Young Louis ck doesn't look very Mexican to me

4  2016-05-24 by KingOfAllTrolls


He never said he used to look Mexican

He tried to explain this at length to Patrice. That he is white and there are white people in Mexico. He never said he was brown. Patrice just couldn't drop the spick thing

Say a Chinese dude moved to Australia and started a family, if his son said "I'm Australian", that would be true even if he was still all asiany.

Heh, I used to work for a South African family who also were Chinese, they were super bored of explaining they weren't from China.

Upvote for "asiany"

Louis CK explains this to Patrice O'neal on O&A, sometime in like 2006 or 2007.

Louis CK's father's side of his family is still in Mexico, Louis is descended from the Spanish Conquistadors on his father's side. They came to Mexico and interbred with the locals, like you do, when you are trying to take over a massive landmass with a native population. They did most of if through military means and some of it through assimilating with the certain aspects of the local culture AKA getting that native pussy.

So when we think of Louis being a half-Mexican,half-Hungarian Jew, we think of his Mexican half coming from someone who is a dark skinned Mexican. There are white Mexicans, we just don't see the white Mexicans cause the white Mexicans in Mexico, the ones descended from Spaniards, are the ones running shit over there in Mexico, so they don't have a need to come to the US, like the poorer, dark-skinned Mexicans who come here seeking work.

Saul "Canelo" Alvarez, the WBC Light Middleweight Champion is an example of a white Mexican. He's got red hair, and looks like he could be an extra on Game of Thrones.

Just saying, there are different kinds of Mexicans. Sorry for the rant.

Yeah, there is a good deal of racism within Mexico. The white mexicans, as you said, run the show, so they arent the ones cutting your grass in the summer. Even on TV, most of the soaps, news anchors, etc in Mexico are white actors. The native descendants, and the Mestizos, are the ones who will sell you a bag of oranges near the highway exit ramp.

In other words, Louis CK comes from a history of being oppressors and invaders.

This is also because mexico city dominates the country economically and it's where the whites go.

Louis said that there's an insane amount of money there and it costs a ton to live there.

Yeah it's ironic that mexico city is basically another new york, and yet american's think of the mexican countryside when they think mexico because that is what northern mexico is.

In other words, Louis CK comes from a history of being oppressors and invaders.

You mean "winners"

Is there a white power/nationalist movement in Mexico? Or do they not need that since they already run everything and there's very little pushback from the little Indians?

Probabily. I mean, if Tila Tequila can be a white supremacist and Hitler Lover, then anything is possible.

They don't need to do any "white power" or white nationalist movements, because they're already in power even if they don't even try. The brown people want to be white so badly and can't do anything about it even if they complain. Any white person that goes to Mexico will be treated like prince and princesses in general. Especially if they're European and white.

You're guaranteed to never see a poor white person in Mexico. It's extremely rare.

That's what I figured. It's only Africa, where minority white people can be poor I guess. And they hated it so much, they came with apartheid.

Those white Mexicans can be pretty hot too.

Ah yes, Louis Szekely Schweiger, descendant of the proud Conquistadors...

It's tough to get a read on Louis' origin because he's an obvious liar who wants to sound more interesting than he is. As you brought up Canelo, so did Louis when talking about his ethnicity with Howard Stern. Or as Louis, very convincingly said, "Kaw-nel-ho Ull-vurr-ress". Louis was saying, "hey, I'm a white Mexican like Canelo is". But unlike Canelo, who is of Irish or German decent. Louis straight up half Hungarian-Jew who was born in Mexico, & half white American.

His grandfather was an adult Jewish man who immigrated to Mexico, married a white Mexican lady. Their child Luis Szekely Schweiger moved to America, met a white lady with the last name Davis from Michigan & had a family. From the age 2 to 7 Louis lived in Mexico, so according to him, even though he was born in Washington, DC & raised in Boston, he's Mexican. Somewhere along the way, the Conquistador or Conquistador's father dropped the name Schweiger. Can't get a real read on who did that.

What are you getting on with? His family still lives in mexico.

He's was pretty open and clear about it, with patrice.

Nope. He said his father's side of the family still lives in Mexico. He's talking about cousins, aunts & uncles. His father is an Orthodox Jew in Boston, his mother, a white lady from Michigan who raised him & his sisters after they divorced in the 70s still lives in Newton, Mass.

well it's not as if I meant his fucking kids, of course I meant his father side you stupid shit.

Saul "Canelo" Alvarez looks like and Irish traveller.

There also a massive divide between those from the city and those from the villages.

But he's full of beans, am I right gang?

Jokes don't have to be vicious or funny, they can just be lighthearted fun

If Louis is full of beans then Norton is full of jelly beans. OMG gag me with a spewn.


Can we get a shot with you Louis among his servants for reference, or were they never allowed in a picture?

There are white Mexicans.

Louis isn't one of them...

Yes he is. About 17% of the population of Mexico is non-mixes white.

I explain in a post that's somewhere in the thread. He's half Hungarian-Jew whose family immigrated to Mexico & half white American from Michigan. Born in DC, raised in Boston. Lived in Mexico as a young child for a few years. The Schweigers aren't Mexican, especially ethnically, even if they lived in Mexico.

What are you getting on with, his grandmother was and still is mexican.

And about half the population of mexico city.

Kikes aren't white. They're barely human.

White genes won the fight for dominance.

I don't think he even has any non white genes

There's something a little Spicky about him.

Looks Hungarian though, which is the other half of his heritage.


No it's not, his mum's mexican.

his grandmother is.

Ah that's it aye.


A white one. Yes i do. No, probably not.


Too many questions. Edit: Also, redundant statement. Do better next time!

He's half irish, half hungarianjew-mexican.

He looks like Olly from Game of Thrones. Fuck that kid.

Canelo Alvarez is possibly the best known ginger spik.

"Spik" i would be surprised if he even has like 3% Indian blood



I don't know if he was going for the "will grow up to force female comics watch him jerk off" look, but he certainly nailed it.

Why wasn't he arrested for Columbine?


Kinda looks like Joe List without glass's

Birth of a cuck

Louis said that there's an insane amount of money there and it costs a ton to live there.

What are you getting on with? His family still lives in mexico.

He's was pretty open and clear about it, with patrice.