Gavin? Comment?

16  2016-05-27 by beeseesee


I am sure he'd rather be doing mid mornings on compound media anyway right?

So what? Gavin probably got 23 million dollars when he was pushed out of Vice.

And now he has tens of fans watching his contrarian act live on Compound Media!

That's way better than a billion dollars and your own cable channel.

He found the only person in the world who can understand the plight of losing millions/billions for being too stupid and offensive.

The REAL money is in making poor decisions.

"Offensive". Does he offend you, you fucking quay?

He's a troll. I don't find him offensive because I know he doesn't say anything he actually means.

Tens of fans i tell ya! TENS!

Dude's got a net worth of 5 way he blew 18 million in such a short time.

What do you do for a living there character?

I've never blown a major opportunity like Gavin has. So take your stupid 'b-b-but you're not a millionaire' argument and pound sand.

Woah easy with the language there buddy

I wish this place were a little more cordial

You blew the biggest opportunity of them all - your life.

ewwww thats super embarrassing

Like, gag me a spewn

Gavin needs to make the right wing version of vice that has guys like milo yippipulluouos and other young alt right hipsters.

Gavin needs to get over his mid life crisis and stop trying to convince people that it's totally cool being a conservative. He should just resign himself to being the grouchy old asshole he actually is.

He's trying to be a rebel, and being a conservative totally is now that liberal hipsters are the mainstream.

Yeah, Limbaugh tried this crap back in 94(I'm the REAL rebel) and it still isn't scanning.

Being a fat old balding guy prevents him from that, while Gavin looks like Tsar Nicholas II.

I hear a lot of common sense coming from Gavin. Some oversimplified pontificating, but mostly just logic.

I love Milo, but who else would be a part of this network? Steven Crowder might be the most hateable person I've ever seen. Ben Shapiro hates Milo, and he is a smug douchebag. There really aren't a lot of young conservatives worth watching.

Why would you love Milo? That poof is 100% puff - he's never said a sincere word in his fucking life. However, if you like supporting a glorified circus ringleader who doesn't really like you or agree with you, but does like the money he makes from having people adore him for pretending to be a conservative, who am I to stop you?

I've actually heard him admit he doesn't really want Trump as president (said it on Rogans podcast). I don't believe him for a second when he says he would take a pill if it turned him straight. You assume I take everything he says as gospel. I love what he has to say about campus culture, and the trend of people acting like victims. I don't have to buy into everything the guy says to like him. I also don't believe he is religious, and is most likely an atheist. I'm smart enough to know if someone is a total fraud, or just using a segment of the population to gain attention. Don't worry, we don't need you to rescue us from the devious Milo.

You sound like a wrestling fan. Smarks are still marks.

Ooof, are you ever dumb. What is Milo getting from me exactly? I don't buy any of his merchandise, and I don't go to his appearances. I'm voting for Hillary, so how exactly am I a mark? Fuck are you ever stupid

What is Milo getting from me exactly?

Book sales, approval, publicity on social media.....

What? Haven't purchased any books. This is the only "social media" platform I'm on. If you would bother to listen to him speak, you might be suprised at how much you agree with him. I know he likes to be dramatic and obnoxious, but he does have substance. I would suggest checking this one out. Power through his dramatic bullshit, and listen to him speak cogently.

I've bothered. He's a coked up smart ass nothing more. Stop playing the persecuted conservative card you crybaby no one likes that.

Wtf are you talking about? I'm not even a conservative, I'm just willing to hear good ideas. I seriously doubt you've bothered to listen to that particular video. I'm not even defending everything the guy says. You sound like what liberals generally accuse conservative of being, close minded.


Insightful stuff. Loser

Great, sure.

You're voting for Shillary, and I'm the stupid one? kek

Completely abandoned your original point. God you are the fucking worst. First I'm blindly listening to whatever Milo says, now I'm a zombie voting for Hillary. Make up your mind fuckhead. Your OP got fucking crushed by my logic, and now your scrambling for anything. Delete your account and save yourself some embarrassment.

Tell me more about how you love sucking corporate cock. Also, that's not what OP means.

Oh boy, it appears your stupidity knows no bounds. What is it? Am I a brainless drone who listens to EVERYTHING Milo tells me, or am I a corporation and big government loving liberal? It can't be both, sweetums. Maybe you should tell me how to think, and who to vote for. Go ahead, let's hear all about your political leanings.

You're both.

Jesus, do you even have an argument? Make one point, just one. All you've done is try and put me in a box, and you've failed miserably. Take a political stance, and I'll debate you. Otherwise, queer off.

My political stance is whatever the opposite of yours is.

Exactly, fucking coward.

: ^ )

I don't like Crowder but I find myself agreeing with him a lot

The whole "abstinence" thing really makes me question his worldview. I generally don't trust people that abstain from sex or brag about never trying alcohol/drugs.

Also, can't these people just look at the statistics of STDS in states that teach only abstinence? It's so blatantly obvious abstinence just doesn't work.

I didnt know that about him

This is just a great description of Crowder and Shapiro.

This network already exists. It's called . The personalities are all anonymous though because they're too edgy.

You just described Brietbart. There's a better chance that it draws in all the fringe punk alt-right weirdos than a totally new enterprise. Maybe it'll buy Rebel Media and turn it into Breitbart North or something.

Gah. I remember when Andrew Breitbart was alive and his publication was good. It's worse than drivel now. There are only three good, right-leaning publications left: WSJ, Reason Magazine (and .com) and National Review.

Those are three of the cuckiest shit publications around. National Review? You like that joke?

It's 3rd out of three, but Reason and the Journal are indefatigable.

Two words, compound media

Vice is for feminists and SJW clowns. Shane Smith is a smug, self-important faggot.

I disagree completely. Vice does some really amazing pieces around the world. They have a former Navy Seal working for them, and he did a great piece on unexploded munitions in Cambodia. You don't have to be liberal to think kids being blown up 40 years after a conflict is a bad thing. I also had no idea about it until I watched an episode.

Also their tv shows on their new network are pretty good. I could marathon Action Bronson's show for days

I haven't seen much of the network yet. I did catch some fashion/culture show, and found myself very attracted to the host. She had a unique look, really fucking sexy.

You don't have to be liberal to think kids being blown up 40 years after a conflict is a bad thing.

Except they view it in the context of "Look at the big bad horrible things America has done". Not that I disagree with that viewpoint, but they clearly have a malicious intent, just like Wikileaks, whose founder says his goal is to bring down the US. Of course nationalists aren't gonna like that.

They were pointing out Americas involvement because we are still using the same weapons in Afganistan. Yes, I'm aware they are a left leaning company. Good luck finding a news source that doesn't have a bias. If there was a conservative news source that was covering the kind of stories Vice is, I would be watching it.

That SEAL is a pretty cool dude, I've met him before actually. Good guy

That particular story he did was outstanding. I remember watching and thinking he should get an award for it. Not just the story, but he way he presented it and made it real. Crazy good

I don't argue that they've had some great pieces (they definitely have). I just think their attitude of, "omg straight white males are the cause of all the world's problems!" Is horseshit.

Shane is a faggot and Gavin is a saint.

I heard if you call him fat he gets very upset

A RICH, smug, self important faggot.

If you ever listened to the Joe Rogan interview, Gavin is his usual self throughout the entire interview....until Joe brings up Shane Smith, Vice, leaving, where it's at now etc. Gavin got really subdued, and the tone of the interview changed drastically. His response was "well yeah I'm aware it exists but I try not to pay no mind because it's like an ex-girlfriend."

He started the company and ran it for 17 years, then got kicked out right when it was getting huge. Of course he's going to be bitter...

He actually stops Joe from talking about it and says " I don't like those guys." And then he says "how about some gossip, you want some gossip? I got some gossip...." then starts talking about Opie and Anthony.

Gavin is hoping to make a new Vice out of compound media.Nigga stupid yo.

Here's the thing. Canadian Conservatives like Gavin and Crowder are obsessed with being cool. Gavin's employer at Rebel media is Canadian conservative Ezra Levant, a guy who wrote a book called "Youthquake" about how Gen xers are right wing and "it's cool to be conservative" (his words).
Milo is doing the same thing where he is obsessed with mixing conservatism with a hip, and in his case gay culture. Meanwhile, smart conservatives like Greg Gutfeld are writing books called "Not Cool: The hipster elite and their war on you" where he explains that this horseshit hipster stuff is actually the least rebellious stuff. It's more rebellious to hold down a job, support getting government out of our lives, and work your ass off which is what conservatism was about before.

Gavin's employer

Impossible! Gavin's a self made rebel who is also rich!

What exactly did Gavin do to get pushed out of vice again? Outside of the video and news content that site is fucking garbage now.

Shane and Co. have said that he had a major coke problem (and likely problematic comments on sensitive subjects like race, gender, religion, etc.) and it's officially chalked up as "creative differences." Gavin has stated that the split happened because Gavin disliked the corporate influence and advertising that was altering the way Vice covered its subjects.

Gavin wanted to run it like a punk zine, whereas Shane wanted to turn it into a 21st century media company that leveraged more than just empty shock value. Shane wanted big advertisers and stories of consequence, while Gavin wanted stories about scat artists and asshole piercings. These two goals are not only vastly different, but diametrically opposed. You will not see companies running ads between a story about piss-drinking in Sweden and a guide to glory holes in Moscow.

I think it really all came down to Gavin's desire to be authentic and unabashed vs. Shane's desire to run a successful business; when Gavin's statement and actions started to "fuck with the money" and limit opportunities for success, they cut him loose.

Wow that's a very fair, even handed, unbiased account. What the fuck are you doing here?

Vice still primarily does articles about scat and faggy piercings so I don't see how that's a factor

Scat and faggy piercings in the jungles of Suriname - big difference.

No the majority of their printed material is still dumb hipster shit. And stop acting like New York Times aren't publishing stories about the same shit, Vice hasn't broken any of these stories it's just nobody ever read them when it was BBC or Al Jazeera doing them.

It was a joke you autistic faggot.

can you forgive me?


thanks bud, love you bud.

Okay. Love you too.


Wow, that was a very well written explanation. Thanks man.

How the fuck is he worth 200 million from Vice?

I mean they sometimes have really good videos. Mostly from recent college grads who naively go into warzones. But 90% is garbage or incredibly biased.

What are they making money from? Adds on their website?

When Heineken or EA decide to run an add on your segment on trash in the Pacific ocean you tend to make bank.

True. I guess he's part of the hipster elite now.

In my day we just called them yuppies.

Tricking old media dinosaurs that he's the millennial whisperer.

That could be the saddest most bizarre thing I've seen yet.

Is Gavin secretly sponsoring that site?


VICE media? Shit has nothing on CP media, watch Gavin top this next week.

So Jimmy stays with Opie to collect a paycheck and you shit on him for being a sellout but Gavin leaves Vice when they have creative differences and you STILL shit on the guy. Suck a cock.

I shit on Jimmy for being a sellout and collecting a paycheck?


Also, your grammar is Sherrod-level stupid.

No way. No way. Not once, not neva.

Okay maybe not you OP, it was more directed at this sub in general, but I'm sure some of the commenters or upvoters here have.

I shit on Jimmy for being a sellout and collecting a paycheck?


Also, your grammar is Sherrod-level stupid.

You're both.

thanks bud, love you bud.