21st century neanderthal

95  2016-05-26 by Al_Pacinos_Wig


Eat healthy or be like this

How can someone not like a piece of delicious steak? What a fucking pussy bitch cuck.

Only this piece of shit subreddit would downvote you for standing up for steak. WTF. Sam is a little bitch.

They prefer their steak in a mediocre barbeque sauce, boiled over hard


I can't understand how you can not like steak. Also it's weird that he's "straight edge." Most of those people are hardcore scenesters. How can you go through life and not even try alcohol. On the other hand my life would probably be better if I hadn't either. It still makes me angry he hasn't though.

How come when someone is straightedge they have to tell you every 5 fucking minutes. There is a guy at my work who brings up the fact he doesn't drink daily.

A good medium rare steak is one of the greatest joys in life. If it was healthy to do so, I would eat a little steak every day. To live and die without even once eating it when you can is a crime.

I want my steak rarer than a childless black teenager

Frozen fish sticks and chicken nuggets are a staple diet of the balding sideshow Bob, ain't nobody got time for steaks or flavor son.

His macro breakdown is 100% Totino pizza rolls.

Holy shit he's losing hair fast

It's running away from his face.

It was painful to see him clapping on RAW this week looking like this.

*Healthily. Sorry, pet-peeve.

Not a single part of his head corresponds or compliments another.

I'm reading this line over and over. God damn you are a wordsmith! That sums it up so nicely.

Speaking of no context:

Or rub your balls all over it. It won't stop the chewing, but I definitely feel superior when I see it happening.

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Sam looks and sounds like a fucked up Frank Oz creation. Like a muppet they rejected because it was too unnatural and creepy.

I think it's got something to do with being put on steroids as a child.

Bingo, HGH causes the big forehead/bridge of nose area.

I've been wanting to punch him for almost 10 years. Glad life took care of that for me.

Young Moe Szyslak

holy shit

With most guys who go bald, their hair falls out. Sam's hair is falling off.

His forehead is falling down


You got my money yet?

Does anyone have the clip where they talked about Sam getting a bunch of shots as kid, I can't remember the details but I think he didn't hit puberty or wasn't growing or something, and got testosterone or steroids. It was a revelation about why he's so weird looking, it's not random genetics. He is a medical experiment.

Shame he wasn't born 100 years ago he would've been 3 foot 5, high voiced and a ballooning foreskin.

time to lose the pubic hair wig

This picture is the best argument for eugenics that I've ever seen.


He told Shawn Michaels to his face that people tell Sam he looks like a young him. And by people I'm sure his mom.

Do you remember on an old O&A when they were talking about how he looked like Christian Bale? haha

This has to be from the testosterone shots he got when he was a kid right?

medical experiment FAIL

He has the head of a Xenomorph

He was a great villain in that movie Last Action Hero

I know you're talking about Tom Noonan and I don't care who knows it.

Jesus he looks fucking ragged. If Jess hasn't ballooned up yet then she's gonna be gone in less than 5 years

She's already gone, writing her autobiography titled 'I Fucked a Muppet.'

He's like something out of a Tim Burton movie.

Homo Erectus

Homo Erectus

genetic disaster

He seems to be balding fast, just 2 years ago his hairline was fine. I wonder if finding Jess with random black guys in their bed every night after his show is stressing him out.

OK, I get Woo Kid, but who is that troll in the right panel?

nailed it

He looks like a stupid Karl Pilkington

He looks sick.

Poor guy...... Sucks what one faulty chromosome can do.

You mean one extra

Or maybe even two or three haha.

Jesus. How recent is this picture? He gets more and more bizarre looking as time goes on....


'When HGH goes horribly wrong' -Tonight at 10/9c