chip chipperson show episode guide

70  2016-05-28 by chipchippersonrules

episode 1: teaser

release date: Published on Feb 11, 2016

synposes: chip chiperson introdeces us to the characters and tells us about the cartoon

funniest quotes:

"go back to playing scratch and sniff with ur a**hole" -- woman

"we need to get more money to get the rest of this cartoon made!" -- chip chpperson

"chip? where are u? i dont like being by myself. i lonely." -- police man

did you notice....?

  • the ice cream truck driver is a reference to serial killer john wayne

  • "you get more flies with honey then vineger" is actually a good morel, not just a joke


"These characters really have potential for an awesome show..." -- youtuber

"I really hope Jim sees the comments and works on it." -- youtuber

"This is like a cartoon that would be on TV in another cartoon." -- youtuber

best moments:

  • dog lick poo off mans fingers

episode 2: funeral home

release date: Published on Feb 29, 2016

synposes: chip chiperson meets girl at funeral and wants to be her boyfran

funniest quotes:

"that wasnt my husband he was just some ugly stupid peace of sh** who hit on me so i killed him" -- unfunny woman

"move! get out of the way! watch it u big bully, move it, f**kin old people" -- chip chpprson

did you notice...?

*when the bird flys over the garbage can it dies from the smell. that garbage cans must have been really smelly

*the bird from aladdin plays the voice of the zombie


"TOTALLY worth $60,000." -- youtuber

"Very funny I enjoyed it." -- youtuber

"Its ok i guess" -- youtuber

best moments:

  • chip puts honey on his pecker and the bees sting it

  • ambulence crashes into train

stay tuned for episode guide for episode 3 soon


"This is like a cartoon that would be on TV in another cartoon."

That really sums it up perfectly.

Thank you, I wrote that one. It was the least negative thing I could think to say about it.

No you didn't, I wrote that.

You're a liar.

Give me gold.

Yes, please pay the fucks at reddit 20 dollars because we laughed at each other's jokes. You fucking imbeciles.

edit: I'll tell you what, I'm actually pretty mad about this.

i would gold you for that if i wasn't eating cat food tonight

Damn gold city up in here you Jews

what the fuck my gold runs out in 2 days...hope this trend keeps a'rollin on :)....please:(

shut up

lol im kidding reddit gold is literally nothing

First time I've seen some noe getting gilded in this dead sub.

i hate knickers gets gold on here like every 3rd day

the rest of you just have too much self respect to do what it takes to make that happen for yourselves though

Here's an update. My pillow still sucks and I still have a weird cough.

LOL, you probably have a respiratory disease.



I smoke a lot of weed so I'm just banking on that

Throw your fucking pillow away already, you fucking weirdo.

ME: Where you at with the crotch pillow between your legs with the fan on when you sleep?

I'm all in with that, but not a moldy toilet pillow.

Next paycheck I'm getting a pillow. This sub is capable of doing good.

You're a person of lower stock.

What does gold get you on here?

I've had it a couple of times, and nothing really. You get access to a shitty "secret" forum where everyone brags about having gold, and I always feel like maybe I wasted my 30 days by not posting in there by the time the month's up, but then I assure myself I'm wrong.

Id get banned from that forum for calling everyone faggots and telling them I hope they burn to death in a house fire.

Prove it

The best thing about gold is it highlights posts you haven't seen yet. You also get a discount to random websites, one of them sells beef jerky.

that was me :)

I gave those other people gold and you get none, because you begged for it fgt.

But I gave it to _IHateKnickers a week ago..I miss my $3.99...waaahhhhh

i've guilded a few on here but i think most people on this sub are realist enough to realize that reddit as a whole is a turd sandwich of millennial pussies and shills


His cartoon wouldn't even cut it as a cartoon on a tv in a video game.

Great work. I'm going to add this to the Chip Chipperson Show wikipedia article!

be sure to include a citation back here

It just occurred to me that this show would be funnier if they got Gilbert Gottfried to do Chip.


God fucking damn this is funny.

The Chip Chipperson show looks and feels like it deserves to be in a GTA game as part of their regular TV shows.

Chip being hauled off in an ambulance was a hell of a season finale cliffhanger. I wonder if Chip Snow survives. No spoilers pls.

Thanks for keeping us posted /u/chipchippersonrules, this is very useful to have.

You should have done a separate post for each episode and really reaped in the karma.


Well done.

Hope Jim reads this.

How much did Jimmy get to make this show?

indiegogo is taking 10% so he gets to pocket 54000 or so

Couldn't he use that excess money to fix his fucking windows so we don't have to spend 3 hours listening to him trying to get people to fix it for him for free?


I smoke a lot of weed so I'm just banking on that

ME: Where you at with the crotch pillow between your legs with the fan on when you sleep?