Listen to the Worm at the end of this if you need a reason to hate Jim

3  2016-05-29 by swejeht2


Timestamp you whore

UFC is exclusively for faggots and white trash people

You sound like you were forcibly fucked by someone in a Tapout shirt.

huh? what's wrong with you

ufc is two meatheads trying to bloody each other. what's not to like?

Come on guys, he had to get a pair of gloves signed, and get put in an armbar so he had something to jack off to later. Anyone would do the same.

If this is what I think it is, it's the most infuriating moment in the history of the show and made me lose a ton of respect for Norton. I refuse to listen to it.

Love Norton, but his fucking autograph/pic thing is an absolute addiction for him and it's embarrassing. His love for Sabbath is also way too over the top. I fucking love Sabbath, enjoy almost every album, whether Ozzy was in the band or not. Today is the first time I've mentioned them anywhere in months, maybe even this year.

The difference is that you know more than two bands.

Best part was CQ not giving a care!

Desperate to get Norm out who was killing so he can lead a boring as fuck Brock Lesnar interview.

Was he ever called out on this?

I'm not sure about on the air, but it's pretty much known amongst this sub as the worst of Norton. Most of us really like Norm and for another comedian to treat him so shitily is pretty hard to explain away.

You don't see a ton of threads about it, but references to Norton blowing off Norm to get to a UFC fighter are common in the comments.

I love Norm. His appearance on the show Tom Green did in his house was great.

Uh did you actually make those comments or are you commenting on what us other posters have done, like some outsider civilian? Why would i listen to someone talk about people posting about norm when they aren't specifically someone who has posted about Norm themselves?

I feel like I'm supposed to be either laughing or offended, but my head is absolutely killing me reading this.

You're supposed to be fucking your wife but your addicted to cock.



Pretty shit timing. Could've been a great show

Starts at 33:30ish, go fuck yourself OP.

I refuse to listen to this

So... when?

The end

Did you ever hit someone so hard you thought they might die???

Can anybody make out what Norm is saying about Ant's ex in the background at 34:20?

He asked if Ant was dead comedian Robert Schimmel, due to the fact that Schimmel married and divorced his daughter's best friend who was 30 years younger than him.

Ha! That's gold. Thanks, mate. Very funny.

He's complaining about Anthony taking a picture with him. That's funny. Even Opie wanted to talk to norm still.

What the fuck are you idiots talking about? All I hear is Jim Norton trying to the next guest in for an interview. What am i missing?

Fuck sake timestamp.