Jerry O'Connell on Sam Roberts show - questions him on internal politics on O&J @ 38:43

17  2016-05-27 by TotallyNotObsi


O'Connell's mom was also a special ed teacher that taught Beetle Juice back in the day. She used to have them play together sometimes.

Not really important, but one of those weird 6 degrees of separation type things.

Sherrod Small is black.

Thats fucking great

Thought you meant Keaton for a second and got pissed. He's a national treasure, Keaton

why did that seem so fake and staged?

He turned at the last second... I thought he was gonna say "shitty"

That's exactly what I thought

Sam looks like a chimp.

He is kin to a monkey.


Wow! That was shit. I've never seen Sam's show before. Is that what it's always like? I liked him on O and A, but three hours every day?

Sam...I know you're reading this. You're taking yourself too seriously. I know your reaction will be, "you gotta take yourself seriously if you want to host a show." but I don't mean that. I mean you're believing that you're a talented radio veteran that can turn anything interesting. You obviously can't.

I believe you can do an entertaining wrestling specialty show for a couple of hours a week. But this was...nothing. A nothing discussion about whose name is or isn't on a show and why.

It's a weird niche that Sam has been trying to develop. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but I would think that he's hit the ceiling on how far he can go with talking TV shows and wrestling.

Outside of the WWE machine, there's probably not a lot of money to be made in the wrasslin' world. What he needs is a gig with the WWE.

That the cunt from Sliders?

This made me happy b/c it reminds me of the ERock script saga.

There's a communist on my house!

Sliders fucking rules

For the first two seasons. Then it was pure horseshit

I like Jerry because he's a big radio nerd and somehow married a really hot wife and had a hollywood career. He should be auditioning for something instead he's wrapped up in O&A and Stern drama, its great.

Some should introduce him to reddit. He'll fit right in here.

I am not sure what Sam does on his show, but "Guy Radio" it is not

Later on Sam confirms that it was Opie who moved Sam up to the 9pm slot. And because of that, Sam no longer gets to see see his wife, who works during the day and he doesn't get home until 3am.

Opie is trying to break up Sam's marriage, which was already shaky.

Opie has done enough for that talent less nothing, sometime he needs to take one for the team

Sounds like he is trying to do Sam a favor

I guess Sam and his wife are still together then

Opie has big tits & he should be locked up & butt fucked for getting paid for what happens on "Opie Radio" . It really us criminal. That said, he couldn't care less about anyone's fucking marriage. Sociopaths don't operate like that.

How do sociopaths operate? From my experience, they operate exactly like that. But Opie isn't a real full blown sociopath.

How do you think RON BENNINGTON feels looking at Opies name on the walls of that studio? Ron has been funnier in the last week than Opie will or ever could be. It's depressing

Sam is an awful interviewer, albeit, a great shit stirrer. He is so out of place "being the rudder of his own ship." Without someone around to tell "Erock, that's breakfast" he is Jim Chandler in chimpanzee form.

What happened Jer? Ran out of steam 38 minutes in? What a safe way to humorlessly inject something that may seem edgy to the five people listening to the Sam Roberts Show.

Luckily Sam leveraged the situation, attempting to bring anything interesting into the conversation, by face contorting his mouth to produce sounds of a contrived non-explanation of why Jim isn't part of the channel's branding.

Jesus this is pure drivel. I'd rather listen to Sherrod read a loud his favorite Dr Seus book pausing only to riff on the artwork.

Opie has completely gutted any comedic legacy the O&A show once had; this is absolute proof of that. There are mixed feelings about Sam's contributions to the O&A show on this sub, I personally thought he worked of Jim and Ant perfectly and the shit show had some amazing moments. He was a net positive in my book.

Listening to this 14 seconds of the "internal politics" of the Opie Radio brand was simply depressing.

Jim was never a part of the creation of Opie Radio, he isn't second mic, he is a tarnished, broken relic of what once was. He'll tossed out like a booger stained sofa come October and Opie can continue to insulate himself with Opie Radio eunuchs like Sam until he becomes a big enough financial loss to Sirius, like O&A was became to terrestrial radio in 2009, to be shown the door.

Edit: humorlessly

But how do you really feel?

We heard him!!!!

I stopped at "it's good"

Don't really care about this video just wanted to say Sliders was the shit.

Sam needs some steamed vegetables and a steak.

his wife could use some meat and a couple potatoes too.

;) and some "gravy"

Jerry O'Connell really likes the direction of the new show.

"huh..uh... so what can we talk about now?..."

wow. they are really struggling. this is hard to listen to.

should have gotten erock in there to pitch his movie

why the fuck would anyone give a flying fucking fuck about that radio cancer death faggot wrastlin' fucking child eating fucking mother fucking cocksucker?


He played his role very well on O&A. I wasn't a fan of Jim & Sam shows but when it was him, Ant, and Jim, he helped make great shit happen.

O'Connell stinks of desperation. I get the impression that the guy is just happy to be out of the house and away from his wife and kids. He looks so whipped its disgusting.

John Stamos is probably somewhere laughing about this.

Yeah, he seems beaten down.


well that was underwhelming. thanks for that.

Can't listen to Sams show but isn't Jerry like a hardcore Howard fan?

This is a time where I'd like E Rock to be there just so they could talk about how Jerry was the fat kid in Stand By Me. Now he's married to Rebecca Romijn Stamos.

Eric, comment?

Also, Jerry O'Connell is a nice guy, but also a huge cuck. He's a stay at home dad while his wife goes out and works and she also flips out on him, but he never "reacts".

People who use the word cuck like you do really need to be shot.

have you seen who Jerry is married to?

the fat boy wouldn't dare risk anything to lose her.

also stay at home dad is easy as shit, you just put your kids in front of a computer or tv and then you have all the time in the world to shitpost here or get high or drink

Jerry's isn't a bad looking guy himself. And he's in good shape. Rebecca is getting old. I bet she beats him.

I bet she beats him.

Sounds hot.

With a tire iron

Still hot.

stay at home dad isn't exactly the same when you're both multi millionaire actors, you'd be a fool to not do what he's doing if you had the chance.



You don't like the way he used that word?


He's a stay at home dad while his wife goes out and works

He probably wakes up at 1 in the afternoon, doesn't bother to ever wear pants, and still eats froot loops. To me that's living the dream.

He wakes up at 6am when his daughters wake up. There is no real joy or freedom in his life.

Still hot.