he had people like Patrice, Louie and Burr to call his bullshit out.

This has been "Observations from Two Years Ago"

Tune in next week while we discuss the looming Ebola outbreak that's threatening America!

Ebola isn't a problem in America. There were a few scares that weren't infected and a couple medical volunteers who brought it back from West Africa. The News picked up the story and ran it into the ground but there was never any real danger.

Go fuck yourself, queerbomb.

You don't say.



/r/Opieandanthony has ~210 concurrent users right now, /r/TACN has ~0 concurrent users (Not counting myself, being a humble scientific observer).

So here's my predicament:

I'm trying to compare public interest between a growing online entertainment network (TACS) and a no longer relevant comedy forum (this sub), but I'm running into all sorts of mathematical quandaries when a ratio containing a zero is used (like 210:0). Supposedly ratios like this don't scale well, especially when you're trying to forecast growth (0 usually stays at 0) so I did a little digging and came up with this:

Dr. Math states (in response to a question about ratios involving zero): "Hi, Jackie. I think you've got the right idea. I wouldn't actually say that these ratios are meaningless--they do mean something!--but for many purposes such a ratio means that something is useless. The ratios themselves are not meaningless, but in a specific application they may be invalid."

So I'm having some trouble understanding this because clearly TACN is a growing and successful enterprise, but any way you crunch the numbers it turns out that Anthony Cumia is mathematically "meaningless" or "invalid". We all know that this isn't true, so perhaps there is something wrong with modern mathematics (or the scientific method in general)?

I'm no brain surgeon but I took a few calculus courses in my day and it mostly seemed to make sense, though who knows. Scientific history is full of paradigm-shifting discoveries that upend what were once commonly accepted beliefs, so this could be a career-making equation like Fermat's Last Theorem if one of us is able to crack it. I know that TACS has a class on statistics about 4 days a week so if one of you eager-beavers could lend a hand with this I'd be really appreciative.

Oh, you just haven't grasped Common Core yet..

I can't help but please keep us posted on this.

Yes...please continue to spend your time looking into and writing about the most boring shit a human being could ever imagine encountering....yes, I know you're trying to be funny...but that didn't work out either...


Kind of silly Lady Boy does not want to pay taxes. Who does he think is going to pay for the the police, the District Attorney, The Judge, The courthouse, the bailiff, the jail and the corrections officers? I mean not all of us need those things but we don't mind paying them even though others use them.

Perhaps he's wishing that all of those things you listed (and are currently working to have him imprisoned) will just disappear?

When I signed up for Compound Media I... oh wait, I cancelled that shit more than 18 months ago.

What are you talking about? Fred from Brooklyn is loving it!

Careful if you point that out he will dox you

what you're describing is basically why I stopped listening to o and a in the first place years ago.

If there's one way to alienate your listeners it's to talk about politics and black people.

Some shitty members of this sub notwithstanding, i think the old O an A fan-base really doesn't mind right wing politics and racism. And the ones that do? Well there's always, you know, every other form of media extant. That colored feller on the Daily Show is a hoot i heard.

I will take racist nazi apologism and alex jones level conspiracies if you can make it funny. Ant can't do that though.


very fresh opinion. I dont get why some people freak out over off topi posts - you really just want to hear this over and over?

I'm pretty sure they love paying taxes, these are the dudes who showed so much support for the federal reserve during occupy wall street if you do recall.

implying OWS was about the Federal Reserve and not left wing Commie bullshit

Other than a few Libertarians involved almost every OWS protester was a stinking hippy who just wanted to end Capitalism maaan. Also, I'm not sure how a central bank with the power to control the money supply is a tax issue... maybe you're conflating it with the IRS?

You should have done your research in this subreddit first.

To be fair, it's not like it shouldn't have been expected. Ant was boring us with race, political and gun rants for years beforehand.

Fresh take. I never thought about it this way.



Then you're an idiot.

Please direct this dicussion over to /r/TACSuncensored I'm really getting sick of posting comments to myself over there

Woah, that sub has become an autistic Hatfield/McCoy battleground.
