There's no way Opie reads this sub

0  2016-05-25 by Mr702law

Or if he does we have seriously misread him. If he reads here regularly then there's no way he'd keep having Vic and Sherrod on because if you read this sub there's no way you can like those guys. It's impossible. If he does read here and still has those guys on, then he's straight trolling everyone here.


The "this sub" in your title was unnecessary.

Opie is secretly I_Hate_Knickers

Holy shit, that would make perfect sense. The emojis, the brain damage, it's him!

Nope, he's just lazy and lacks an understanding of radio.

He definitely reads his YouTube, Facebook and Twitter though.

He knows people hate them, but they lick his asshole, do the fake laugh knee slap constantly, and don't rip on him.

They are his security blanket at this point.

If Opie read this sub he would have R. Budd Dwyer'd himself on the air long ago.

Hasn't he mentioned he reads some of the bad stuff here? He said that's why he refused to be in the same room as Anthony. Not sure

Opie is trying to get fired by bringing in the worst "Comedians" possible.