Alex Jones: Michelle Obama Is A Man, And Killed Joan Rivers (Proof Ant no fan of Tran)

0  2016-05-25 by bobomobile


That Secular Talk guy is the pinnacle of smug douchebag.

And yet he's right on 100% of things. Funny that.

He certainly is not.

Funny? No, I agree, he isn't funny. He's right 100% of the time on 100% of things, though. I'm sorry he's not a retard and Trump supporter or other sort of scumbag like you are, but it doesn't change reality or facts like that.

You're delusional, assuming bullshit about me when you have no idea what I think or believe in. The irony is that you show exactly what kind of people listen to that loser; way to prove my point. Anybody who has to call themselves "Secular Talk" is obviously not what they claim. He's a loser with sycophantic fans like yourself.

Who's the FAGGOT talking that isn't AJ. Go away FAIRY

I love listening to Alex Jones when I'm drunk in the early hours of the morning and need a good laugh

I never believed his conspiracy shit, but I cant believe at one point I thought he wasnt a total joke. He cant fill up all the time he needs to with his fake shit, so he throws his credibility into a woodchipper(wassat) and babbles on about shit like this.

Cod peice


AJ was on Cumia's show this week and said Ant was better alone without opie.

Most of Ant's supporters listened to Alex Jones while Ant was absent and Jones trashes the tranny culture. Stanhope vs AJ. on gay culture:"Ive tried some of it & it can be painful"