Opie desperately tries to get viral videos and it's so douchey, yet here's this lady amassing 150 million views over a few days. Over nothing, really.

0  2016-05-24 by Dannyprecise


Because this was an honest moment from a genuine person, Opie has proven incapable of being able to pull that off. His manufactured attempts to go viral usually at the expense of others are always going to fall flat on their tits.

I saw this on the morning shows yesterday & I have never been more baffled by a viral video in my fucking life.


Memes...memes have changed.

~ Punished Dat Boi

She is having the best time

I hope a gang of youfs also have "the best time" with her.

Sounds like Chewy looks like Jabba.

Stone Cold ET is better.

I'm against the death penalty and generally a pacifist, but anyone with a viral video or considered a YouTube star should immediately be executed.

Notice something. Who uploaded it? Exactly. NO ONE KNOWS!!!!!

You don't get famous from a viral video. They forget about it a day after they see it. He'll gain nothing from it. That's the weirdest part of his obsession.

The thing i don't get about this video is this mess had a audience beforehand. She's addressing people. Who the fuck was watching?

I was thinking the same thing - his Jib Jab (or whatever) videos are fucking an embarrassment & this was just a "cute" throwaway video that went viral. He tries oh-too-hard.


That's a pretty sweet mask, I want one now.

That's pretty frightening actually

I thought it would be a massive cake

You freaking Americans and your nonsense.

Give us a break. We need a good chuckle after a hard day's work of systematically destroying the infrastructure of nations who have things that we want.


Goddamn, how many fucking emojis you got?



Uh, daffodils. Daisies. Roses. Carnations.