Speculate. One of the the new O&J podcasts features Ant

0  2016-05-23 by Dennyislife

Perhaps ant has stopped being pissy eyed about old clips bring played?


Wow they still put out a podcast? What for like 11 people?

I heard that this weeks one was a Patrice best of and had trouble finding it, it was an awesome podcast when they were putting out classic show segments but I couldn't listen to o&j best ofs

Hopefully this is going to mean they'll st art doing the podcast the same way they did when it first came out, it's actually what got me into them and how I first found them

Whole situation showed how narcissistic, short sighted, and retarded Ant is. Was literally getting a free, consistent stream of advertising with the only demographic that gives a fuck about him and he complained because he somehow thought the guy with the paid contract was benefitting more than he was. His subscriber count would be so much higher if old O&A fans were constantly being reminded of him through best ofs.

he prolly had to make amends during rehab and gave the ol opster a call.


I dont caaaaaaaaaaaare

Was Ant being pissy eyed abut it. I assumed it was titty milks.

Like anyone at Sirius gave a shit about what Ant thinks. They didn't include Ant's material either because Opie didn't want it or because they were trying to distance the channel from its past.

Nope ant complained on his show about them playing best ofs etc so Opie stopped doing it. Another great career move

Yes, and I really doubt that was the sole reason- or even the primary reason they stopped playing them.

They stopped doing them the day after he complained on TACS. Opie even said on the show he didn't know Ant felt that way so he pulled old O&A from the replays.

It played out on air. Ant got pissy eyed and lost free advertising for himself.