Transphobia runs rampant on Reddit

15  2016-05-26 by [deleted]



This comment had a niggas ribs hurtin today.

Damn, people are being so rude here and it is really bothering me. OP, you have great bone structure that will serve you well in your transition. So many popular female models have very sharp facial bone structures, and you sweetie, have that! You also have beautiful, slick black hair. Don't cut it! You are beautiful and will continue to become more beautiful as time goes on. Keep your head up. I am in awe of you!

Oh my fucking god, I just realized that is /u/stinkskc. Jesus Christ I can't stop laughing. Whoever did this is killing me

lol. This is so bad. Probably my favorite thread ever though, really just terrible.

See, some people say I should keep my hair!

He wants something to grab onto when he's fucking you.

Man I hope you don't hate me too. I actually put you on my friends list.

I don't hate you. I was making fun of how you look before it was cool.

Yeah you were, thank you for all your hilarious photoshops over the years






Lmao wtf, sorry

Looks like one of the autistic stalkers that make infinite Alts made you their next target.

Look at this shit /u/stinkykfc which I assume is knickers. Idk what world I look like such a chick in

I'd love to see what this psycho looks like.


Lmao oh shit It must have auto corrected /u/stinkykfc

I know he's really fat he said that once

It took me a minute to figure out what was going on but once I got it had a good laugh. There is really a thing where people post their picture asking if theyre ugly? God damn, the asbergers I discover on reddit grows every day.

Its mostly for good looking people that want compliments or ugly people that want a self esteem boost because they know any negative comments will be downvoted. I absolutely hate 97% of the users in this site.

I tried once on a more perverted forum, and you're right. The only problem is the one or two negative comments made me want to get in my oven and turn it on.

Never went back.

Isn't that weird, that one or two comments can do that? I tried it on an account that was eventually banned because I say awful things to redditors, and I got almost all positive feedback, but that one comment that said "you're too thin for me, put on some weight," made me want to paint the wall with the back of my head.

lol. One of mine said .. "Ew no."

Haha, oh man. That's terrible. I kinda wanna see your pics now. But that's weird so I'm just gonna assume you're a typical O&A fan and you are a 43 year old obese trucker with saggy boobs and a smoker's cough.

Post 'em! We're all good and supportive boys here

Couldnt agree with ya more on that last sentence. I could understand if that page was for chicks but it seems to be mostly dudes. As long as youre somewhere in the ballpark of decent shape and arent deformed, you can do fine it might as well not even matter


I assumed you were /u/stinkykfc because you were the first here to link to his posts in the trans subreddit.

Nahh someone else linked to another post they made, and I just clicked the username and saw others that were unposted.

That sub would keel over and die if Anthony ever had his picture posted there.

Fuck me, is that a Joey Ramone impersonator?

He probably should be sedated.... tssst

It's me,. Thanks. Ramones are my favorite band

That's Anthony's teen girlfriend:

TFW your boyfriend could've bought your vintage tee brand new.

I'm 30 and would feel like a pedo for fucking her, tranthiny was 51 when this was taken.

Have you seen her in a bikini? Trust me, you wouldn't feel like a pedo.

Those big jew tits are great.

Exactly get over yourself faggot shes clearly not a child. Maybe you have previous sexual trauma that causes you to be attracted to dried up old hags.

You sound exactly like a guy who gets with hot young women.

She was 17 here. That's a child. She's also fugly. You are attracted to ugly children.

She looks like the fatjokers sister

I'll never forget the beak on this one. A real honker.

It really is. That said, I like a certain kind of big nose on a girl...

The one in their pants?

She did have a schnozz on her. Better than a cock.


upvote for your name hahaha

Lol this introduced me to my new favorite thing: /r/transpassing

You think theyll mind a good-natured joshing?

HA! I just saw your comment on old Bob Odenkirk hairline.

Its fun to give what sound like compliments at first but arent at all like this


I have no idea what's going on

It's stinkskc who stole a bunch of money from an /r/oanda user and is a general all-around faggot.

I didn't steal money from an o&a user. It was a completely random sub and I couldn't pay him back on time because I got kicked out of my apartment the weekend my payment was due. Fucking dickhead

/u/stinkskc comment?

I thought it was pretty funny, and now I got all these tips up my sleeve if I ever run someone over with my car

Why did you MAKE an ALT just for this post? I honestly found it very funny, and I know who did it anyway.


Why, what other account


Well glad you came back swinging. Welcome back




Is that Julian Casablancas?



Transphobia AKA "Being a normal person"

That is fucking awesome. Gotta love reddit sometimes.


obamas gdp has been under 3% his entire presidency for the first time in presidential history to go that long and suck for as long as hes sucked and were worried about chicks with dicks? fuck those mentally imbalanced weirdos who donk themselves off at 40 times what normal people do. THEY ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD! just google tranny suicide rates...

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who is this stinks queer and why do we care if he's a scumbag?

because he's a sensitive faggot

I'm not sensitive!