Dear Coward

194  2016-05-25 by DannyFromTheShow

Don't upvote, this post is JUST for my biggest fan.

Stop hiding behind your burner accounts and face me. Your cowardice is beyond anything I've ever seen. So much to say, but too scared to say it to me. I bet you feel really tough making anonymous threats on the internet. Keep taking wild guesses and attributing truth to them. How's it feel to wake up everyday and think about me and how you have to compulsively pester me. Guess I affected you pretty hard, huh. Awww. I'm sorry.

You realize you've been at this almost TWO YEARS? That's some upper level psychosis right there. You understand you're not well right? You have sever mental trauma you need to work through. Come on, tough guy, keep an account active for more than a minute and actually tell me what your problem is you cryptic coward.

Posting this here so people can see what a demented piece of shit you are. Come on Warrior, come out and play.


If you have any type of alt accounts on reddit, or anywhere else for that matter, you're fucking out to lunch. We're talking about a dead radio show here.

Sometimes when I post in other subs I wish I had an alt so my post history isn't associated with this place but that's about the only reason.

Why would you give a fuck though.

I don't which is why I don't have an alt but any association to this place is a bit embarrassing. This place is a cesspool.

Going to have to agree there.


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Sometimes I'll post something really insightful on another subreddit and realize it's all for nothing once someone looks into my post history and sees me telling someone to "suck my fat juicy pecka" for 10 straight comments.

it's the rest of reddit that's a cesspool


When I see you in other subs, I chuckle. We share mutual shame.

Go to subs like /r/ledootgeneration and you'll feel a lot better. This sub has some faggotry, sure, but it's nothing like the unfunny, tryhard, circle jerking subs that are everywhere. I'd be much more "proud" to have a history of posting here than 99% of the subs out there.

Same here. My affiliation with this place would be embarrassing anywhere else on the internet or real life.

Your right, we need to class up the joint.

Whenever you get into a fight with the typical reddit fag in the other subs, the first thing they do is go over your post history and use this sub to get you downvotes and to ultimately lose any argument, despite how correct you may be.

It could matter if you want to sell your account to Hasbara trolls who are paid to post positive comments about Israel & call anyone who criticizes Israel an anti-Semite.

Because he's "TakesTheWrongHoleGuy" if you know what I mean.

He's a faggot.

I have an alt account for my porn subreddits.

I upvoted the post, don't tell me which direction to click arrows.

Yeah that's where he done fucked up, let's show him!


That's... that's right!

Change your name to notDannyfromtheshow, that'll throw him off.

Heck, it worked for Sam Roberts. Ain't nobody know who that nigga be.

You have a fellows ribs hurting today, young man.

this was going on much before reddit.

There's a guy called notsam whos killing it tho

killing his career more like

So this place may have attracted a few individuals with some type of mental illness? Who would have thunk it.

my favorite part about this place is that you have a lot of shit talkers that spew venom every day but down deep don't really care that much.

then you see a new guy waltz in every now and then and try to get a little too real and everybody realizes we got a live one on the line.

we have a lot of psychotic and "bobo" lurkers.

I think you nailed it, I think if rather have a drink with knickers with 90% of the posters here. And that dude may be severely retarded.


You gonna die now bitch.

Anyone on this sub that even slightly gets involved in the shenanigans caused by this sub has some of level of mental illness, but I mean that with respect.

Some or same?

This is anti-Jew and anti-punctuation, thats a dangerous combo.


Let us never forget Kommanacht.

Where is a grammar Nazi when you need one?

So let me understand this correctly. Me talking about an old job is pathetic? What would you call what you do. That's what. Noble?

He criticizes you for being a Jew and goes on to complement Amy......who is also a Jew. Ok.....

Wait Danny is a Jew. Well I guess I'm #TeamInternetPsychopath now.

Danny looks like he belongs on a nazi propaganda poster

well yeah, he's a complete idiot.

Why are you even engaging that asshole in conversation?

Its kind of like a "stop hitting yourself" thing. How long before youre like, ok....what...

He spelled "gahbige" wrong at the end. That pissed me off more than anything.

Peeca gahbige

How the fuck did he capitalize without managing to punctuate?

I think he might be a negro, his comments have that feel like he's trying to get a complex thought out but just doesn't have the language skills

So... does that make Opie one as well?

no. I thought everyone had agreed that Opie is a full blown nigger.

I just figured "lmao" is punctuation these days lmao

he's probably on a cell

A fucking padded cell.


are we 100% sure this isn't Anth?

He'd have to be an absolute fucking moron. Beyond what he already is.

What about brother joe? this sounds right up his alley.

Absolutely plausible.

SAMCRO's rants are usually overly punctuated like a retarded person trying to seem smart, this guy isn't even trying.

Totally. SAMCRO puts quotes around phrases like its cool.

Don't FORGET capitalization to EMPHASIZE meaningless POINTS! Redditard Libtard!

I've been saying for what feels like 6 months now that not only is your stalker on this sub, but it's probably Brother Joe or Ant. This person is going to slip up and reveal it accidentally soon. No one covers their tracks 100% of the time.

He has your phone number? Ought to narrow it down a lot. Try making a list of suspects

Not really. You never know who is reporting your number pubically. DMV, Banks...

ex-cops with favors...

Maybe its intern Stevie? Punctuation is fairly small on a keyboard.

who do you think this is?

I was just joshin' ya, Ross. You have my sympathies, this dude is obviously unstable and that would have me absolutely fucked up at every moment I set foot outside.

Club soda Kenny is a stable man.


Considering how easily he encouraged and angrily enjoyed Ben Spark's torment of Opie (and countless pest crusades in his name), I think you're underestimating the stupidity of that insecure fuck & his fat friends.

There is only two people in the world that would get this upset over criticising Big Amy: Big Amy herself and Kurt Metzger.

And we all know Metzger is crazy/retarded enough to go on this type of rant.

Danny's stalker is Big Amy Schumer

Hey guy from the the thing, there's no way around it, we're gonna have to kill this guy. I'm not saying I want to be the trigger man but I guess I will be because I don't trust anyone else to be competent enough. Now all we need is a good wheel man. Thoughts?

Ryan Dunn.

Lady Di?

Ahh damn Anthony got into the liquor cabinet and is starting his holiday weekend very early.

Danny don't let the haters get you down ok?

Why are you even acknowledging this person and they msgs?

If you IGNORE him, he'll go away. Happens with ALL trolls.

Don't EVER respond/acknowledge this person anywhere on the internet.


You're welcome.

Still doesnt change the fact you cant move on


no its not


Ricky pokes a lot of fun at his face here

Stop being an anonymous psycho, come out and show yourself so we can gild you

Poor Danny is gonna end up like Eric Boghosian at the end of Talk Radio :(

In order for that to happen, this coward would actually have to face me.

Do you think your stalker is triggered?

What actually happened with this person to get them so pissed off, do you know? Was it a particular incident? I know it's been an ongoing story, but I forget how it started.


It's intern David.

No it's not. He's a good Jewish boy.


David! Oh my David!


"I proceeded to stalk Danny."

Woooooooahhh whaaaaattttt Daviiidddd nnooooooooo

Danny, did the stalking stop the entire month of April? This smells like the work of a tranny fucker.

This would be the telltale sign.

Or a bizarro April fools prank

user reports:

1: Attention seeking whiny fuck


I miss these user reports. Can you do another thread on them?

You keep talking to this person and calling them crazy as if they're a normal person who may get shaken out of it. If someone is addressing Danny from the O&A show for multiple years they're clearly some schizo. There's no way to reach them so you may have to just kill yourself. Sorry buddy :(

I was listening to a show last night and lost the link, but it was about you calling up a listener and fucking with him at home. Then he got mad and started threatening you and Travis.

It's not that guy is it?

edit: found it

I vaguely remember this.

Yeah, Danny shoun done did dat.

I don't know how you can do something to make a person this irrationally mad and you have no recollection. Come on, dig deep Danny, what did you do to this fella???

You're like a fucking detective

Was the listener bobo??

Was this the listener that he gave the phone number out to? Reading that, it makes no sense.

Son, if anything, YOU'RE the scorned girlfriend. Who else would hold a 2 year grudge like this. you're an insane person. And I am not afraid of Ant what-so-ever. Dude looks like a wax sculpture of Qaddafi.

Who would even know about the personal family drama bullshit going on in your life enough to reference it in a PM?

Anybody who used them as a mutual friend to gain access to my page. There's no beef there, very calculated.

So the stalker added your parents as a friend to access your page/posts? Do your parents remember getting strange friend requests?

Qaddafi was a great man and The Green Book will bring peace tothe world. Don't you dare make fun of him.

Honestly I think your kinda just feeding the monster by posting this


I thought you kinda hinted this was all over a girl you banged or something. Or he thinks you banged, or stole or showed interest in you or what. This guy's obsession can't be just over the show. Could it? I bet it's Roland.

lol this guy types a lot like the message you posted and despite deying it I would bet for sure that this is your guy if this helps:

Yeah this seems like the guy.


It would be fucking hilarious if this was Bobo.

Classic Bobo heel turn

The grammar (random selective periods/capitalization) reeks of idiocy and the unmedicated shadowbannedkeiths stalker lol. Aka the one lonely faggot that makes "parody" accounts of other anonymous people because this place and the peoples opinions within it are his life.

Just call him a mad bitchboy whos brain you own and watch him flip. Also he hates when his sick faggot daddys talked about.


Uh-heh. Shooooore!

My names Marty, and i came here to party.

My name's will, I came here to chill


I got a girl named Dani, but I came here to tranny.

Then why'd you fuckin ask me about it.


Forget to switch alts?

No. I was quoting Pulp Fiction, I thought you were :(

It's the $100,000 fuhgitive

That's pretty fucked if the same guy has been doin that for two years. What a fucking cesspool

says a sub that has been following a group of degenerates for 20 years? IDK if we're any better.

A cesspool is a place not a person, so I was talking about the sub.

I don't trust that guy. Maybe he's the stalker? We should follow him everywhere to find out.

I agree, actually /u/DannyFromTheShow might know a guy who's really good at that.

is this an option?

Before an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or site will be forced to give up information about an anonymous person, most states follow what is known as the Cahill test first spelled out in the Delaware case of Doe v. Cahill. The Cahill test requires a plaintiff, suing for defamation, to make a prima fascia case of defamation to find out the identity from an internet service provider. In other words if your case is no good and you don’t really have a defamation claim, some judges won’t let you get information from ISP’s or websites.

Once a court decides the plaintiff has enough facts to make an initial showing of a defamation claim and can present facts that may defeat various First Amendment defenses, many courts will require the ISP or website to release the name if anyone fights it.

Fawk yeah summons all over his fascia.

O&A action starts to fizzle and the Danny-stalker saga resurfaces. This sub is unstoppable.

Send me a picture of your penis

whats your email

cc me on that

Hell no.

thought we were better friends than that

"Post this"? Gladly

Lol. I have a shitty life for posting here, yet you've spent 2 years calling cops to my house and sending girs dead mice. Mmm hmm. I'm the loser. Yep. ;)

That guy has the rambling cadence of a schizophrenic. Possibly a murderous one, too.

Possibly a murderous one, too.

That'd certainly kick things into high gear around here.

i'm a schizophrenic and it makes me a bit sad to read this. the dude's fucking autistic or something, for sure. repeatedly making threads, fascinated with himself as if he's some sort of criminal mastermind, blind to everyone else's unenthusiastic reactions. and with the wit of a child.

honestly, this "danny stalker" guy, the guy who constantly posts about "keith m" being gay at some gym, and the one trying to reveal some user as an irrelevant intern from R&F are probably the same socially inept retard brain, working feverishly at a meaningless cause since he's collecting disability checks and can't be employed.

The creep called the police on you and sent you dead mice? Aren't these felonies and why didn't the cops investigate?

They don't know how. Most NYC precincts still use monochrome screens and MS-DOS.

Watched a The First 48 episode the other day from just two years ago and the detective's computers were still on fucking Windows XP. Even the cheapest places I've done IT for have been on 7 for years by now.

That's a bit embarrassing especially in the year 2016.

Well what other year would they be in. Not like we have a choice what year it is.

When will THEN be NOW?

Brought it full circle didn't you

Cool the point being in 2016 they should be running more sophisticated systems and should be better equipped to handle online harassment. I'd understand if it was say 1996, but not now.

It's not the cop's jurisdiction, it's the Feds. Online is the FBI and the DOJ, and they go after sick fucks like this.

I'll bare knuckle box that motherfucker when you find him

You can punch whatever is leftover after I get done playing "The Mountain and The Viper".


Ripping off trainspotting with that last line

Havn't seen Trainspotting since the theater. My memory isn't THAT good.

Trainspotting 2 just started filming. Based on the same characters 20 years on making a porno. Time for a rewatch!

Yeah well, i'm not watching a 15 second ad just so you can be right. I'll take your word.

You don't have adblock for youtube and or ublock origin? I wouldn't be able to survive. Advertisements are my stalkers.

When Anthony was threatening to doxx this place, and someone did get doxxed, this sub panicked and rallied and cried for weeks. If this was happening to anyone here they would shit themselves.

If it were happening to literally anyone other than Danny, I would feel bad.

No. No one would give a shit. What are they gonna find out? That I blow underage boys in a van?

Lol. Heavens no. I just meant the stalking and harassing for 3 years would be maddening. People would care.

It's weird that he sends you all that stuff but doesn't let you respond.

BTW. Talking to someone from the show made me slightly proud of myself.

Man you and Ant left on bad terms huh? Mods green sticky please.

Well Ant is the only one who ever calls me "Ross".

I'm no detective but it sure seems like we've got a lead on the situation at hand here, right folks?

I think we're on to something here

No way. It's not Ant. This guy goes out of his way to point out that Danny thinks he's "talent". That seems to bug him a lot. Ant never cared if Danny thought of himself as talent.

Dis gun be good.

I know you're joking but if anyone seriously thinks this is Ant, he wasn't smart enough to not publicly like 13 yo girls' vines.

He's not hiding himself through VPN's and shit like Danny has said this guy does.

Yeah Ant could really learn a thing or two from this stalker

Quite a pickle you've found yourself in.


Im suprised he wanted to meet in person. Just end this. Meet up so he can chop you with a sword or whatever.

I've gave him plenty of opportunities. If he actually showed up that was the first time.

Well you have been making a big deal about him being too much of a coward to face you so maybe you should have been there.

Yeah, any lady I'm viciously stalking tells me to meet her somewhere, then she has the fucking nerve to stand me up?

Fool me once, shame on you...Fool me twice, I'll send dead mice to your loved ones

YESSSSSS I can meet you at the Blue Oyster any day except Monday - I'll be the one wearing nautical rope. yessss


He called you Human Garbage. I think we all know who it is now.


"Human garbage?" Could it be tits has finally gone down the deep end?

Danny is a fag fag fucking douche bag bag...

But if I met you in person, you'd say "hello" and grab a pic right? GFY.

Lol. Absolutely not. Id say "hey didnt you get fired for being a prick? Noone you worked with liked you"

100 bucks says you don't have the balls. I knew the risk involved with my stunt and the show was barely on life support. Don't forget I was there for almost 9 years. Not 9 days.

Sucks to have your professional peak behind you.

Yeah bro, you wouldn't have the balls to confront a 5'4" balding jew. Think next time before you start shit.


Eww, you're really going this route? Fuckin criiiiinge.


Now you're soliciting dick pics. SMH. Have fun with your stalker, try not to get murdered, lil fella. ; p

Edit: typo


I think its very telling you cant let this go... im not using any pedistal. Im saying your best moment in life has passed you by. If it wasnt youd be elsewhere

Ok well, when your ex-bff has a sub dedicated to him, you can lie and tell me you don't check it out like ALL the time OK?

.. bff = best friends forever? did you have matching bracelets?

Just matching cock-rings

You are such a fucking fag, Danny. Kill yourself already. No one cares about you and you're just displaying what a clearly butthurt and bitter cunt you are.

You arent supposed to care about me. But here you are.

Shitstain ass nigga.

Which one was your bff? O? A? J? K? LD? M? B? S?T? P? Give us the fucking answer!

Calm down, tough guy.

Are you sure it wasn't 9 days??

People really don't ask you for pics do they? It's not fucking beatlemania, you can't be that delusional.

I remember going to events and Virus shows.

I'm talking about this decade.

Let's talk about next decade

It's pronounced "Deck-aaaahhhhhhhd"


Not doubting that happened. Glad you had a good time, sorry this dude stalking you is a weirdo.


If you're in the AC area I'd love a pic.


See ya then sailor.

Is it true what he's saying? Are you Jewish?

Danny hides from his lies and hypocrisy, as seen here.

I say again, you deserve everything you get Danny.

The sooner you start acknowledging this, the sooner the healing can begin.


You are the liar and the coward here Danny. Posting receipts that anyone can get, proving nothing. You claim to have posted hundreds and emails, texts, yet can never seem to retrieve these mysterious posts when asked for them.

You claim you have a stalker violently threatening you and those you love, and yet here you are, provoking them into coming after you.

The lies are unravelling Jew, you will soon have no where to hide.

lol, piss off. I've posted so much shit already it's clear you're just a racist with an agenda. I've posted messages, police reports, emails, etc. "Receipts that anyone can get" you mean filing a police report for aggravated harassment?

I guess you missed this thread:

What was that part about not being able to retrieve these mysterious posts? Sorry this is so unbelievable to you and that you subscribe to a different reality.

Those posts are nothing, no credible death threats, no wonder the police agreed the matter wasn't worth pursuing.

You are hated because of who you are, not what you are. That's just an unsavoury bonus and great fodder.

"they mailed dead mice to a girl I knew 2 years ago!"

Absolute non-story.


Danny you've been repeating yourself for 5 months now, at least.

The 'stalker' really gets to you, huh? Apologies.

You told anyone doubting you here to call the precinct, so I did.

You then laughed at me for calling the precinct, revealing yourself as the liar you keep pretending not to be.

You're exactly like Ant in your inability to see fault in yourself, and your downfall will be just as sweet :)

So.. what am I lying about exactly?

About there being a credible threat to you and your loved ones.

“Credible threat of violence” is defined as “a knowing and willful statement or course of conduct that would place a reasonable person in fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family, and that serves no legitimate purpose.”

Here, you obviously don't understand the definition.

Do you think it's the intern you lost Guitar Hero to?


Surely it's tranhony or fred from brooklun

Hire a dark web hit man


Norm voice "this guys a real jerk"

Paul voice "this guy's the jerk of all jerks"

He didn't even use the right amount of "la"s. What a piece of shit.

i almost feel bad for you but not quite, you handle this like a faggot and posting your drama here is truly embarrassing

thanks for the laughs at least, god bless ya

I for one would be quite interested in a quick synopsis of this particular dispute.

Linger longer


Well can you narrow down what may have happened in and around 2 years ago? I mean how many conflicts did you get in ffs?

None. If it were that easy this thread wouldn't exist.

I can't believe this guy is still harassing you. Whatever you did, say sorry.

I've actually tried. But if they told me what I did, theyd out themselves and he's too scared to do that.

this guy writes pretty uniquely. none of his writing style or cursing style or racism style combines to point to a possible suspect?

edit: like all the "lmao"s, misspelling "kyke", intermittent "fuck off"s, calling you by your last name, no punctuation, etc.?


Hahaha! That's what Opie does. Thinks he's all fresh n' sheeeeit.

He could be writing like that just to throw Danny off.

Well, to be honest, I kind of like his ideas on Jews. But otherwise, he's an asshole.

Ok I'll stop.

Sherrod: Oh, you got my email?

Ask him if he's a fan of Catcher in the Rye.


You should contact the Reddit admins that you're being repeatedly harrassed by these throwaways. They can IP ban him.

its not just reddit. this thread was meant to just relay a msg to him. not become front page of this subs National Enquirer.


Gotta start somewhere. If they give you the IP you can take it to the cops.

Did cops 3x.

Unless he's a retard he's going to be using Tor anyway. Finding an IP address probably wouldn't get anywhere regardless.

EDIT: wrong person. whatevs

Emails came in under vpns.

Their supervisors? DA? Feds?

Belive it or not, yup.

Release what you have in detail and let the sub play detective


Whatever you feel loser-pro-bono-internet-sleuths-who-are-likely-also-truckers would need to help.

Needs to be done off Reddit tho, no witch hunts or fun allowed.

I do not envy you, Mr. Ross.

The oddest thing about all this is that he capitalizes every new sentence, yet foregoes periods and most punctuation altogether.

e. e. cumstain

Well played.

It's actually pretty impressive. I mean two years. And /u/dannyfromtheshow isn't really even a minor celebrity. That's dedication.

If you wanna get rid of him, I'd suggest you try to just completely ignore him. Although you have probably tried that too. It might take months. This guy is hard core.

Dude I've done that. This guy is mentally ill. It's not somebody just being a pain in the ass. This person is unstable.

Does he harass anyone else that's worked for, or been associated with the show?

Yeah, like I said, we have send him up the river.

Greg from NH is a real asshole

Hey! I was born in NH

Live free or die!

Did you ever fall out with Ben, Danny?

He has a history of conducting concerted stalking and abuse because of the show and he seems like an unhinged character. I know it's a tenuous link but he's been bothering Opie with weird "no one likes you" shtick because of the show and that's kind of what's happening to you, too.

Nope. Ben & I got along like gangbusters. Was at his birthday party a few years back.

btw - whos side are you on in the Sparks vs Tits thing...?

I like Ben. That doesnt validate his behavior.

It's without a doubt Black Earl Douglas.

"you a fucking kyke and I'm going to rock you harder than Living Colour rocked the Palladium in '87.

PS - if you ever hear anything about my grandmother felching Charlemagne in Heaven it is a fucking LIE."


CompoundMedia's profitability, Norton's credibility, Louis's relatability, Sam's chances of having an heir, a wooden cross on Brother Joe's lawn, Dani's cocaine-speckled septum, Esther Ku's connections, Keith The Cop's future of working anywhere that doesn't require a nametag...

It reads like a manic person having an obsessive episode.


Pistols at dawn.

I'm in. Would love to show this guy my M&P.

Massive & Penis?

Droppin' hammers!

Although I'm aware of the gravitas of this situation I still kind of hope that refers to nicknames you've given to your fists. Preferably "Meat & Potatoes", with "Mom & Pop" a close second.


But then finish him off with a visit from Mom & Pop, right?

Military and police?


Does the person who's harassing you know how bobo is doing?

you auto correct makes you insults hard to undastand.

FACE ME YOU COWARD ...yeah, on the internet. Seeing over the hill people deal with trolls is beyond pathetic.


who are ya talkin' to, dan



Its called barred out, just a heads up.


I'm actually intrigued to know who this guy is. It's very creepy strange behaivour.

If I was Danny and this was happening to me I'd absolutely do the same thing. This seems to be the only way to contact this autistic virgin stalking him.

Can't we all work together and e-detective the guy?

I suppose you need to write a list of people you possibly have bad blood with and then dig into their online footprints for clues.

Unless it's just an old listener who didn't like you on the radio and is doing this for no descernible reason because he's mentally ill - it's probably that.

I know you aren't asking and people have a weird obsession with giving you shit about it but I'd donate to your fund to hire a detective. Even if it's just for the e-drama to unfold more.


Also if you read Ben Sparks Reddit posts from the account he made here as himself to air shit he also wrote in a similar fashion. The punctuation and syntax is marginally better but It's all long bitter streams of unbroken bile and slurs.

I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility that he urbans up his writing as this creep and purposefully dumbs down to mask himself. The texts published recently in his case with Opie are also similar.

This is all random conjecture obviously but when an old employee has a history of harrasing other employees relentlessly and is obviously resentful about the past and everything to do with the show it seems to match.

maybe you could ask /r/borrow for help hiring that P.I.

"Colin Cowherd isn't germane to the situation."

"The goddamn Germans ain't got nothin to DO with it!"

thats funny bro

Hit this fucker where it hurts and disclose every bit of dirt you have on Tranthony

Master Po or Blind Intern Stevie, Fuck Em Danny you're alright

Is being recognized in this one sub so important that you have to keep the screen name? Why don't you just get a new name. Problem solved.

For a 5th time, this is beyond reddit.

But your screen shots are messages on Reddit. Dump the name dummy

You want emails and fb msgs? I can do that.

Those are easier for you to track and more work for the guy


More work for him. Ignore and he will go away. I'm thinking you may be doing this to yourself for attention

What a twist. Danny has developed multiple personality disorder and is now stalking himself, without realizing it. Sounds like a David Fincher movie.


You know you can just go anonymous like most of us and not use a handle like DannyFromTheShow?


That includes Tumblr

and grindr?

Tried to out-crazy him. y'know for-tha-show

Have you talked with a lawyer? You'd be surprised the amount of stuff a subpoena can find....

Courts issue subpoenas, not lawyers.


Danny, not to be insulting, but of all the people to stalk and torment, someone picks a staff guy from a radio show?? At least pick someone like Chloe Grace Moretz or something!


You mean that time you kept msging me pretending to be a girl? Word, that was pretty funny. I don't need to watch my back because you're a coward who would never show his face. This is your safe space. You would never risk outing yourself. You've told me to watch my back, what, 100 times? Why should I care about the 101st.

Dude "bros" hard.

His LMAO game is on point too.

For this being the only means of communicating with your stalker where are they?


Now, don't forget to delete your account you big tough man you.

You've been hiding behind your computer for 2 years you dolt.

Do you have any idea who this person is?


I hope it's No Filter Paul.

It's me, I'm this guy.

Really getting to you, ain't he?

I hope somebody emails your bosses and sends your wife dead mice. GFY.

Didn't intend for that to come out mean spirited.

Don't let the guy get to ya.

You do understand he's doing all this for attention, and all you're doing by posting this is giving it to him

Thanks for the tip

No problem dannyboy, as a token of appreciation can you donate to my gofundme

Sorry, all my pocket money went to Jim's cartoon.

You sound like a couple of prats

Whats going on? Is this real life?

Enough of this horseshit, holy crap. You come to this sub a bunch to post stuff about internet stalkers.

Maybe it's more than one guy because you keep showing off how bothered you're getting.

I told people to downvote the thread. Not my problem you yentas made it the top post.

Dude, the fact this is the top post, which was not your intention....says a lot about the state of this sub. It's on fucking life support. This really is the most interesting thing in weeks. Sounds like puttimg this up here couldn't hurt - might lead to figuring out the identity of this insane butt fucker.

No, you said not to upvote. Don't tell us what to do.



Just ignore him. I think u said he put a dead mouse in your mailbox once. If that's the worst he can do, so be it. Plus if u ignore him enough, and draw him into doing something in person....maybe catch him on the spot.

His buns are a bronze at best, hence he can't get over yours being so golden pony boy.

This is the only logical conclusion thus far.


You keep going on about how i never posted reports. Here's one. Now what.

Is that your home address in the "location of occurrence" line? Why would you post that on reddit in a thread complaining about a stalker??


I'm not the guy posting personal info (present or recent past) online while at the same time complaining about stalkers. But then again I value my privacy. If I had some psychopath from the internet threatening me over a prolonged period of time I'd absolutely avoid publishing even a recent address. Why take the risk? To prove to anonymous reddit users that you're not making up stories? Seems unwise, but then again I'm no 'genius' so post away.


Not daft at all. Just not apprised of your situation in full context. From what I read this person has been harassing you online but didn't realize it went beyond that. And since "online" has no physical address assumed the police used your real one as 'location of incident'. Apparently they crossed the line into your actual world. I must have missed that factoid. My mistake.

This goes way beyond online harassment. A girl I was friends with was sent dead mice in the mail. Cops were called to my house. Family threatened. Rape threats. Death threats. For all his tough talk he has to delete burner accounts every minute since he's so scared I'll find out who he is. And he should be.

Best of luck. That sounds pretty fucked up.

He's lying. Police would not ignore a group of people receiving credible death and rape threats for years, which is exactly what Danny wants you to believe.

If you question the obvious flaw in this fantasy, he will give you a snarky reply and call you a fucking idiot.


Egg harassment?


Why does everyoane hate you so much? I didn't hear much of you on the show but you must have done something awful to deserve this.

Because I didnt go to that website Patrice wanted that time and told Steve I'd sue him if he punched me in the face at work.

I have to watch that clip.


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Opie & Anthony Aftershow: Greg From NH Vs Danny & Travis (11/28/12) 10 - I was listening to a show last night and lost the link, but it was about you calling up a listener and fucking with him at home. Then he got mad and started threatening you and Travis. It's not that guy is it? edit: found it
Scool Ties - "Cowards" 1 - It's so hard to find decent help these days.
Ricky Gervais Meets Garry Shandling (pt. 1 of 5) 1 - Ricky pokes a lot of fun at his face here
Choose Life - Trainspotting (1-12) Movie CLIP (1996) HD.mp4 1 -

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I'm Spartacus!

Ever thought about being a grown adult, not replying, and going on about your life instead of letting some words on a computer screen have so much real estate in your brain?

Ya. Its more than that. Thanks.




Ew, so interested in my love life. What the fuck is wrong with you.


This guy's Jew hatred seems to confirm my Bobo suspicions. Ask him to meet you in Queens, Danny.

If we're going on Jew hatred, everyone in this sub is a suspect.

That's a fair point. Bobo's the primary suspect though. Random capitalizations, no punctuation, lives in New York, is obsessed with the show, AND an anti-semite.

I'm just saying. Talk shit about the Mets if you bad, bruh.

You did it. You cracked the case.

Danny why dont you hire someone to track him down?

I'd love to. I started a GFM page and the entirety of this sub took a diarrhea dump all over it while calling me a liar and a scammer. Shits not cheap.

There are other subs that ACTUAL humans regularly visit. They will take pity on you when you share your story and they will help. This is front page of reddit worthy shit Danny

Listen to this man.

And be smarter than you have been. When you post in those subs do it from an alt.

Well what would you call what you do? If it isn't stalking what would you call that. I'd call you my Aggravated Harasser, but that doesn't exactly roll of the tongue. What about me makes me a "piggy" I'd probably wreck you these days and by your behavior, I can almost guarantee you're a fat piece of shit.


Still stalking her too, eh? Is there any part of your life that DOESN'T revolve around me?


Cant you even forget about me for a holiday weekend? Oh. No. You can't. Dead man walking eh? Do it already. Enough talk. Do something.

So how's your memorial day weekend going? Chilling with friends? Or obsessing over me yet again. Oh, right. Tell Marissa I said hey.







Lol! Hides behind a computer? Isnt that like, all you do? I might post about an old job but you message me all day about posting about an old job.

Also, its "higher ups" not hire ups. But you're stupid so, i dont expect you to get it right.






Look how i run your life. Your entire holiday weekend has been spent sending me e-threats.

Empty sad life you have there.





This has become intolerably boring.


What? You posted like 4 hours ago.


Why do you keep pretending you're boys?

And you're right. It ain't libel if it's true ;)




You did? News to me! From your timestamps, it seems it was I who ruined yours. You literally spend ALL weekend doing whatever it is you think youre doing.

Ok, i wont respond anymore. See ya later!

It's the ghost of Patrice Oneal

Danny should have clicked that link.

the people vs.

I wouldn't let it worry you. Not much to see here.

Danny - you were incredibly mean to Intern Stevie. By chance could it be that chubby fella, or is he too much of a dolt?

Great idea making a thread drawing attention to how much it bothers you, he'll definitely stop then!

Edit: Please DO NOT downvote my comments, it upsets me deeply when people downvote my contributions to discussions.



I have somewhat of a personal question, Danny.

Will you dress up like The Ultimate Warrior and fuck my girlfriend while I watch?

whats she look like?

No. Ultimate Maniac? We can talk.

Whoa! Look out!

Can't be Anthony, cause he's "sober".


I don't think this post is going to help.

This constitutes board drama. No more please.



This post gives me acid reflux.

Nobody cares, kike.

That's Kikey McHeeb, to you

Hey leave me out of this!

Get it?


Did the messages slow down or even stop abruptly at any point during April? Ant was in rehab all of April...

Nope I have plenty of msgs from 30 days and + ago.

For someone with an apparent stalker who is meant to know where your family lives and threatens to murder them daily, you sure do love publicly provoking them.

Your story is full of holes, it wouldn't surprise me to find out you've made all those accounts yourself.

Stop whining you attention seeking faggot, go to the police.

Holes? OK, prove your theory and ill give you a thousand dollars ok?

Hahah jesus you need a life man. Responded to me in .5 seconds

The main hole is no one with a violent stalker sits on the Internet arguing with them, they go to the police. Now you'll tell me you went to the police and they did nothing, which is of course a lie.

Also didn't I just read you saying you wanna meet this stalker, then another post laughing that you made him visit some random place looking for you?

You're trolling everyone for attention, and it's sad.

Please fuck off with your faggy drama.

Couldn't I say this about the balance of this sub?

All this sub is now is drama that's not even cool enough to be faggy...

umad? umad.

I dunno about you guys but I had enough of danny, I never really liked him while he was on the show and now all this drama/fake drama is just silly.

either call the cops or go meet the guy, either way I don't wish to hear crying anymore about this issue.

fucking highschool nonsense. "meet me at the bar if you wanna fight" then " lol , you are so dumb. was never planning on showing up anyways"

both sides of this are in the wrong

Ok cool guy

keep kissing up and maybe someone from the "show" will retweet ya.

find something else to gossip about like sue or ant. Out of anyone you could pick to ball wash you pick danny... Id rather be a Samcro fan

Don't upvote

Well SOMEONE is fishing for karma!

Danny is butthurt

Must have been the psycho who was tracking my comments for like, a month and responding with the weirdest things.

Edit: Found him

What did you expect when you shared your real identity with this toxic shithole? Dumbass

no. going on much before reddit. the more you know.

Well to be fair, I'm only half paying attention. Good day

Posting this here so people can see what a demented piece of shit you are. Come on Warrior, come out and play.

Posting this here has only helped people see what a demented piece of shit the OP is. No offense intended to the OP.

You don't become some tough crusader because a weirdo keeps messaging you about O&A. Stop running to a sub full of old fans to kiss your boo-boos and tell you you're cool. Go to the police if you're this upset.

Wouldn't you know.. tried that 3 times. No dice. Police don't care about online harassment/stalking and/or they are unable to handle it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I said t downvote this and that this is my only method of communication since they delete accounts. where should i have posted this. /r/gifs?

Online harassment is FBI"s territory.

Reporting it to your local cops is like reporting it to Kenny. They don't give a shit, and probably don't understand what it is anyway. If you have years of this, and can prove it's from one person, why the fuck haven't you contacted the FBI?

You shouldn't have posted it anywhere. It's been two years and this guy still bothers you? You should be totally desensitized to his rambling Jew insults by now.

Besides, there's no reason to try to contact him. He's not going to stop just because you make it very clear that this really bothers you. If anything it'll just egg him on.

Insults sure. He threatens my friends and family. One girl got dead mice sent to her house. 911 was called to my place more than once. its beyond "youre a kyke lmao."

One girl got dead mice sent to her house.


Really. And you're telling me that the police still don't give a shit.


Stop posting as DannyFromTheShow and hide the rest of your personal info online? It sucks that you have to go to that length to avoid some weirdo but it sounds like the guy's going off of public information. Cut that off and he has no way to harass you.

You mean shrug my shoulders, lay down and show my belly? No.

Or you know... just be smarter.

Do tell. I love when people with half the story think they have all the answers.

Well do you NEED social media? I get that's where most of the harassment is coming from even though he has sent stuff to addresses.

If you delete your social media and said individual doesn't have your phone number or address it'd be hard for them to continue. You would have then isolated their sphere of influence thus making it harder for them to harass you.

So basically, run away. That's how you handle stuff huh?

No. You have put too much out there into the digital and public world. Reign it in. Make him deal with you on your terms not on his.

Also, I would recommend when someone gives you an honest and logical answer as advice don't respond like a cunty woman.


Looks like Danny needs more money

Their kind do have an insatiable hunger for gold.

I normally hate the "danny's a jew lol" jokes but that was funny shit.

Seriously, GFY.

"Good For You"?

Hey can you sum up (to Danny from the show) the past coworkers of Opie hating him and Steve C's suicide. It is intriguing to hear from some one who lived it. If you have links to you explaining this in the past please post it.

Stop with this Opie/Steve C suicide thing. It's absurd.

Sorry I didn't mean to connect them. Just two aspects of show that interested me. Serious intrigue and non biased.

There isn't much to say. This sub pretty much figured out the Opster for what he is and Steve had some serious demons that had nothing to do with the show. That's about it.

oh okay cool. will you linger longer? I have just recently discovered the show (Like a max a year ago) and I have heard, on youtube, the rise and fall off the show. Very very interesting/spectacular. Good luck in your future or current endeavors Mr. Ross.

You are an asshole if you attribute Steve's actions as caused by anyone or anything from the Show.

He was an addict and addiction causes severe depression; severe depression is the #1 cause of suicide, by a landslide.

If there was a true addict on the Show, not that worm's self righteous attempt to connect to people who have bottomed out with "one time I threw up when I kissed a girl in a tent because I was so drunk" and not that 'Corsican Pimp" [Colin Quinn] Anthony (who certainly is on the path of addict destruction) it was Steve.

My guess is that, although Steve admitted he was an addict, his stories weren't brought to the air because they were too real and morbid. Anthony's were full of hi jinx and buffoonery until recently.

Leave Steve's tragic choice out this discussion; its a disservice to real O&A fans.

What were Steve C's demons?

You fucking faggots fell for that gay ass fuck 'Don't upvote' cuckery.

'Hurr don't tell me what to do OP xD'

Fucking losers.

And who gives a shit about this? Danny's supposed to be a grown man, not some 15 year old on facebook sharing messages their ex sent them.


We heard you.

while it's likely danny has a stalker it is just as likely this lunatic is making all of this up for some sort of amusement. Danny, remember all the yelling you did on the show and the drama it stirred? it's kind of like the boy who cried wolf, at some point it became it's own persona. If it's real, sorry you have to deal with it, if it's fake, keep up the good drama stirring work.

This is an absurd thought process.

Coming from the guy that tried to crowdfund a private investigator from this sub.

Excuse me. Shared the link here once. Sorry to annoy you by making you see a link. I will feel eternal shame..

Well..after all, his handle IS gay cunt



First rule: If you take yourself or anyone else here seriously, you've already lost. Ask Anthony how that went for him.

You don't know the whole story so..Thanks.

Didn't ask, and frankly don't care. You want to treat the subreddit like it's your personal 'baby boy' blog that's not my business either, because in the end it helps.


Don't upvote, this post is JUST for my biggest fan.

Ha ha, your reverse psychology failed, fag.

if its reverse psychology then it did work, you fucking water moccasin

At the time I posted this it was at zero upvotes

I'm disappointed in this sub's gullibility

He even said "you've been at this two years", hamfistedly laying the fictional backstory

I think we're on to something here

I'm no detective but it sure seems like we've got a lead on the situation at hand here, right folks?

I hope it's No Filter Paul.

But if I met you in person, you'd say "hello" and grab a pic right? GFY.

It's me, I'm this guy.

Possibly a murderous one, too.

That'd certainly kick things into high gear around here.

So the stalker added your parents as a friend to access your page/posts? Do your parents remember getting strange friend requests?

i'm a schizophrenic and it makes me a bit sad to read this. the dude's fucking autistic or something, for sure. repeatedly making threads, fascinated with himself as if he's some sort of criminal mastermind, blind to everyone else's unenthusiastic reactions. and with the wit of a child.

honestly, this "danny stalker" guy, the guy who constantly posts about "keith m" being gay at some gym, and the one trying to reveal some user as an irrelevant intern from R&F are probably the same socially inept retard brain, working feverishly at a meaningless cause since he's collecting disability checks and can't be employed.

Stop posting as DannyFromTheShow and hide the rest of your personal info online? It sucks that you have to go to that length to avoid some weirdo but it sounds like the guy's going off of public information. Cut that off and he has no way to harass you.

One girl got dead mice sent to her house.


Dis gun be good.

Really. And you're telling me that the police still don't give a shit.

Peeca gahbige

whats she look like?

No. Ultimate Maniac? We can talk.

We heard you.

Couldn't I say this about the balance of this sub?


Ya. Its more than that. Thanks.


Egg harassment?


All this sub is now is drama that's not even cool enough to be faggy...

Really getting to you, ain't he?

Why does everyoane hate you so much? I didn't hear much of you on the show but you must have done something awful to deserve this.

Well do you NEED social media? I get that's where most of the harassment is coming from even though he has sent stuff to addresses.

If you delete your social media and said individual doesn't have your phone number or address it'd be hard for them to continue. You would have then isolated their sphere of influence thus making it harder for them to harass you.

No. You have put too much out there into the digital and public world. Reign it in. Make him deal with you on your terms not on his.

Also, I would recommend when someone gives you an honest and logical answer as advice don't respond like a cunty woman.