Unaware Opie

29  2016-05-25 by Dannyprecise

ME: Brad Williams on the line! Brad, I miss ya buddy. I gotta say, I FAWKIN hated it down in Austin when people stared at you while we hung out. I'm like, FAWK, he's still a guy; he's just short!

Brad: yeah man, it sucks sometimes. But I'm used to it.

Opie then proceeds to talk about how short he is for the remainder of the 10 minute telephone interview.


Opie is that type of friend that takes you out for drinks when you lose your job, then tells the waitress and any person in a 100 yard radius that you lost your job and how great he is for paying for your drinks since you are now poor.

Yeah, the douchebag that would be all "be nice to this guy here, he just lost his job today!" Ugh.

sorry I don't buy it at all. there's no way skinflint opie would buy anyone else a drink.

Oh, no doubt Opie wouldn't do that specifically, but the sentiment is the same - I did something for you, and now I can treat you like shit. Or the reverse of that, like when he gave out Erocks phone number (assuming that wasn't a bit).

Maybe I'm wrong but I personally believe everything on the show was a bit. Literally everything.

Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that either. Some of the fights got sort of personal for a bit, so hard to say.

He's the cheapest fuck alive.

You could probably ask for a sample of his breast milk.

Jesus Christ. Maybe they were staring because he's a semi popular comedian? Or maybe they were staring at the 55 year old man wearing the skin tight shirt that shows his tits poking out?

ill take skin tight shirts for $200 Alex

Daily Double!


You can find hours of O&A midget mockery. He acts like he has amnesia about anything prior to August 2014.

Yea. Remember when they'd stop the entire show for the "ozone midget sighting" which would just be some shithead caller going "oh man! Dere was a midget! And it was awesome. HEUHEUHEU!"

Lol that was hella funny.

I remember once when Jimmy and Louie were laying into some midget and Jimmy called him a "no basketball playing, eat pussy standing up piece of shit" or something like that.

That's very bold of Jimmy because he looks shorter than the average American man and he while he isn't a complete shemale, he is far from masculine.

He also went on and on about how they hung out down in Austin as if to show us all they are legit friends. Like we give a fuck

Opie doesn't have any friends.

You mean Tits made it all about himself? That can't be right. Tits isn't the me me me type of person, that was his cunt mother.

Holy shit, that is such a perfect example of Tits. "Hey, it's not a big deal that you're a midget, why do people care that you are a midget? Midget midget midget."

opie is a real piece of shit

I wonder how Opie feels about how New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, the person he constantly brings up as being "the most obvious choice for Trumps VP" because he heard someone else say it, has now been defending herself from some big insults Trump gave her in the past week.

who the fuck is brad williams

Some midget

Correction, a kickable according to Tits

Tyrion Lannister's brother.

Jamie Lannister hangs out with Opie?!