Louis CK is actually the most hateable person in the O&A Universe

0  2016-05-23 by unclepaul84

It's pretty hard to argue.


Tits is the most hateable person in the O&A Universe. It's impossible to argue.

At least Louis has said funny things in his life and doesn't constantly mumble and stutter like a retard.

I laugh at I think it was Mohr talking about how cringe it was of Louis talking about comparing comedy to boxing with Gervais agreeing with Louis.

Say what you will about Jay Mohr being a douche but he nailed Louis that day.

That's before he lost his mind and decided people shouldn't use the "R-Word" because his Aunt is disabled. Oh, and he is a joke thief and overall weirdo. That's what I'll say about Jay Mohr

What's the "R-word" retard?

Are you trying to get this Sub quarantined? We don't use problem words like that.

but he IS metal, you know?

You left out his wife writes his comedy.

It was good but it was somewhat diluted by the fact that you know Jay was just butthurt and felt left out.

That's not to say he wasn't right though.

BroJoe, Opie, Fat from Brooklyn, Vic Henley, Sherrod, and Brother Wease are all infinitely more hateable than Louis. Nice try with the hate, though.

No its not

I was watching Louie today. It was the pretentious later seasons that everyone hates, but I enjoyed it. "Into the Woods", where Louie as a kid starts smoking pot. It was really good.

Horace and Pete though, fucking awful.



Be less bad.

you might dislike him now. but back in the early days when he wasn't A STAH! he was pretty funny.


You're retarded.

fuck you bitch

All the libtards are the ones that still like him

Watch out for this one, guys! He's sharp as a tack. Called the fella a libtard. No coming back from that.