Let's help out poor Patti.

4  2016-05-28 by CEO_Of_Panera


If you can provide some sort of proof that this money will actually go to Patti then I will reinstate this post.

Yeah. I'm not donating money to a gofundme run by an alt who hasn't posted in a month and calls himself "Joseph Edge"

If someone from the show made a real gofundme for her I would donate, but this is probably skinkskc trying to drum up some cash for a bundle.

It's got a thumbnail of Samcro Joe, I think it's more likely him now that Ant had to tighten his belt and reduce Joe's allowance.

2 comments, only one visible. Some ones shadowbanned. But fuck your Gofundme. There is zero chance any money gets to Patti.


rather giver to her^

That is a dark fucking darkie. God damn.