Opie could totally win me over if..

0  2016-05-26 by Mr702law

He told Vic to just get the fuck out.


Vic is the only person who needs the free plugs

All he ever has to plug is his comedy special "Live from Lou's Cruise". Thing must be five years old by now.

Just look at how many followers he has. He has no career or fanbase https://twitter.com/VicHenley

Isn't he that other guys cousin whos like him but successful?

Yes, but if he told Vic to get out with nobody around to hear it, does it really happen?

He has Kevin Brennan in on a regular basis to stir shit up.

....he killed himself. No, nothing else will do.

Who's Vic?

I think he was in the Eagles?

No, you're thinking of the guy that drowned all those dogs.

He stinks, and I don't like him.

ME: I'm unfunny, unlistenable, and fucking suckkk at radio. I mean, let's be honest. You want to be honest? Fine. I stand for nothing and add nothing meaningful to any conversation I've ever had. sniff I'll tell ya, man, I fari--farbri-is it farbricated?

Yimmy: Fabricated.

ME: Yeah, I farbricated my whole past, man. That's the truth. I grew up RICH and bought friends by joining a fraternity. long silence, steady dose of sniffs Jimmy and Ant made my career. If it wasn't for them I'd be a program director for a top 40 station in Long Island. Period. sniff

That's the only way Opie could start to win me over. Not completely, but it's a start.