The Halperin Sccop Video Bugs Me

0  2016-05-30 by MilliBotany

When Ant and Ian chat about his being fired, his expression remains rock solid.

No involutary blinking or looking down at the desk or looking worried

or anything else that would indicate that talking about the firing irritates the shit out of him.

So I'm thinking: the three of them simply must have something planned for

post-October, and that all of this other shit is just, I don't know, a "distraction" of some kind.


I said from the beginning that Anthony's incident with that black hooker was planned. It's very clear to me that Sirius was not going to re-sign Anthony. So Anthony came up with this publicity stunt to get some attention for his future podcast. And it worked very well. He got massive amounts of publicity.

That's a stupid thing to think friend.

Be honest. You don't find it odd how fast Sirius fired Anthony? Anthony, who said racist shit on the radio every single day, and on twitter also. They instantly fired him over the phone over some racist tweets because it had gained a small amount of media attention? They didn't want to meet with him and hear his side of the story? Especially considering he had an interesting story to tell, since he claimed he was assaulted by a woman. That is not suspicious to you at all?

They fired him because he said black people were animals that needed to be exterminated. It wasn't some grape soda and kfc joke.

He called black people animals on Twitter EVERYDAY. That was his way of not saying the N word, was calling them animals.

Ant didn't get fired because of some weird conspiracy, he got fired because some meth'd up hooker punched him and he raged out at blacks.

As soon as he advocated violence against the entire ethnic group Sirius wasn't gonna fire him?

Ant used to go on those types of rants almost every single day. He was advocating violence against somebody who assaulted him. At the very least Sirius would have had a meeting with him to find out what happened. Instead of insta-firing him over the phone. There is so much about this story that doesn't add up. I'm also very suspicious why Anthony was walking about Time Square that late at night taking pictures of the under side of bridges and black hookers. That is very out of character for him. Especially for a guy who claimed to have not been to Time Square in over a decade. And how only dumb Midwestern tourists go to Time Square. And how he is a paranoid shut-in, and walking around late at night with a super expensive camera taking pictures of people is just asking for trouble.

"Give me my dollar back, he convinced me."

Or how they were so close to the time when there contract was expired. Or how there bit that they did every day was the "apology clock". Where they highlighted people who were fired for stupid reasons, often Twitter comments.

If you play minute 38 of the 4/8/2010 show backwards you can clearly hear the words 'Ant fired because twitter illumanti building 7'.

Just because some conspiracies are fake doesn't mean none of them are true... Opie and Anthony used to talk about how they got themselves fired on purpose in Boston. Also why is it so far fetched to think that radio guys would do some shady fake bits? Isn't that exactly what radio guys are known for?

A vast number of conspiracy theories are quite true, in fact.

So much so that the coporate-controlled mainstream media has now

pounded it into your head that a "conspiracy theorist" is a paranoid nutcase,

just because so much thorough research is now possible with the internet,

and the truth is arrived at to uncomfortably close for some people.

Jesus wept, them saying they got fired on purpose was a dumb lie invented by Opie to sound hard core to the extreme. It's been refuted by everyone involved. I'm not going to get in a discussion with someone who falls for Opie lies.

He called black people animals on Twitter EVERYDAY.

And 40 media outlets and blogs reposted all of his daily tweets, every day.

It's cute how in all your bullshit you never mention that. No massive media reporting, no firing. Did they just have the supreme confidence to know it would work and they'd eat it right up to make sure it would reach critical mass? Or are all those sites in on the conspiracy as well. Were they all paid off? Or did they all just really care about Sirius' employment situation and decided to lend them a hand.

Publicity which he turned into a fart in the wind. He's got a sub standard podcast network that has 2 good shows at best. He's hardly ripping the tits off opportunity.


Why do you think SiriusXM wasn't gonna re-sign him?

I just get that feeling. One thing is how quickly they fired him. They didn't have a meeting with him, or suspend him, make him apologize, then fire him. They just fired him over the phone. That's pretty suspicious. Also how dramatically they changed the show without Anthony. They made the show way more friendly and tried to get more female fans. Almost like it was planned. Also because of how close to the contract negotiations this incident happened. Also because of some stuff Opie said. He talked about how they had been having discussions behind the scenes before Anthony was fired about breaking up the show.


Yeah, you're right. Some of that stuff's pretty fishy.

Publicity which he turned into a fart in the wind. He's got a sub standard podcast network that has 2 good shows at best. He's hardly ripping the tits off opportunity.

Why do you think SiriusXM wasn't gonna re-sign him?

I just get that feeling. One thing is how quickly they fired him. They didn't have a meeting with him, or suspend him, make him apologize, then fire him. They just fired him over the phone. That's pretty suspicious. Also how dramatically they changed the show without Anthony. They made the show way more friendly and tried to get more female fans. Almost like it was planned. Also because of how close to the contract negotiations this incident happened. Also because of some stuff Opie said. He talked about how they had been having discussions behind the scenes before Anthony was fired about breaking up the show.

That's a stupid thing to think friend.