Guess who's now ruining our favorite movies

0  2016-05-23 by Ant_Sucks


I'm just gonna assume the sloppy editing is part of the gag

Et tu Ant_Sucks?

you guys too think it was edited?

i had to watch the whole thing to see what would happen, nothing happened.


I'm starting to come to the realization this sub is dead and we were never funny.

It's always been solely dependent on the thin skin and bad decisions of certain pseudo-celebrities. But hey, whatever works.

It's not fun unless Sherrod responds or acknowledges us. We all know he's a finger licking retard.

But black people have been ruining our movies since the beginning.

Really need one where the crowd is yelling for his head to be lopped is truly the only solution to the Sherrod Problem in America.

I laughed , fuck em.

Me too, but there should have been a payoff for making it all the way through.

i liked it

Don't you tell me what my favorite movies are.

They call me the negro.

I got right into it, forgetting I was reading this sub, and Sherrod ruined everything

Maximus Niggerus Imbecileius