Gavin should be a regular on Ant's show

12  2016-05-28 by ContentBotHZ54K

I like it when he's on


Gavin has ambition and is almost relevant. By far the smartest thing for Ant to do would be to partner with him completely, change the name to something that isnt stupid, and let Gavin run things, and get as far away as possible from keith the cop, while he's still lucky enough for Gavin to be willing.

I don't particularly like Gavin, but I agree. He seems to do show prep and give a shit that his show is watchable to the audience that appreciates him. That said, why would Gavin want to do that? The situation being the way it is now, he has an out if Ant loses his shit again. I feel like hitching your wagon even closer to a dude that's like a month sober might be a little silly.

I dont know why Gavin has given Ant the time of day that he has but thats why he should definitely capitalize off it while he can. And Gavin doesnt seem to give a shit about Ant's bad publicity, you wont find many of them so he's the perfect person that is potentially relevant enough to put it in his hands and watch it take off. And Ant's sobriety or not sobriety doesnt mean anything. He went to rehab as a move to look good in court, he isnt a real alcoholic and drinking or not wont make a difference in what he does, I'm sorry to tell ya.

Yeah, I mean, if what you say is true and Gavin would be willing to cohost with dying ET, Ant would be crazy not to do that immediately.

If ant was utilized correctly and wasn't a total loser he could help make a really good show.

I think the best thing would be if any lost everything and was forced to be a third wheel on some PC daytime radio show. He'd have to actually try so he would have enough money to survive.

And the smartest thing for Gavin would be to quit and do a podcast not behind a paypal. That nigga gets 100k views on shitty videos and a few recently at over a million. Tranthony can barely get a couple thousand for his cat videos.

Yeah, I was just watching the episode he was on an hour ago. It was very funny. Both of them are so much funnier when they have somebody who can keep up with them with being funny. Gavin cracked me up when he said " in high school we created a group called SAS (Students against students against drunk driving)".

I just watched that show as well, and only because Gavin was on. Ant sucks nowadays.

Anthony was pretty funny on this episode also. That whole bit about there imaginary African friend was hilarious.

Making fun of niggers is always hilarious.

Acronym jokes. Sigh.



That actually cracked you up?

Ohh I forgot. This is the O&A subreddit where you guys are all too cool to find anything funny. Watch out everybody. They don't find anything funny. They are confirmed bad asses.

I find a lot of things funny. For instance, the fact that you pay to listen to Compound Media cracks me up.

I honestly thought he would be Anthony's side kick. It would be the best move for his show

I don't like Gavin or his tryhard contrarianism, but I still think he would be an improvement to Ant's show.

that show was fantastic.didnt want it to end. Then i watched mike finoia's skateboarder show and i wanted to ice cream scoop my ears and eyeballs out.

I agree, he's the most entertaining person on the network. There is some guy on here though who hates Gavin to an extreme level, I assume Gavin fucked his wife or something.

oh, you must be talking about all of us

Nah, I get that a lot of people don't like him, but there are for sure a couple of hardcore faggots.

I hate Gavin, but that's just because he's an obnoxious twit who is either a conservative and Catholic retardate, or a troll. I am hoping like hell that he's a troll so I don't have to believe someone is actually like that in their personal life.

Was it your wife or your girlfriend, faggot?

"so I don't have to believe someone is actually like that in their personal life" - smug dork

Which is it, my wife/girlfriend or I'm a faggot. It can't be both.

Sure it can.

I'm a girl or I'm bisexual, then? Maybe both, that'd be hot.

when people do his voice

"oh yeah! lets drink and drive some more! lets be racist! Im so crazy!" they couldnt sound like a more homeschooled faggot

They don't get hyperbole. It is pretty embarrassing to see that shit, especially on a sub that is based on a defunct comedy radio show.

He could be funnier if he didn't try so hard to be cool and edgy.

You are a giant sensitive faggot. It's not the CBS nightly news stupid.

Yes. Because I said it would be better if he were more serious?

Typical fake tough guy. "I like do drive drunk man it's fun!"

If you are impressed by that, you're likely a fat girl with daddy issues.

I don't know why you are so mad, but I sincerely hope it was because someone close to you was killed by a drunk driver.


By da way, "I hope a relative got killed by a drunk driver" is shit Jim Norton said in 2007. What are you going to do next, tell me you wanna hit me in the head with a bucket of aids, tough guy?

Lol you uptight cunt, shut it.

Guys I think what we really need is Anthony x devito or Mike, it's like home run cumia

And pat Dixon. I don't listen to crime report but those three guys have a natural rapport that should be fostered. Now that the skanks are unfortunately gone, Anthony needs to focus on tightening the relationships between hosts so that they're all better together as a "media destination" rather than just a collection of shows that could do just as well in their own

Gavin should co-host/produce. They need a yound guy to sit third mic too, like a Pepper Hicks sort of guy.

"Hey, Anthony. Let's try the buttplug challenge on your show" How would he react?

Ant should cancel his show and be a regular guest on Gavin's show.


both of them benefit from a co host ... but they both could be funnier

Because even if it's too hard, Gavin actually TRIES

Another person that is less hatable than the fags that inhabit this sub now. Just pull the plug already.

I don't know why you are so mad, but I sincerely hope it was because someone close to you was killed by a drunk driver.