Jay Mohr having a meltdown, keeps accusing his followers of "You are why women don't report rape" as if his wife pushing her feministic views through her puppet.

56  2016-05-26 by pabbenoy


25% of Jay Mohr's head has hair on it.

You are why women don't report rape.

I want my money.

Sorry, paypaling now

Hurry up.


Also thanks for that post in the tranny forum. You've finally given me the courage to turn my dick inside out.

pretty sure I'm supposed to be in the know about any new O&A&tranny forums


Oh, theres post where someone posted a pic of me asking for tips on how to be a homo tranny

Stop lying.

No way Jose!

I'm about to watch that Adam Sandler David spade rush hour movie. I'll let you know how it goes

Edit: wow this shit Is 2 hours. Just popped half a xanny bar doubt I'll make it

How was it?

Fucking atrocious, the worst thing I've seen all year. I don't know why I still watch his Bullshit it's been garbage for so long.

I did however enjoy spade on the norm podcast, Sandler episode wasnt that good. It's like he knows he doesn't even have to try and people still throw money at him. He should have been publicly hung for Jack and jill and what he made pachino do in that.

You have a tv in your cardboard box?

I got a new place dummy,.and I held on to my huge TV I think it's like 40" didn't even pawn it (:

But I'd pawn you in a second you emoticon machine. Make you work for viral spiral and up vote all of opie's tweets and youtube Vids

Does that guy you ripped off know that you're back on your feet? You should do the right thing and send him some money to say that you're sorry for being a liar.

I did apologize to him, I posted the texts somewhere here a few weeks ago.

Also i wasn't stealing,.some people don't pay the people back for months. It I wanted to steal from him I'd change my phone number and reddit account. I wish I never bought you gold, I could be watching JFK right now if it wasn't for that.

Why can't you watch JFK?

You really are a delicate flower.

This dude is obsessed with you and if you payed that guy back

What was it? $250 with 20% interest? 😉

Oh no you're drinking again aren't you?


Yes :(. I knew I was gonna disappoint you

All that face surgery! It makes her look gross. And now he's into it. The other day he said he needs "fillers" again.


This is why people don't report him as more funny

The more weight he gains, the more Down's Syndromy he looks.

I thought you guys were the reason there was so many reported rapes.

Sounds like he raped someone

Some guys go ultra-feminist. I don't know why. Like more extreme than some (or most) women.

Getting pussy would be the only semi-logical reasoning for going ultra-fem as a grown adult.. as a married man, who the fuck knows why.. his wife must beat the shit out of him constantly.

I hope so.

No I really think he's massively overcompensating for something and probably raped someone.

That doesnt sound like converting to Catholicism at forty for his wife Jay Mohr-Cox

The high-point of his career is either his bit role in Small Soldiers or pretending to be Eddie Vedder on a dead radio show.

Jay Mohr is forever a nobody, and I fucking hate him.

Nah. Jerry Maguire

I always forget he was in that. The point is Jay Mohr stinks.

You didn't see Mafia i guess

Why the fuck do these idiot "celebrities" use Twitter for anything but promotion? Nothing good ever happens.

colin and norm are the only ones that get it

They're surrounded by yes men which makes them think they're geniuses. Just look at parents who praise all the shitty things their kids do and never receive any sort of punishment for being total cunts.

And before you ask, yes, I'm suggesting we raise super kids.

Because celebrities often become the ultimate fucking paradigm of SJWs.


Sounds like Jay has bypassed asking his woman for approval on things and just let Mrs. Mohr-Cocks take over the twitter all together

God damn. She's only 37 too. It's like a gypsy woman put a curse on her.


.....except yourrrr leeeeeeeeps and assssssssssss

They should make a sequel to Thinner called Nigger, where a guy slowly turns negroid. The Gypsy would go "Neeeeeeeger".

The real shame is that there's a funny joke in there.

Shame on you.

Balls. Should've stayed on topic.

You're why women don't report rape

She's a Planet of the Apes cast member.

Mickey Rourke??

She looks like Ron Perlman wearing some skin he found in a Vietnamese hanging cage.

If anyone's curious, here's how this works:

When a surgeon installs implants for the first time, they're fairly close to the real thing. They feel a bit firmer than real boobs do.

As time goes on, scar tissue forms. The scar tissue forms around the implant, applying pressure on it. If there's enough scarring, and enough time, the breast implant is compressed into a perfect sphere. That's how you get that 'grapefruit in a sock' look.


It looks like she took all the silicone out of her tits and injected it into her face

Goddammit, she was hot back in the day. What a shame.


I didn't realize his wife was eleven feet tall

Whatever it is she did to her tits is unfortunate. It would look better if she had 2 cocks hanging off her chest.

The neck of that shirt goes down to her waist. But where's the round part of her tits?

inside jays bulbous stupid forehead

Oh, I don't think she's THAT tall.

Jesus, those "tits" look like the socks filled with flour you use on Halloween.

Now those are bologna tits.

Well one things for sure, his wife ain't getting raped anytime soon. Whew.

Holy eggplant tits!

Only 25% of her tit meat is above her belly button

I used to have a crush on her way back when but my god she looks like a fucking Muppet now.


Hollywood Jay Mohr and his enchanting wife http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/05/article-2288240-1870C1F5000005DC-115_634x813.jpg

The sandals and socks are a nice touch. Notice how he walks behind her, carrying her belongings, like a wife in Mecca.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're a real fucking scumbag piece of shit if you snack out of a 20 oz. cashew tin in public.

I've purchased the bumper sticker

I've for sure looked worse coming from the store with my ex

This is just a really sad picture.

Shes hideous and I think she better get that mole on her arm looked at. Looks like cancer imo.

Intentional or not - Nice "Action" reference.

Her ex was the one with the puppet

Oh, so she has a "Comic Has-Been" fetish.

"Tell me about the clubs you used to be able to get us into, you dirty boy..."

This guy was best friends with Kurt Cobain and Robin Williams.

Fez is crying.

he's a dickhead.

God damn is he ugly.

He? Look at what SHE looks like.

They can both be ugly.

And God damn is she ugly.

Everybody is ugly, OK? Everybody.

Jay Mohrs.

I sent him the Bureau of Justice stats & the UCR stats. Roughly 1 in 53. I hope he says I'm why women don't report rape.

Enough with the fuckin stats!

Yeah. He lost his shit on me the other day. He brought his dead, retarded aunt into the argument, who he said died in a fire. So I made a joke about her looking like a rotisserie chicken covered in boogers. Then he sent his "Mohrriors" (ew) after me. All 12 of them.



Doesn't sound as crazy as he does when he argues with atheists on Twitter for 10 hours straight

Man a year ago I kinda liked mohr and Breuer but now I want them both dead.

I still like Jay Mohr for all the reasons I did before. He's such a douche.

I wonder if having his eyes removed would help his chances of regaining his sanity.

I could never imagine the mental gymnastics you'd have to do to stay married to the creature from the black lagoon. Guess this is what it looks like inside his head.

If he was mohr successful (tss) he could probably score some young, reasonably attractive quim. But he's not, so he stays with the used-to-be-hot plastic surgery addict.

Somewhere in Beverly Hills, Barry Katz is stressedly running his hands over his face, and then back into his hair.

"Anyone have Jay's Twitter log in password?"

He jumped from a woman who only divorced him because

he lied to her face about other girls when Dice called him out on it during their on-air fight,

to some skivooze who's on the the outskirts of the showbiz hinterlands.

What a self-destructive ass.

"Skivooze"... Great word.

Just this one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs. You fucking skivooze.

Ah yeah, I wondered where I first heard that. If Diane Keaton wasn't the perfect embodiment of that word...

Grazi mille.

Remember when Jay Mohr called the cops on dice? What a fucking pussy whipped faggot

yeah lol and he brought Nikki to defend him

Dude she left him that message. I hated how Opie and Anthony were backing up Mohr. I understand he was in studio but that was some high level faggotry. Why was she even allowed on mic? Dice was too dumb to mention that the cops weren't called till after he called her back.

Also I like how dice killed Sam Kinison, LMAO

Yeah. I fucken wish Patrice were there cause he wouldve killed Mohr and anyone else. O&A made it looks like Dice was just crazy out looking for a beef and being irrational not how much of a pussywhipped wimp Mohr looked like.

ugh fuck sake.

Heard it for the first time a few nights ago shit was infuriating. I like Mohrs SNL stories mostly just norm stories. But fuck him he's a known joke thief. That was funny when dice kept calling him Gilligan.


Oh also that wasn't Nikki that was his first wife some model who didn't age well. He divorced then married Nikki who also, didn't age well.

His wife promised him that if he took this fight to Twitter that she would give him a twilight handjob while wearing the rabbit puppet from Unhappily Ever After.

Imma say worth, even though his wife has had so much plastic surgery she looks like Mickey Rourke with breast implants.

He actually looks like a giant penis.

his hair makes him seem so odd and creepy, the bible thumping doesn't help either.

Jay Mohr is heroically douchey. He's great.

Somebody has been hitting the NyQuil pretty heavily

Women don't report rape because rape is only a myth. Even chicks like opie and Mohr know they were just asking for it.

I saw Jay Mohr at a gas station once. Made eye contact with him and was about to say "Hi Jay, I'm a big fan." Then I remembered I'm not and don't give a fuck about his mediocre act/career, so just went on my merry way.


What a retarded asshole. Kevin Love had 25 points in 23 minutes his last game.


you are why women don't report rape

Jay Mohr blocked me years ago for retweeting something Redban said. Dude is a unfunny hack

Man i used to like jay mohrss....wtf is happening to all these guys!?!?

Man i used to like jay mohrss....wtf is happening to all these guys!?!?

Man i used to like jay mohrss....wtf is happening to all these guys!?!?

Man i used to like jay mohrss....wtf is happening to all these guys!?!?

Man i used to like jay mohrss....wtf is happening to all these guys!?!?

Man i used to like jay mohrss....wtf is happening to all these guys!?!?

I'm surprised he can go 10 seconds without doing a Pacino or Reservoir Dogs impression.

Mohr was only on O&A, because they needed guests when they came to NY. He wasn't funny on SNL.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laFCqCCEGTc <---- my only thought reading his most recent handful of tweets regarding this situation.


Thanks for that boys; I ain't got caught yet.

All these guys hopping on the bandwagon for some ticket sales.

who's Jay Mohr?

she writes his stand up

maybe she runs his twitter

I don't understand this stance, citing statistics that say rape doesn't happen often is proof that rape happens way more?

As he retweets anthony the domestic abuser..

Didn't he call the police crying that Dice was going to beat him up?

He stinks and I don't like him

This is all conditioning for the installation of

that Commie dyke filth Hillary as President in November.

Not to go offtopic but there is no way she will win, unless they rig the voting stations. Thats about it. I dont support flipflopper trump but thats whats gonna happen

You're right, she won't "win". She will be installed.

That cunt is connected so yeah, look how they did Bernie Sanders, media nonstop attacking him, voting manipulation, cacuises drama. But that won't work on Trump. I think they need to outright steal it this time.

I fucking hate Hillary, but really, you think she can only win by vote rigging? You underestimating how stupid so many people are.

She is the establishment, she got the status quo voters and feminazis/black people/Hispanics in line. He got everyone else and some from Bernie Sanders. I think it will be tight but probobly if no foul play from Hillary he will win by 10 points. Then he will get impeached after he tries to do some backdoor deals to boost his contractor friends. They will watch him like a hawk. But I heard last he is willing to remove all regulations from wallstreet and is open to some super doners from now on. Basically a big sign that says "open for business". Ah the Trumpet fanboy realizations will be glorious to watch. They are starting to get it now, slowly.

Uh. No. That's not how it works. Hillary beats Trump. Not saying you're wrong. But you're wrong.

We will see I guess

Because celebrities often become the ultimate fucking paradigm of SJWs.

They're surrounded by yes men which makes them think they're geniuses. Just look at parents who praise all the shitty things their kids do and never receive any sort of punishment for being total cunts.

And before you ask, yes, I'm suggesting we raise super kids.

colin and norm are the only ones that get it

Nah. Jerry Maguire

We will see I guess

"Tell me about the clubs you used to be able to get us into, you dirty boy..."