That time Jimmy was a whiny, needy psychopath trying to catch Nicolas Cage's attention on a flight

42  2016-05-24 by RamonFrunkis



~ Nicholas Cage

Hi, How are ya?

  • Nic Cage.

"Go ahead..." - Nick Coppola

The man somehow weaseled his way into the Coppola and Presley families and puts out some of the worst films of all time.

I want to go by Cage so I can earn my career on my own merits!

Still uses his connections.

I was brand new to the show at the time and found this hilarious, was around the same period where Jimmy did the celebrity ghost show as Edgar (another great moment) and opie infamously stating "Howard had given up" Add the epic meltdown of Fez going on everyday at noon, god damn sirus 103 was a pretty good channel as late as '13

Its been a long time since I had one of those moments where you couldn't get out of your truck to pump gas in case you missed something going on live on the radio. Both shows regularly had moments like that. Wont see them no more! Even Ronnie B has become a Ham'n'egger.

The St Pat's drinking show when Fez lost his shit on the intern because Dave was fucking with him. I missed one very important meeting. I thought Fez was going out in a straight jacket.

Meeting? They are called shifts at Panera

There's a clip where Jimmy turns Patrice around on Face Off, and the preamble to that is Jimmy saying that Nicholas Cage is the worst actor ever. It adds another dimension to his creepy bullshit that he hates this guy's work.

Exactly, he hates them before, during and after. It's only the second he sees them that his eyes water and light up because he sees another person he can tailride.

Face Off has one of the most ham-fisted plots of a successful movie ever

Do you know if that was before or after this clip? It makes him seem like a fucking worm either way, but for different reasons.

This was awesome.

his obsession with celebrity photos/signatures borders on autism.

hahaha this story is great. I love the part where he pulled up his special, hoping Nic would ask about it or something. The level of delusion is astounding.

this is worth listening to at least once a year.

I'm not Castor Troy!!!

Yeah, I love this story. I knew that it must have killed Jimmy that Nicolas Cage was in studio on a day that he wasn't there.

the worlds a giant high school lunch room for us ALL to an extent.....people want status & acceptance

but Jimmy, HOLY SHIT.......he SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO FUCKING BADLY yearns to be acknowledged by the 'cool kids'

just a 47 yr. old version of that SICKENING LOOKING dandruff-haired loser w/ those awful coke bottle lens glasses

.....or the guy in 'The Lordz'

.....or the guy in the Kangol hat

.....or that guy stalking celebrities

......or the guy constantly over-romanticizing the "Comic's Table" @ the cellar

Ugh the fact that we know all this about him, what does that say about us? We listened to this for too long..

Because most of us had shitty jobs and needed the auditory distraction.

One of the best stories ever told on the show. I probably listen to this once a month and it never gets old. here's a little follow up to this story. I suggested this to anthony over pal talk and Travis shat on me for it,Ended up being great. Fuck u dr gay

Jimmy acts like a fucking creep to get Nic's autograph here, but trashes him back in the Faceoff Patrice clip.

the Ali wallpaper is unbelievable. how creeped out was nick that this worm had that as his wallpaper