Opie begs Ian Halperin for the big scoops but Anthony Cumia is the one who gets it...Opie will be none to pleased shitting on the beach this weekend.

0  2016-05-29 by Dannyprecise


I have a feeling HooHoo is going to have Ian banned from SXM like he did to a few others. No more OpieRadio for this one.

Who else did he ban?

I'm not 100% sure but Stuttering John after he did Opie(talked about it on TACS and Artie) and Bob Levy.

Thanks, man. But what did Bob Levy do?

LMAO I'm a fan of Ian Halperin. Even though he is super obnoxious, he is always entertaining. One of my all time favorite O&A moments was when he brought those two hookers on the show and pretended they were his girlfriends. And Anthony and Jim Jefferies were just relentlessly making fun of them.

Can you imagine if Ian was a guest on Gavin's show? You'd have a leaky boner for the rest of your life.

Google it

And Anthony and Jim Jefferies were just relentlessly making fun of them.

After they meticulously broke them both down

until they fully confessed to their Halperin-induced deceitful charade. lol

Did I really just read "I'm a fan of Ian Halperin"?

No wonder Trump has a shot at being president.

Trump is the frontrunner you fucking dork.

Trump2016 #FuckAllLiberalScum

This guy fucks!



This "scoop" doesn't really make HS look bad. It actually does the opposite. Shows he was powerful enough to have pisses off Sinatra

His story that Frank Sinatra tried to kill the most famous radio personality in America, got the wrong guy, and then stopped trying, is very believable. Just like his other Stern story where the only source was one old Russian hooker.

These losers treating fucking Ian Halperin like he's Anderson Cooper brings me joy I cannot begin to explain.

