Too many non O&A fans are on this sub now. Too many unfunny people coming over from unfunny podcasts are saturating this sub with shit posts.

0  2016-05-26 by HerpesLipStrangler

Please understand that Opie, Anthony and Jimmy hate all of us. They view you as simple minded followers that got used to establish and promote their shitty careers. Fuck all three of them. Also if you haven't listened to at least 100 hours of the O&A show or got into it after Ant was fired, why are you even on this sub? You don't understand the jokes, inside references or any of the classic bits. These people bring nothing to the sub. Go back to whichever stupid podcast brought you here (Rogan, Gavin, ect.). Since I don't mind vidya games I'm leaving for twitch, where people don't make a big deal out of broadcasting +8 hours pretty much everyday and let people financially reward based on consistent quality content. Fuck this sub and fuck the faggots that ruined it.


I get douche chills everytime one of you over concerned dorks decide to make post about the quality of /r/opieandanthony the shithole of the internet

Someone's got a case of the Thursdays!

WOW okay, so I'm not allowed to post here because I didn't listen to O&A?

ant was fired in 2014 and I was only 9 years old then idiot..... I didn't even know what O&A was.

I'm only here because I'm a fan of chip chipperson show on youtube, and am waiting for episode 3. So that means according to you I have to leave?

its bigots like you that give this world a bad name.

There's children here...? Ever played turkeyfoot?

On the one hand, you're right about all of this cock sucking going on with nobodies or tryhard edgelords trying to fill the void left by shock jocks. But on the other hand, Twitch is the single gayest bunch of fag shit that has ever happened to planet Earth and I hope that an effeminate Youtube star shits in your hair.

So true. Twitch is the gayest thing I've ever seen on the internet. A bunch of basement dwelling manchildren and actual children living vicariously through some faggot as they watch him play video games. It's like video game cuckolding; they watch another man play video games, while spouting off comments that nobody reads in the chatbar. It honestly bugs me how entertainment obsessed people can be, to the point they watch another person play video games for fun.

As someone who plays video games, I don't get it at all. The whole purpose of video games is that you are actively involved in the world rather than a passive observer, like if you were watching a TV show or movie. Watching someone else play a game kills the purpose of video games. Now it's just a really bad movie with an obnoxious shitbag talking over it because he thinks he is funny and/or interesting.

What annoys me the most about it is that it's to the point now where it's hard to find footage of a game I'm interested in without having to go through a bunch of videos of other people playing the game with their stupid commentary trying to be big Youtube stars. I just want to see what the game is all about. Twitch is for actual faggots.

Exactly. I can even understand watching competitive gaming, as it's just like watching any competition; you watch to see people who are really good at it, not some average loser. I've watched a few professional gaming tournaments or matches, like StarCraft or WoW arena championships, or for non competition videos, watched walkthroughs of hard levels by people who are really good at the game so that I could learn how to do it right; I've never once watched because the personality of the person playing and their commentary was "funny." You can't even find a decent walkthrough now without having to watch a stupid fucking "Let's Play."

This could be a dumb theory but I picture the losers that watch other people play video games are probably "younger brothers". I was an "older brother" and would always hog the systems and my little brother would sit there and watch me play and get into it. I never understood it, I would never watch him play for a second. And then I think of my friends and there did seem to be a trend. The younger brothers would watch the older one play but never vice versa.

I would say that's a very smart theory and I've thought the exact same thing. The problem I see is that my younger brother wasn't living vicariously through me when he watched me play games, but was interacting with me while I played, and vice versa when I'd let him play. The kids these days are living through these Twitch losers.

Why does everyone want to tell a story now? Once upon a time I was mad about something...

Who the fuck are you?

its not a debate jerry

You will not be missed

Vidya? What are you 12?

We civilians look forward to your updates on Pew Die Pie's wacky commentary., where nobody is an overcompensating douchebag with a hack radio voice

too many cooks in the kitchen you might say

Thats a wonderful way of putting it

I'll have you know this sub is just as shitty and unfunny as it's always been, sir!

K bye



Doesn't understand the inside fa la la la la

The hard core o&a fan hangs out at /r/TACSuncensored. Today I'm breaking down the Apology Girl Christmas photo for the 50th time. Come on over...

Ben Sparks is a faggot.