Opie Radio Conspiracy

31  2016-05-25 by Mr702law

Opie says supposed to be off this week, "for his birfday". Then says he decided to work this week but Jimmy already had other plans. This was likely intentional so Opie could test drive the show this week with his backup crew of Vic and Sherrod.


Stop listening to this show.

Can we just start banning everybody who mentions anything related to O&A?

Stop coming to this sub faggot.

If everyone stopped listening to the show, the sub would die. The listeners are suffering for this entire degenerate sub.

Should we stop sending reporters to Syria cause a few busy body's got their domes chopped off?

Another alt, how many does this make faggot? You are severely mentally disturbed.

Yeah, OF COURSE THIS IS AN ALT ACCOUNT!!! You are a paranoid moron buddy, grow the fuck up.

Dude you need serious mental help.

YOU: "I can say with 100 percent certainty that opie and jimmy couldn't land a gig on fm radio, they would score a zero in the ratings no doubt."

100% certainty eh, a zero in the ratings you delusional psycho? LOL and i need the mental help? Right!

Wow how many months back did you have to go for that comment. Congratulations you win

Don't be embarrassed

If his life is anything like a normal persons he said he was taking a week off and then his wife yelled at him for thinking he was going to sit around the house and just generally fuck up her life and drive her crazy for the next 5 days, so he cancelled.

Sounds like he'll need to listen to Breuer's album

I don't wanna go do my morning zoo, but the wife keeps saying Bam will be home soon, da na na na na TITS da na na na na sniff

Vurry good,

She got annoyed because he kept asking if Bam needed to be prepped.

Let's take this one step further....

What fucking ADULT takes off the day of their birthday, let alone the entire fucking week? You aren't in highschool or college looking to get fucked up on a bender. You're in your 50's for christ sake.

I've worked for two fortune 500 companies, and I've never met one person at either company that has taken the day of their birthday off.

You want to know how normal adults with self-awareness do it? When it's your fucking birthday during the work week, you go out to a nice dinner that night with your family then fucking go to work the next day.

Sounds like something a civilian would say. But seriously you're right a guy I worked with tried to take every birthday off and would rent party busses for all 6 of his friends so they could bar hop....he's 34...

My old job used to give you the day off or the upcoming Friday or Monday. It wasn't a bad perk.

Did you guys have fun?

I try to take the day off so I can get drunk. But I don't get the day off sometimes, it is what it is.

you're probably a blue collar worker. Most likely a tin knocker or roofer, and that's okay.

What the hell do I know?

Birthdays are for children and anyone over 80 who your suprised has made it so far.

I get kind of annoyed if anyone at work wishes me happy birthday. How did they find out? Half the time I don't even remember. What are they stalking me?

I was promoted and moved to another department and saw an email go out announcing employees birthdays for that month. I immediately asked that my name be removed from the list. I'm 35, I don't need some assholes at work wishing me a happy birthday on July 7th.

I love working my birthday. Time and a half? Shit. Try and send me home. Fuck my special day.

Calm down, berfday police.

I take my birthday off every year to creampie your pet schnoodle and ass to mouth your husband, I don't see what the big deal is.

The show is unbearable now, I listened to O&A every single show from when I was 19 (2009) until Anthony's firing. I tried to keep listening but it just got so bad I had to stop. A large contributing factor to how bad it's gotten is not only Opie being an egotistical trainwreck who thinks he has to (and is funny enough to) dominate the show like Howard does, but also because of how bad the frequent guests are. If Sherrod or Chris DeStefano are in I can't listen, then they started being on multiple times a week each and I eventually just stopped listening.

The only thing that was keeping the show somewhat funny was Jimmy and the chance that he would have a few funny lines during the show, when he wasn't being trampled by Opie. Opie over laughs at unfunny things all show long yet half the time doesn't even acknowledge Jimmy's jokes. I don't even think it's intentional, I just think he's stupid.

Anyway, can you imagine how truly awful it would be if Sherrod or Chris D were a permanent co-host? Holy shit.

The ol' Bait 'n Tits

Yup, he's adding a redneck hack and a black hack to appeal to those demos. Next step is the sassy hole. Add the finishing touch of a dimwitted producer with a neurotic young fish out of water intern and it will sound just like every other fucking wacky soccer mom morning zoo radio show in every market in this country.

Jewdy could be the hole.

I'd rather see her as soap.


a neurotic young fish out of water intern

He's on 9pm-12am now.

It has all the hallmarks of a psyop. Jackboot thugs aspertame and potbelly pedophile psychic vampires. Any other targeted individuals here?

He makes millions from a job that requires him to sit in a chair and fake laugh for four hours, and he wants to take a week off?

He's never gonna beat Stern with that attitude.

it can't get any worse, might as well get rid of the most expensive replaceable labor portion and save sirius few bucks, they'll need every penny for howard's next bday party.

I'm stating the obvious, but it truly is as if Opie went out and found the most annoying, least funny comics possible. The only reason I remember Vic was from a Jocktober years ago - it's one of the only ones that's unlistenable, and it's because he steps on everything so much to the point where it's uncomfortable.


Did he really pronounce it that way? Goddamn, that is comedy gold. It's supposed to be birTHday!. Where did that "Rf" come from?!?!?

Really maaaaaaan!?

Lynsi had steady cock scheduled for the whole week, and didn't want Tits there trying to record and offer his clean up services, so she told him he was working.

Sounds like something a civilian would say. But seriously you're right a guy I worked with tried to take every birthday off and would rent party busses for all 6 of his friends so they could bar hop....he's 34...

I try to take the day off so I can get drunk. But I don't get the day off sometimes, it is what it is.

Birthdays are for children and anyone over 80 who your suprised has made it so far.

I get kind of annoyed if anyone at work wishes me happy birthday. How did they find out? Half the time I don't even remember. What are they stalking me?

Calm down, berfday police.

I take my birthday off every year to creampie your pet schnoodle and ass to mouth your husband, I don't see what the big deal is.

I love working my birthday. Time and a half? Shit. Try and send me home. Fuck my special day.