Great interview with Bernie Sanders on Real Time. This guy is the real deal and I hope all of this sub supports him

0  2016-05-28 by AnthonyCumiaSux


Bahh da millyunares an billyunares!!!

What this country really needs is a Jewish communist. It's about time somebody gave thema try!! It couldn't be as bad as last time, ammirite?

Kill yourself.

Yeah because he has such a good shot at securing the Democratic nomination and all.

I hope you are the first person to contract and die of a new disease.

Oy vey! if he. does. not. get. the nominaayshun it will be like anuddah shoah!

buhnie sahndiz

I can handle watching any gross video, gore video, ISIS beheading, etc, but watching Bernie and Bill Maher in the same room I just can't. I made it to a minute in but it's just too much. The forced clap breaks would give Colin Quinn a stroke.

I'd rather watch two homeless guys fight over a refrigerator box.

Die in a fire