I know it's unorthodox around here... But here's a new BBC documentary about race and immigration. There's an alternate universe where O&A still exists and they're doing a great hour or two about it.

0  2016-05-26 by robobot


I'm so happy I'm American.

But unfortunately, Ant got hit by a bitch and then hit a bitch and Tits has Jim Breuer's lamest band in history playing dad rock.

Top comment:

Asians and blacks need to get over themselves. Yes there are some white people who find you attractive, but this does not give you an excuse to abandon your race and desecrate your heritage.

It's just oddly convenient how some people could care less about what happened in the past with Celtic Britons, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Normans and lots of other originally diverse cultures merging and dictating what those people all now are. Guess all that is wiped clean once the mixing's already happened. "It's going to be a racial holocaust this time though!" lol

Actually there's a core genetic group, despite minor inflow, that is native to to those Isles since at least the last ice age. Modern genetics is a wonderful thing, helps clear out all the multicultural revisionist 'Nation of Immigrants' bullshit. If you're interested see Sykes of Oxford. Although you're probably not so i won't hold my breath.

Oh I'm interested. There's also a core genetic group called homo sapiens. Maybe you're less interested in that group because for some oddball reason, (I can't imagine which), ice ages mean everything to you while speciation might as well not exist. In fact something tells me you don't care for that process at all.

So I guess there's really no such thing as Genocide because we're all the same species, right? Your argument doesn't make a lot of sense. All people have a right to a place they can call their own, as far as I can see. A place to put down roots, a place to share a common culture, history and language. All of this is being robbed from the people in this documentary by the mass immigration that the POLITICAL CLASS and Corporate class have visited upon the Native people of the British isles.

That sucks. Sorry for noticing.

Inb4 "British was colonists so deserve it" bullshit. It was the same groups of people that built the empire that are opening the gates today not the average shitkicker from the East End.

Your definition of "their own" is quite subjective even without anything having to do with "blame". What I'm getting at is you're being very subjective with your timing. 20,000 years are super important, but 60 or 200 thousand, you don't want to hear about it. That's selective subjectivity at its finest.

Where am I saying that 60 or 200 thousand years doesn't matter? Also, I'm not telling you what your identity is how you HAVE to conform with my view of humanity. I've noticed though, like your comparison of ethnocentrism with the desire to rape, it's people with your idea of humanity that want to tell others how to think by implying that their ideas are wicked.

That sucks. That's authoritarian and manipulative. Pretty lame.

There were no races when homo sapiens sapiens speciated. That's the significance.

I'm not telling you what your identity is how you HAVE to conform with my view of humanity.

I don't follow.

it's people with your idea of humanity that want to tell others how to think by implying that their ideas are wicked.

You're mostly wrong. What I'm telling you is that you're human. And humans acting on their own nature is 100% wrong. Humans are animals, if you haven't come to that realization. Civilization is the polar opposite.

"There were no races when homo sapiens sapiens speciated"

Sure. I agree. But then humans spread all over the world and were separated for tens of thousands of years in isolated breeding pools and exposed to massively different climates, sexual selection etc

Answer me this: How is it possible that these different human populations developed such massively different phenotypic differences in their separation yet, like the egalitarians tell us, not develop more fundamental cognitive or psychological differences at the same time? To put it simply why did evolution stop at the neck?

That's my point as well. What you see as massively different phenotypic differences are not actually remotely massive.

It's going to happen. We get used to the type of girl we'd like to fuck. It controls our minds through our emotions (more specifically through our testosterone). And reproduction is everything to any species. So it only seems massive.

It's not. At all. Not even 0.1%.

The differences are substantial enough that they would pass the sorting test we apply to most animals to determine sub-speciation. Remember even 0.1 percent amounts to millions of individual genes which is massive given the substantial difference single genes can make.

Not in that short of a time. If you know anything about natural selection, real changes take a hell of a lot longer than "thousands of years".

Thousands of years equal a fart and a joke.

Wrong. Recent, copious, regional. Also, it's tens of thousands of years of separate evolution. Plenty of time to develop the phenotypic, morphological and psychological differences we can observe in different human groups.

Not even remotely. It takes bottlenecks, and there have been only one in that time. The variation you see is largely dispersal.

As far as I know there was a big - by big I mean small, LOL - bottleneck for R1b so that condition is met for most of NW European populations.

The variation you see is largely dispersal.

Which type do you mean and why would that be an argument against human sub-speciation ie 'race'?

I mean who cares when the species was only founded 1 or 2 hundred thousand years ago. When you use your brain, which it sounds like you have, it has got to hit you that the lengths of time do not add up for what you're saying to have significance. Anyone with a basic understanding of statistics should be able to see how much desperation is inherent.

I care because the differences, however slight or major they may be, can be used to predict and understand the world around us. It's called Science I thought. It's no good saying 'who cares'.

Who knows, maybe if human differences were better understood we could create a more meritocratic society with less resentment and anger. Maybe we could make education more efficient, maybe maybe maybe..........

It sounds like the only thing you live for is to exploit other people. You want to be able to predict even the slightest behavior patterns based on racial differences? Oh yeah, I bet that would be great for you.

And how the fuck would a meritocracy decrease resentment and anger? It's 100 percent obvious that the "resentment and anger" you're referring to is your own. Which you inherited due to nothing having to do to any platitudes, let alone genetics. Just you and your family being shit loser people with a need to blame everything on something external.

It sounds like the only thing you live for is to exploit other people.

You totally nailed me. I'm actually Bane and you'll just have to imagine the fire.


I guess you've deluded yourself to the point where you think only individuals can benefit from the goal of proving every race but you is inferior.

You're a hoot.

No I haven't decided that. I haven't stated it you're just engaging in the same type of lazy and illogical argument style I've encountered a million times before. You know NOTHING about me and you can't actually refute my statements so you resort to implying I have wicked intent.

This sort of thing has been going on since the time of the Greeks, dude. You're just another moron, don't be ashamed.

Done. See ya.

"Lazy" and "argumentative" are great euphemisms for "god damn it why don't they agree with me".

Keep reaching to ridiculous places to justify your ridiculous beliefs. Just like dumb religious and dumb lefties do. Reach reach away son.

Ignore all logic. Ignore how little difference there is in homo sapiens sapiens DNA versus how much difference you want to perceive there is in it.

You really cannot engage in a discussion without getting frustrated and moralising desperately, and it's pathetic.

I will always try though.

homo sapiens.

You're a homo, and I ain't talking about sapiens.

faaaawkin nailed me :(

because for some oddball reason

Not that oddball, dude. It's where my ancestors lived for thousands of years.

I just can't help but laugh at your desperation. You're so desperate to follow the instinctive insistence to elevate yourself that you actually pick and choose and pervert good science to do it. Have you really not figured out yet why you feel those feels? They're universal. Like rape and murder. You're supposed to attempt to quell them if you want to act civilized, not turn them into a fucking movement. Lol.

Ethnocentrism can't really be compared to the desire to kill or rape. It's a good organizing principal. Homogeneity is also bretty gud. It's a nice feel.

Anyway, you're being personal now which is boring.

Good organizing principle for what? We've already made it to the top of likely the most badass QoC food chain the universe is likely to ever see. What else do you require beyond that, and why?

You still going to be personally insulting and dismissive? I'm happy to discuss this issue - it's fascinating - but don't really need the other.

It's a good organizing principal because it's human nature to be more altruistic and socially involved with those with the least genetic distance from yourself. It's only one of the things that contribute to a good society but it's a potent force.

"What else do you require beyond that, and why?"

I don't really understand the question. I'm looking at the present situation and it seems to me it has no future and is fracturing fast because it's based on a massive lie: Namely the lie of egalitarianism. Like the Soviet Union it's going to die - maybe with a bang, maybe with a whimper - and people like me are trying to figure out what's going to replace it.

Well I've finally done it. I finally answered a question I've always wondered about.

Well not quite.

What, in God's name, could you possibly think I insulted you about? Or was dismissive?




All the desperation stuff and the comparisons to rape and stuff. We're past that now,I was just being a sensitive silly goose.

Oooh I gotcha. Yeah I did that with the desperation stuff.

But as for the rape stuff I'm sorry, but you're going to have to be held accountable for that.

it's human nature to be more altruistic and socially involved with those with the least genetic distance from yourself.

Yes and it's human nature to rape and to murder. It doesn't make human nature right.

people like me are trying to figure out what's going to replace it.

What's going to replace it is the same thing that has always replaced everything else that came before. The same old same old. Get over it.

I can literally only see 30 characters across when posting now. Is there a way to expand the box?

No, ethnocentrism isn't like rape or murder and nor does it need to involve any aggression against others. However, the enforcement of your bizarre beliefs requires a giant state, weapons, billions of hours spent propagandizing, a massive bureaucracy, schooling, taxes etc.

It's going to fall. Nature and civilization loves parsimony. Sorry, bro. You're on the 'wrong side of history'.

Get over it.

Heh heh. You think I'm a liberal, or a socialist, or anyone who cares much about politics and who should get what. That's just adorable. What a sweet boy you are.

No jackass, I'm a scientist. I don't care about the rest. So maybe now you can see why your posts set me off. It could easily have come from the other side. It's just that your side tends to be obsessed with this nonsense. For hilariously desperate reasons.

"ooo lookit me I'm better because science".

Someone smart's always going to step up to make you look a fool.

So you're a Scientist and that makes you right?

I have an education and I have reason, too. You don't just get to win because you suddenly announce you have a degree.

Laughable. Too bad you didn't become a philosopher and learn what a logical fallacy was.

Who the hell said it automatically made me right? I just corrected your assumption about my motivations. I care a lot about genetics so I can't help but laugh when you make those incorrect assumptions. That's all.

All good. If you've got a Science degree then Chip is an excellent lover but it's fine. If you feel the need to lie about yourself to strangers on the internet then that's your deal and I'm not judging you.

God bless you.


Well said.

You're talking about groups that evolved alongside each other for thousands of years in Europe.

Then you have the Sub Saharan Africans that never even invented a wheel and the Arabs that spent a thousand years inbreeding.

I'd say the cognitive abilities are not the same.

Or just be like Brazil and regress toward the mean. That seems to be what you advocate.

for thousands of years

How many there, Ape?

Then you have the Sub Saharan Africans that never even invented a wheel and the Arabs that spent a thousand years inbreeding.

I have to admit, Ape, I got a laugh out of that one. Phillip the II would have too, if he could have opened his mouth wide enough for that laugh to escape. Thanks though.

I'd say the cognitive abilities are not the same.

To what difference of degree? 10%? 1%? 0.0001%?

Will you lie and pretend that it even matters to you?

How many thousands of years? Enough to where Neanderthal DNA is still present. I saw your Homo Sapiens comment....Sub Saharan Africans are the only group that lacks Neanderthal DNA so Europeans are actually part of another species....hmm..you know, that makes sense.

Yeah, the royals are all inbred I know. That isn't really the same as the entire population marrying first cousins for generations.

You're so used to arguing with people who actually care which race is a little bit this and a little bit that. Haha. What a primitive dummy you are that you opportunistically jump on those things thinking you've actually won something.

Bottom line is you're a victim of emotion to let it make it matter to the extent you do.

You're dumb


It only matters to me because it matters so much to people like you that you feel the need to enforce diversity on a global minority.

hah haha hahah hahah

poor "dying race" hahah


So I'm guessing you're an IQ denialist? (Just a guess)

Let me guess: You think that IQ tests measure the persons ability to take an IQ test?

I'm just asking what significance you think the reported difference ought to represent.

Do you mean for intelligence testing?


This looks like one of those dead end type of places where every one under the age of 30 moves away to a big city to live their lives more freely.

Do you mean /r/opieandanthony?

Obviously not, he said move away, not into the garage.

LOL, good point.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxqFZI9dDbo heres one on ireland.to be honest the muslims over here are nothing like in uk

faaaawkin nailed me :(

How many thousands of years? Enough to where Neanderthal DNA is still present. I saw your Homo Sapiens comment....Sub Saharan Africans are the only group that lacks Neanderthal DNA so Europeans are actually part of another species....hmm..you know, that makes sense.

Yeah, the royals are all inbred I know. That isn't really the same as the entire population marrying first cousins for generations.

So I'm guessing you're an IQ denialist? (Just a guess)

Let me guess: You think that IQ tests measure the persons ability to take an IQ test?

Who the hell said it automatically made me right? I just corrected your assumption about my motivations. I care a lot about genetics so I can't help but laugh when you make those incorrect assumptions. That's all.