Greg Giraldo - Good Day to Cross a River - full CD

13  2016-05-26 by iWhereSchortSchorts


I have this CD signed and hanging on my wall. It's made out to me and Greg wrote "Stay black!" [I'm not black]. I'll cherish it forever.

Did he sign in for you in person? That's odd yet cool enough to be memorable.

Yep, it was an interesting show. Colin Quinn was supposed to headline and hand to cancel (death in his family) so they allowed the show to go on, but they offered refunds to anyone that wanted it. Most people got refunds, so there was maybe 100-200 people in the audience (if that?). I don't think Giraldo was thrilled being there. Seats were pretty much open at that point, so my date and I were dead center, front row. Giraldo made some quips at us during the show and one of the jokes had to do with a black guy (I can't remember the line). He remembered me, obviously, when he signed my CD.

This was at a small club in the midwest, so I was super bummed when Colin dropped out, but I'm glad I stayed for Greg.

River Styx?

fahhkiinnn bruuuttaaaallll

great album


Is this the one with his Katrina bit?

Yeah, it's his only cd which is a damn shame.

He has another one called Midlife Vices. It's also really good

Well that's a Comedy Central special first and foremost so I don't consider it the same thing as just a cd.

What's the fucking difference, besides one also has a visual element? It's still a guy on stage telling jokes.

It's either a special or a standalone cd. Would you call Contextually Inadequate a cd just because you can buy one? No because it's a special that you can just by the audio to if you want. You wouldn't say "all George Carlin's HBO cd's are awesome."

Huh. I've always just thrown cds and specials under the blanket label of "special." Ah what the hell do I know I'm just a civilian anyway...