Mark Normand killing it for us

13  2016-05-25 by TotallyNotObsi


Whoever programmed Normand knows comedy for sure.

Comedians have to be the most unattractive group of people.. Mark isn't a bad looking guy, but he's like a "7".. And every time he's with other comedians on shows/podcasts, they talk like he's fucking Ryan Reynolds or The Rock..

Hell, I guess a "7" looks like a "10" when he surrounds himself with a 60 year old ginger radio host with moobs, a 50 year old radio comedian that looks like a butch lesbian going through chemotherapy, and a bald headed Queen Latifah with a fat tongue.

Gary Gulman probably gets bad bitches with or without comedy

Gulman and you bet your sweet buppie he does.

Sorry, autocorrect.. And I wouldn't be mad if my Mom fucked Gary.. I'd understand.

Yeah, he is creepy but he says himself he would get no girls whatsoever if he wasn't a comedian. Also, looks arent all that important to women.

I'm not referring to him banging chicks.. I'm talking about how the other (male) comedians on shows with him always comment on how he's such a good looking guy.

Same with Dave Smith. He's good looking for Jew comedian, but, well that's it really.

Very true. Dave is another "7" that is a "10" by comparison.

7's a pretty good score dude. Above average, but slightly below super hot. I'd take that score any day.

I can't say I've ever heard anyone refer to him as being a really really ridiculously good looking guy, just that he knows how to get himself laid.

I've seen him live a bunch opening up for people and he was always funny. I don't see why any of you hate him. His joke about parents threatening their kids to fuck if they don't clean their room is funny.

I agree he's funny but there is something about his delivery that really bugs me.

His material is good but his voice just exudes pomposity

maybe its just you.

He's good

I've taking a liking to him after the Austin shows

Yeah I thought it felt a little rushed like he was nervous or something but he's got jokes

did kurt give him some cocaine before the set?



TI:Seinfield Same make, same model. New mission.

crushed it!



Mark Normand in studio absolutely KILLING it for us today.

Relative to the eunuchs that make up the typical Conan comedy set, that was edgy


20, huh? You wanna sip of this beer? Just come on over and take your shirt off. I'll give you a nice back rub while you drink it.

Are you Vos' old dealer or something?

Depends. How old are you?

Old enough, but my shorts are short if you know what I mean.

Oh I've definitely got a bottle of beer with your name on it...

You should kill him for his insolence.

Try Twitter. And good luck.