AV Club comment sections are bad

8  2016-05-25 by aprosbro



It's like Gawker for movies and tv. Half the reviews don't discuss the show they're suppose to be reviewing, rather what it means for 3rd wave feminism.

I just think that's Sansa's lack of agency during the triggering rape scene belied a world which toxic masculinity leads to, while failing the Bechtdal test repeatedly as the misogynist vision of the showrunners made it affect Theon more than her, shows why we need to fix the pay gap and Black Lives Matter

Yeah. All disqus based comment sections are shit, but AVclub's became especially douchey over the years. When they let that unfunny hipster dyke Cameron Esposito start writing editorials about the difficulties of being an unfunny hipster dyke I finally stopped reading it. Sean O'Neal was funny though.

Sometimes IGNs disqus looks like this sub reddit

I'll amend my statement: most disqus based comment sections are shit.

There's actually one disqus commenter named creepythinman that berates tubby Harry Knowles on AICN on every article who I'm very fond of. He types everything in caps and ends every statement with "FACT!" and once accused Harry of being "SO FAT YOU'D SUCK WHIP CREAM OFF YOUR SISTER'S ANAL RAPIST'S COCK. FACT!!!"

So I guess disqus has some redeeming qualities.

To be fair, the commenters hated Cameron Esposito's articles, for the most part.

God, I remember being like 22 and painstakingly attempting to finely craft some response on av club that I thought was the pinnacle of wit and sophistication. I should have been spending that time punching myself.
