Rogan and Papa in a nutshell

75  2016-05-30 by JamesH26


That is fucking brilliant.. It's just too long though, if it was 2 mins it could go viral.... Sniff

The person that made that is very perceptive and direct.

The zoom in's were hilarious.

Rogan is like if Opie had interests.



He fucking loves the New York Islanders, give him a lil credit

Gay isn't a sexual preference it's a fetish. Bald men have higher than average testosterone levels, which can cause an over active sex drive and then you tend to be "down for whatever".


The Pablo Escobar stuff is the best part. I love how they edited it to make it sound like Rogan was bragging because he knew that Escobar was a drug dealer before watching the show.

yo at fucking 01:00 to 02:30 i was laughing so fucking hard this is genius

I've watched this around 8 times now and it doesn't stop being funny.

feels like an Eric Andre interview. nice work

He's my favorite non-comedian comedian.

Turn that poop into wine!

JoeRogan2 where are u??!?!?!?! That was great.

That was brilliant

This is a good video.

I wish I could upvote this twice

that's worth watching all the way through, lol @

Really fuckin funny

That's pretty much what Rogan became permanently a couple hundred episodes ago.

I love it when you call me Tom Papa

Put your dough in the oven if you're a true baker.

Rogan's isolation tank is highly similar In principles of enclosure to that of a nutshell.

I was expecting something about cucks


Jesus drop the fucking joint already Joe


Papa looks like the Leprachaun.


haha, i only listened to the first few seconds but thats a re-edit, right?

edit: nvm it is, lol thats hilarious

all the time Rogan Watch put in and couldnt come up with anything nearly this funny

I dunno, that edit of Rogan lifting those too-heavy Onnit Kettlebells is still tops. Wish it wasn't taken down...

I doubt it. The fact that guy put so much time into looking for rogan flaws and all he ever found was either rogan saying something gay or homophobic just showed the opposite of what he was going for and proved there wasnt much there.

I don't know why everyone hates Papa, his standup is decent. He's better than Soder doing his shrill midwest lady voice every five minutes.

He is talented, but feels too accommodating and safe, imho

Well he hosted the marriage ref, I don't think he's trying to be edgy or anything, he's more towards Jerry Seinfeld's type of comedy than Lil Jimmy's for example I'd say

He's a poor man's Jim Gaffigan.

I haven't seen a lot of Jim Gaffigan's stuff but what I have seen I haven't liked, his show was awful too

Beyond the Pale is really good. That is if you like self deprication. His first CD is sorta dirty but after that he really cleaned up his act.

Put your dough in the oven if you're a true baker.