Do any other radio or tv shows make every guest take pictures with them after interviews?

4  2016-05-24 by JoeCumiaSr

I've always found this very odd and teenage girl like. I'm not sure why everyone gives tits and worm a pass for this.


I hear Bill Tetley does it after every variety hour.


I don't know about radio or tv shows, but it's pretty common in the podcast world.

yeah, just about everyone that does something non-visual takes one so they have a visual...


Howard is not the one requesting that pic

It's fine if it's for publicity for the show. When Jimmy does it to hang in his living room it's bizarre. Especially when he admits he barely knows who most of the people are because his life revolves around Ozzy, Kiss, Pryor, Carlin and De Niro.

It's had to have hurt his career. Like, when a celebrity comes to the cellar & instead of making a connection he ask for a pic & scurries away.

I'll even say, it didn't sound that bad before cell phone cameras. But now that everyone asks anyone who has ever been on tv for a pic, it's time to let that hobby die. It's embarrassing in 2016.

"Great interview.. now can you sign all of this shit so it's worth something?"

Most do for promo reasons, not because they're little worms like Jim who use their celebrity picture collection as masturbatory fodder.

Marc Maron does

A known faggot, but at least he gets big guests worthy of pics.

Rogan does it

So far two other faggots do this.

I think the Howard crew does it but its more for taking private photos with guests, Opie and Jimmy do it almost as an advertisement or to show off who they had on. No matter who's on that day, we all know what Opie did while they were so it seems kinda pointless. Maybe it attracts new soccer moms who don't know the show.

It's rather normal especially for publicity. However I think some like Jim take it a bit far by having personal memorabilia signed.

Howard is not the one requesting that pic