Banned :(

0  2016-05-28 by sanfrancisco69er

Feeling pretty shitty about this...anyone wanna talk?


I've been banned from /r/politics AND /r/news for telling people they should be murdered for their beliefs. I think those places suck.

You just let everyone here know that you spent your Friday night harrasing mental patients who wear wigs

Sounds like a good night to me.

Yeah you got me banned too faggot for no reason

Now I can't even be a faggot if I wanted to

yeesh that was weird ... they all look like very timid people with little to no self esteem... what were you posting anyway?

I honestly dont get it because I was posting genuine compliments. I was serious when I said the "John Leguizamo from To Wong Foo" vibes I was getting from the one were a good thing.

HA! what do they expect? every post asks for honesty.... and honestly there seems to be a pattern with "chin-less" people on that Sub... like having a weak chin or no jaw line makes you gender dismorphic ... also something embarrassing : Leguizamo's one man show on HBO was the first "stand up" i ever saw ... i liked the voices ...ughhhh

Lol, I wasnt there for very long but what I did see was pretty sad. Pretry much no one actually passed for whatever gender they were going for, but they all got their circle jerk compliments from other messes they were looking for, while theyre secretly snickered at behind their wide backs wherever they go.

ha ... i imagine they all told their friends something like " ...And i was the only passible one on the whole site..." .... women, gays and trans are all catty and back-stabby

Sweet new jerkoff materials

Thats what I said! Until the unthinkable happened :/

Oh I don't care what happens to you in your pathetic internet life

Did you really respond to this seriously? You dummy

I get you're not really upset, but you don't get that you're a faggot and we don't need a thread where you brag about what a edgy internet queer you are getting banned all over reddit.

It was nothing but a good, stupid, if ya don't like it make fun of me, don't make a serious statement like a faggot

I'll try again next time you make a thread about yourself.

Good. See ya then.

I'm banned from /r/tacn and /r/animalskillingpeople

You'll always have r/amiugly tho

nahh...I'm going back to /r/truecels after this one

What in the fuck is that?

I'm so confused on who it was

tsss transpassing? Is that like when a tranny enters your land without permission or sumptin? tss tsss

nahh...I'm going back to /r/truecels after this one

I'm so confused on who it was